Powdery mildew question

Hey guys I’ve never had an issue with powdery mildew my whole time growing,but the last 2 grows it has really taken a toll I tried to clean everything,replace hoses filters and have a hepa filter,I am wondering why I’m only getting it in certain rooms,I was gonna get an ozone generator/machine for cleaning room after this grow,I also noticed this problem happend after a water leak to downstairs bathroom,can possible mold cause PM? I have no idea just asking,I’ve tried everything,just got some potassium bicarbonate to try,my humidity is no where near above 45 normally in flower now 80 to 85 and 25-45 humidity,I just don’t get it


Sometimes you just get burned. I can’t help but get it late September early


everything you will ever need to know.

if your indoors, your bringing it in.


The leak probably added Extra humidity and was the perfect storm for Making pm appear from a spore probably a hitchhiker .Sulpher in Veg as an IPM and keep DrZymes for when in flower it can be sprayed up until day of harvest and used as a PM IPM.

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The shit is easy to wipe out, but you have to make sure to treat all the cannabis plants at the same time.


Mr Crowe method made pm laughable


Sulpher will Skull Fuck that PM to oblivion and kill it and burn it and send it to hell :skull_and_crossbones: Mr Crowe is Correctamundo


https://www.amazon.com/Bonide-Fungicide-Micronized-Gardening-Controls/dp/B000HA95W2/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=3Y9P0YR6U3B5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DFYFC29i3cO7_HkAdp21cxKCQj-quVmSZg1Z5Eb37WW5Mycs-JoJvUi-5f_C60SXVv6ftm9Q5PNhOWBlSPmBvr0Zra6Ubo5hl5i6bOilJwaPhzepxvB3HEG3WwNHDRnAobJsAi8NVPxUx_y8Zj6jdN4rVezjEe1qGNzg5evl5kTDAUxWZKLLlMqTYvWWzO3NX7IMR74kCVy_B28BUZiKYQ.0PyzmbU3ZiQpl9vRisybACAIkLso2WI_yi4Za2psHYQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=micronized+sulfur&qid=1710209716&sprefix=.icromized+sulfur%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-4 I got this stuff but I didn’t use the ratio use stated more like a teaspoon per gallon,it got rid of my outdoor aphids last year,I’m in flower now what would you guys recommend?,I do have potassium bicarbonate and also hydrogen peroxide,also the same powdery mildew actually got on other houseplants so I don’t just think this is just cannabis pm


Cannabis mildew is highly specific as in I very much doubt it’s on your house plants. I mean, I don’t think it’s the same species of mildew. I would cut down all plants in bloom and then treat all clones. Once the 2 weeks is up and the clones have all been sterilized, you can start bloom. The mildew has already contaminated your weed.


so if there’s pm on all the plants inside op’s house and cannabis pm is a different species of mold, what is it on the other plants and can it be the same mold? if it is the same and op doesn’t get rid of that mold at the same time as the cannabis pm then it will come back pretty quickly.

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You can easily see the difference at a microscopic level. Also, might as well wipe out that colony too. Probably costs 15 cents per treatment.


Was gonna tag you @JoeCrowe but I see you found your way already…. Onward

Have you tried the good old peroxide, dawn dish soap, water combo? I’ve also used neem in veg, more of a pre measure with both.

Sulfur is all you need in veg. Stick to what’s proven to work.


neem, peroxide, and dish soap will all fail.


I get it indoors whenever the area gets to cold at night. If I keep the heat up, its not “usually” such an issue…

I’ve also noticed it sometimes coming from the stem. So I try to keep water/food off the base of the stalks to avoid getting white buildup on the stem bases. If it shows up on a stem, I put hand sanitizer on my fingers and wet the area of the stem/stalk. I only usually need to do that once or twice and haven’t had any issues doing it.

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Ok so I have micronized sulfur is it normal afterwards it leaves a powdery residue on my leaves,that normal, how many tb per gallon?

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1 tablespoon per liter or half of that is effective. So per gallon you could go with 2-4 tablespoons. It’ll leave a white residue that won’t come off.

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I did your method;cleaned everything in room with bleach and then micronized sulfur also after,I did 2 applications on plants it left a residue,and now I’m in week 3 and it’s starting to pop up, going into week 4 of flower avg temp 81-85 degrees 30-47% humidity good circulation,is there anything I can try using in flower?


I have an AirROS from Sage Industries, puts out Reactive Oxygen Species that kills mold and mildew.

I had PM for 3 grows and finally got rid of it by killing all my clones and the AirROS. Expensive though.


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