Problem with seedling

So this is Zkittles OG auto flower from Barney’s farm. It’s in coast of Maine seed starter mix. It’s been about a week and it hasn’t progressed. It’s looked just like this. What’s wrong with it? I’ve been watering it with 6.0 pH springwater. It’s outdoor. All my other plants are doing great. Is this just a genetic thing or is something wrong and if so, how can I fix it?


It looks fine to me


Yeah, I don’t really see a problem.
Though it does appear that you’re giving it A LOT of water…

It looks like it’s just taking time getting rooted. That’s a decent sized pot for a seedling and there’s plenty going on under that soil you just can’t see. Once the roots establish a little more it should take off for you.


I keep stunting out my seedlings. Think its overwatering. Starting to feel pretty duuumb.


Looks like a bird. :bird:You sure that’s cannabis.

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That seedling looks totally fine. And at that tiny stage, most of what it’s doing is pure stored energy. It won’t be affected by ph or nute issues for several weeks


a week above ground is bit to early to say and looks about normal for growth, saying that your centre is quite yellow, which one can be seed related where essentially they dead head themselves and or there is an imbalance soil wise or at least uptake which can be say watering or whatever, but i would just leave it for now and see how things go.


I literally only give a few squirts from a spray bottle at this stage. Depending on if there’s a clear cup over it or not, I might only do that every couple of days. Though I will spray the inside of it’s dome.

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I agree that the common sense speaks about waiting, see what happens and giving it time to establish and recover, the problem with autos is that you don’t have that time and the senescence clock is ticking 11, that’s why I don’t grow them, no failing allowed … :roll_eyes:


@FirstCavApache64 hit it right on the head. Autos sometimes take a bit to get going. Once the tap root hits the bottom tho, she will take off.


The plant is about two weeks old. Once those tiny yellow leaves started to show in the center. They stopped. About a week ago. And I barely water it. that whole pot is bone dry.

I’ve never grown autos before so I was thinking something might be different.

I’ve been growing for years and autos are definitely different. The other ones I have, just took off. My photos, just took off. This one paused.

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Well there you have it… water it thoroughly, make 4 little holes in the soil around the seedling and pour water in there so it evenly goes down into the soil and doesn’t just slide down the sides to come out the bottom without really penetrating the soil.

You can sow some companion crops (field vetch, basil, calendula, date palm, whatever :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ) too to distract any possible insects away from your cannabis and once it’s really vegging with several nodes you can topdress with some grass, kitchenscraps, treeleaves, dandelion leaves, nettle,…
that all adds minerals and nitrogen, helps regulate the moisture,
and makes the whole ecosystem more robust and resilient. :+1:

If the wind is an issue you can place some big flat pebbles on top of the mulch to prevent it from blowing away.


Don’t use spring water for seedlings it has flavor enhanced minerals in it. Same thing happened to me now I only use RO water for seedlings.
Be careful with auto’s and nutrient lock out so early

Also probably the right time to give it the lightest dose of ferts :+1: