Show me your 4x4 set up

Trying to start planning and pricing out a setup for a 4x4 tent so I can have a flower tent and veg tent, let’s see your setups!
Im a new grower but have been gardening for a number of years and have always loved growing plants, so of course I quickly became obsessed with growing my own herb once I realized it really wasn’t as daunting of a task as it can seem to be. So I got a 4x2 tent and 2 150w mars hydro ts1000s, a variable speed ac infinity fan, a $40ish levoit humidifier that works with WiFi so I can adjust it and check in on humidity % from anywhere, and a couple clip fans.
Already had a dehumidifier in the basement lung room and it should definitely be big enough to keep up with 2 tents,
The one bummer is my setup is in a basement with ceilings just under 6 foot so my tent space maxes out at like 58 inch height pretty much limiting me to a 5 foot tall tent.
Seems like about a 600w light is the go to for a 4x4?
Just want to see any other set ups and hear about what you spent on just basic tent set up (tent, lights, exhaust fan, any other basics I’m forgetting)
Here’s my current setup, less than a week from harvest!


You can get the job done with two 200+ watt lights. But I’m currently running about 900 watts.


With how efficient LEDs are these days 400w is more than enough for a 4x4. I’m running a Lumii black 720w and set at 400w its doing the job fine.

I just wish I’d put more than 4 plants in the tent.


Man those are some fat colas! Looking good!
And 4 in a 4x4 seems like a pretty good number to me unless you’re going to flip fairly early


It’s not gonna be a great yield. If I’d put 9 plants in the same area they would have filled the 4x4 perfectly. I’m able to run the leds at 720w if I choose to but 400w in my 4x4 seems to be the sweet spot. If I push it to 600w the plants don’t like it. There is a point when too much light has a negative effect on plants.


@Growgrassblowglass I’m in the same spot as you brother. I grow in a basement and my height is limited to 63.5-64 inches. The only style tents to maximize your height would be the house roof style ones. I’ll show you my setup with my limited height. I only have 1 tent at 80 inches on the side of the basement that floods and I had to do a drainage tile to get it off the ground in case the basement collects water. I run a 4x8 and 5x5 flower tent sorta automated with 25 gal autopot reservoirs between the 2 tents, 4x4 drying tent, 5x5ft 80 inch tall on the left side of the basement for the mother tent and I just recently upgraded the quarantine tent from a 2x2x3 to a 32x32x63. Let me know the exact height your working with and I’ll see what I can do to help.


I used to run up to 9 big ass plants in a 4x4… till i got mites. Now 4 is where it’s at. These plants are all way too large, trying to get everything flowered so i can get on a quicker schedule. I might put six if i only veg for 2 weeks or use autoflowering varieties. Lights are Viparspectra and i love them.


Wow that’s cool seeing someone else run blackdog I’ve been running there 1 gen 400 sense there first released with great results just now having the leds burning out lost 4 rows within 2 weeks and having to send it in to them for repairs but I have an ac infinity evo8 taking its place thinking the more even lighting and being able to get closer to the plants will benefit me. I run a few 4x4/ 5x5 tents and I have them all linked togeather . I like not waiting long in between crops and having the ability to run any kind of cycle in any tent at any time.


LOL. How do you know I have ADHD with enough OCD to keep it in check?..
… well let me tell you it’s easy by checking out my 4x4 :rofl: .

Main Fixture: Mars Hydro FC6500
Side LEDS: Undercanopy when needed, 3x 3000K 40" bars.

Supplemental Lights: 2x FarRED Led pucks (for flowering, set to turn on for 15min right at lights off), & 1x UVB Led Puck (trich booster, turns on for 3 hours in the middle of the 12 hour lights on).

These pucks are tucked into the bar fixture and once Mars Hydro get their shit together and have separate on/off switches for their UV/Far Red bars I’ll upgrade to those :grin:

The 2x2’s along the walls used as reinforcement for the walls negative pressure and as mounting points.

Tent Floor: Insulating foam under the tents collection tray with 2x large size seedling heat mats above the collection tray in place to ensure warm roots. (I have a very cold basement in the winter).

My controller board is very Clark Griswold. :rofl:

Interior Air Movement: 2x Tower fans & 1x cyclone fan at the roof aimed down.

Primary Exhaust: Single roof 6" vent pulled by an AC Infinity Cloudline T6 (inline #1) which is automated via it’s controller.

Secondary Exhaust: Both top side-wall 6" venting ports are connected together via a “Y” duct fitting which is being pulled by an AC Infinity Cloudline T6 (inline #2) which is automated via the same controller as inline #1.

This is an older image when I still had the duct-booster in place before I got another Cloudline T6 when i when on sale. The silver booster is now in a different tent altogether :rofl: .

**All my exhaust vents directly outdoors with baffles in play to keep the cold & animals from getting back inside. :+1:


Forced Air-In:. As mentioned i have a cold basement, so I made a “heated air lung box” out of plywood scrap which feeds hot air from a small oil heater forced into 2x tents via a “Y” duct fitting with an AC Infinity Raxial duct-booster.



All the best of success with your set-up @Growgrassblowglass !



This is slick!! I’ve been looking for a way to send a little hot air down from above without using a round oscillating fan.

Awesome setups everyone. Overgrows little arts and crafts section :joy:.


I run the Mars Hydro fc-4800 in the 4x4 tent. I feel that is about the perfect size both in wattage (480 watts) and the overall footprint fits the 4x4 tent just right.
For air circulation I have a tower fan in the corner aimed at the walls. This gives enough air movement to make the leaves wiggle a bit but not real hard. Plus a 6 inch fan in the upper corner blowing on the led driver. A 4" AC infinity exhaust setup to remove hot air and humidity. Seems to work well for me. But I’m not an expert. Hehe.


I like how you used those wood strips to keep the tent from sucking in with the exhaust fan. I’m gonna do mine that way.


@BigMike55 to make your life easier here’s a tip I wish I thought of the first time I did this.

I measured the lengths from 8’ft sections and drilled a hole the same diameter as my tent’s poles at the “cut point”. A simple cut later I have 2x perfect semicircles which would mount!

I didn’t add anything to prevent slip but I will next rebuilt. Looking into anti slip coatings on the cheap.


You guys showed me yours so by law I have to show you mine :+1:

A new 4x4 setup in the works:

A 3x3 tray & drain to waste in coco.

The light / exhaust / circulation is a standard config with 6” ac infinity equipment . Using a 300w light as a placeholder for the time being. 650w of juice is on the way!

“Control and delivery” center 🫣


Here’s both my 4x4 and 2x2. I finally got the CFM bar kit for my 4x4 and it makes a HUGE difference if you’re experiencing a lot of negative pressure like me. The 4x4 has two pole-clip fans non oscillating, and two oscillating floor fans. The 2x2 has one, sometimes two pole-clip non oscillating fans.