Praying plant?

Any idea what’s going on here? Leaves are curling so much up there about to swallow the bud


It’s called phototropism and your is a good sign. Don’t forget to feed rightly the vigor and everything will be alright.


Is it only on the tallest tops?. Looks like to much light.


I have always considered praying to be a good behavior. Your plants look fine to me, leaves showing some lightening but the buds look good and the praying makes me think they’re overall happy.


Praying for water maybe?

What are you doing !?!..… keep doing it … they are luving it :joy: signs of a happy plant


I’m with @Slammedsonoma420 , too much light ( raise light or dim or lst )

Praying is the plant protecting itself , a sign to correct things


Happens to me when the plant was too young and I put my leds too bright too close


Praying sounds good to us stonners but it’s really not : )


Make that three votes for too much light. The leaves are turned upwards because it reduces the surface area being exposed to light. As @ifish said, it’s a protective mechanism. If it’s a single-strain grow, reducing the light levels should be a nice simple solution. If you’ve got multiple strains at different stages of growth and different preferences for light levels, that’s more complicated; just leave it and kick up the food for that one a bit, imo.


i`m in on to much light too. :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Could be a combo of praying and fan blowing them even further up.

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Actually,One hour ago I had One plant touching the led and yes,She was praying from too much hot/light,also got some burns.

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I’m going to go with the consensus and go with light.They make these Led lights so bright these days and our knuckle head asses like to cram 5 foot wide lights in 6 foot rooms.I can’t even run my light on full in flower it’s just too bright.I get by running them at 30% for veg and 60 percent for flower works no issues and they don’t do that pissy yellow thing.If I bring a new plant in I shade it under the bigger plants to break them into the light they get pissed off if you just put them in there.I’m imagining that the life of the light went up not running at full bore that’s a bonus.Even the baby Sonlipo I have is too bright I have to run that one at around 40 percent or the plants point right to the moon and go yellow.I put them down and dim the light and bam back on track in a week.You will know the light thing over a nutrient thing the nutrient thing the leaves stay yellow the light thing they will green up a touch


I’d also say back off the light a bit.
I like to see the leaves about level.
Not down or up, the middle way.
Like an eagle cruising at high altitude.

When flowering outdoors, they start getting less light, so makes sense to follow that.
It seems to me that peak light intensity should be just before flipping to flower,
that’s how mine seem to like it and I grow diverse cultivars at once.
In the overall life of the plant, it makes sense to have a light intensity curve like an upside down smiley. :upside_down_face:

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Purple veins within the fan blades???
Purple bottom half of the petole???
Yellowing from blade tip inwards???

Only 3 things come to mind…
*Stress (most likely from light intensity)
*Magnesium deficiency ( due to excelorated photosynthesis from high light levels)

That plant looks to be an indica dominant strain. They love higher light levels due to they’re geographic origins. Not all are equal but I can bombard my indicas with higher light than my sativas will handle. I’d explore the possibility of a deficiency in Magnesium. I’ve had plants pray hard like that and they were praying for Magnesium.
Just my 2cents

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Lowered light will see. If not I’ll ad cal mag

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So this is why I’m used to “praying” being a good sign. This is early in the morning, watered late last afternoon, currently about 66°F. Since they haven’t been getting sun all night and the sun intensity right now is low, I don’t think the praying response is just a protective response to intense light.


Might not be a good thing, sometimes they pray when they need oxygen in the root zone or if soil is compacted. Just from my experience could be just happy, after I feed the right amount the turgor pressure rises and makes them dance and when they make a lot of sugars it will happen too.
Ps. They are good nice job.

My praying leaves turned out to be just fine! Buds are looking great

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