Praying plant?

im sold on this meaning its protecting itself from low humidity and high temps.

context is definitely key.

I think there is a misconception of praying leaves. Cannabis has the ability to maneuver its leaves. Not all plants can, but with that being said, any movement requires energy. If the plant in question looks healthy and exerts the energy to focus its leaves in a manner to maximize capturing light, then its a good thing and should be welcomed. On the flip side of that coin, if the plant has been looking iffy, I’d definitely start thinking about other avenues.


Best to get a meter and measure the light. Lux meters are like 30 bucks on Amazon. Measuring > guessing always. Plants look happy to me.

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That’s actually the opposite. Your plant, if it were attempting to protect itself from low humidity, would move its leaves downward. (similar to a overwatered plant) Not expose them to airflow to maximize its transpiration rate.
The plant only releases water via its stomata, of which are located on the underside of the leaf.

But looking at that seedling, I’d say that’s a happy and healthy plant, attempting to optimize its odds.


I don’t think a lot of growers understand that plants are like balloons filled with water. When they’re sucking up the max water they can and transpiring it out at max, they pray.

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Spot on!! There’s alot of bro-science in the cannabis realm, but learning to read your plants is the first step in actually understanding the technical aspects of botany.

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