Bronchial Spasms

Anybody here have any experience with strains to help with bronchial spasms? As long as it’s not a real expanding strain, smoking “seems” to help?
Sold to a bad asthmatic for years. He swore by heavy indicas to relax the tubes.
Any thoughts?


Asthma? It sounds like the THC is what helps. So you just need really strong weed.

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An oil based infusion would probably be a better solution to smoking as that, most likely, exacerbate the spasms.


I’m not asthmatic, but have similar symptoms. I get this residual bronchitis shit whenever I get a cold. Lungs took a beating from work, etc.

Strong weed I got.

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Can’t afford anything infused. I have a Storz and Bickel Volcano and Mighty here. I should try using them exclusively and see.

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Try drinking or even smoking some mullein tea, I find it can be quite soothing.


Nice! Hippie meds as my daughters say. Last resort MD/rx stuff.


Thai, malawi, blueberry, ssh all helped me.
I used to have to use a nebulizer any time i got the flu.
After i started smoking, ive not needed an inhaler and my doctor measured that my lung capacity increased by more than a liter.

Good stuff buddy. Thank you. Got 3 rude Dogs going now, 2 I’ve been told are Thai leaners. Love old school Thai!

i had a buddy that had asthma he smoked with me along time ago, took one hit coughed his asthma out after that one hit 20 years ago he never used his inhaler ever again he played high school football and all that. true story. so i believe it does work for some


Edibles and Teas. Cannabis is a natural expectorant but smoking is not.


I have this runtz cross that zings the nose when. I smoke it.
It makes me cough pretty bad instantly. However after the high peaks, I noticed how it clears my sinuses and upper respiratory.
I don’t often say that about smoking. I was just talking about how people could benefit from how it clears the sinuses. It was surprising to me that you asked for such a thing.


Try eating / drinking a little local raw honey and lemon a couple times every day.

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Got it. Thank you. I planned on decarbing some strong weed for tea tomorrow. Got the raw honey.

I eat my decarbed cannabis straight.
Been experimenting for the last 5 years with different decarb times and found a way to get a nice functional balance and massively improve sleep, by dividing my harvest in two equal batches, but one decarbed at 1 hr 11 mins and the other 2 hrs 22 mins at 100 C / 212 F.
Eat 1/3rd of a teaspoon of each batch before breakfast.

I guess they’re called master numbers for a reason!
It works beautifully for me, with every cultivar I grow, may be for you too.
Comfortable relaxed focus while awake, and easy sleep when going to bed.

Also try adding sage to your food, or make tea with it, it’s an expectorant so helps clear all respiratory systems and helps decongest the body through expelling mucus.
Use in moderation! Half a teaspoon per day. It’s strong stuff.
It may seem like you’re getting a cold, but it’s just your body cleaning house!
I like to add it to my rice in the evening, it’s a relaxing herb, let it do its thing while I’m asleep and when I wake up I have to blow my nose a couple of times and that’s it!

Sage contains flavonoids – plant compounds that have medicinal properties. Some of these compounds appear to improve brain health and guard against diseases like Alzheimer’s. In one study of mice, sage extract improved memory. In other animal studies, sage helped against depression and anxiety.

It’s a also a natural disinfectant, in the olden days they marinated their meat with it to make it last longer, also it helps digestion. It’s really an amazing herb! A super food imo.
The more they research it, the more the benefits are stacking up.


What’s the logic behind the long decarb times? What temp you using? I’ve been decarbing off the standard published charts for 10 years for edibles with great success. Never came across anything different.

Ah, thanks for asking about the temperature, edited my post to include it.
I always decarb “sous vide” at 100 degr. Celsius, that’s 212 Fahrenheit.

Due to the lower temperature the decarbing takes longer.

And that method also gets you a more diverse mix of cannabinoids (THCa, THC and CBN in different proportions), which is what makes it feel more balanced.

Diversity is important in every part of life.

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A little lung update. What’s helped. Strong thc tea. Ind. dom hybrids. Been putting a tsp of cannabutter in a couple cups of water. Then steep 2gs of decarb bud. Not sure what parts helping, but getting some relief. Lots of edibles, easy on smoking or vaping.
Still hit the ER for a steroid inhaler. Hate those, but some help. Strong cough syrup. Taking all the tools to not get worse! Coughed so hard I pulled an old hernia mesh repair. Now that hurts.
Lost my shit in the ER too. MD says don’t get mad at me. “I’m too sick to be mad pal. But I do find you useless.” Put me in an iso room so nobody heard me.
But the tea is huge. Funny an old head like me never thought of it.

Interesting. How do you make the tea? Just put some decarbed bud in the tea strainer and wait? I’d be very interested in this, as I do have asthma and this last round of being sick I think has cured me of smoking. Sad, but I like breathing more. LOL. And cookies.


I found this on Reddit, pretty interesting:

Traditional Indian THC infused Cannabis Tea ‘Bhang’

Hi guys and girls just want to share my THC infused tea recipe for all who are interested I am not Indian but after a lot of research on the web I found this traditional cannabis infused tea recipe, it’s really easy, makes your bud last a while and gets you well baked for 2-3 hours per cup.


1-2 grams of cannabis 2 TBS Butter 4-6 cups of water 2 teabags of your favourite herbal tea


  1. Grind or finely chop your cannabis to a medium consistency, this is important as if it’s too fine it will go through your strainer, you want to save your flower caus if you Chuck it in the microwave for 4 or 5 mins you can reuse it, it’s a thicker smoke but still gets you well baked so you get your bang for your buck.
  2. Boil 4-6 cups of water, then add 2 TBS of butter, stir until dissolved.
  3. Now add your cannabis 1-2 grams the boiling water, and turn your stove to a medium simmer for 40mins. This is vital as it decarbs the weed activating the medicinal effects. Continue to stir every 10 mins. At the 20min mark add another 3 cups of water to top off your water.
  4. Next grab a bowl and a strainer. Strain the weed brew into the bowl collecting the cannabis in the strainer. Refer to earlier if wish you wish to use the weed again.
  5. Now just add 2 teabags of your favourite herbal tea and let simmer for 5-10 mins. Give it a good stir and pat yourself on your back you made your first brew of your THC infused Bhang tea! Drink a cup every couple of hours for best results :herb::+1:

Also, this on YouTube:

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