"Pressure" Sativa from Central Uganda

Hey, it’s Mike from East Africa Genes.

Let me share a few pics and background of a unique landrace sativa that’s nicknamed “Pressure” due to its high potency.

The strain is grown around Entebbe, located a few kilometers from Lake Victoria. It’s cultivated by a tribe of lakeside Bantus known as the Baganda. The Baganda people are famous for their plantains and rich agricultural background.

Ugandan Pressure produces a mixture of citrus and dominant tea masala aromas. A bong hit will instantly uplift your mood and you’ll feel a rush of energy from head to toe. This sativa produces a smooth thick smoke. As far as potency. it ranks on the same level as the Ethiopian Shashamane or Kilimanjaro sativa

You can order a pack of Uganda Pressure today by visiting East Africa Genes


Awesome thanks for sharing man! I keep seeing people post that site for landraces they must have quite a few!

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I think your prices are more reasonable than most. I wasn’t able to find Ugandan Pressure on the site though.

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You can order through the email on the website


Thanks for pointing out the missing info. I’ve made a quick update on the prices for better communication


@Kidete do you ship to the USA? Might be interested in some seeds down the line ive been looking for some landraces to try

Dam dude why you have to post this when I’m out of income… This is right up my alley :bowling:
“Untouched” by western strains Sativa are in my experiences worth the 16 weeks.

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Really interested in the congo strain. And the pressure strain, will be making another order soon


Yes I offer shipping to the USA


I worked on an archaeological research project surveying the lake environments of Uganda over the course of many years many moons ago. More than a century ago the Bagandan/Bugandan people were ruled over by the Kabaka. The Kabaka had an army of fierce warriors. It was only these warriors, permitted by the Kabaka, who were allowed to ingest cannabis. I will see if I can find this reference. A situation possibly akin to the Viking berserkers who were thought by many to ingest the urine of reindeer who had feasted on hallucinogenic funghi
At the turn of the this century lake Victoria/Nyanza was heavily fished and still is, commonly by moonlight. The fishermen nowadays use the herb to enhance their senses whilst fishing.