Ac unit for grow tent?

As it gets hotter out my plants grow tent is getting up to 100 already and I’ve managed to keep it down to 90 by opening garage a little bit , what kind of ac unit do all of the ogers use for summer? Cheaper preferred


We all use the ACME CoolBuds 9972. lol…jk. It’s not like all OG’ers use the same one.

You might want to describe your setup a bit more, but it sounds like you have your tent in the garage, right? Are you looking to cool the ambient air outside of the tent and just keep exchanging air from inside the tent with the surrounding air? If so, and if you have a window in your garage, you can use a window unit (probably the cheapest) or a portable unit. If your tent is big enough with room to spare, you can even put the portable unit inside the tent, so long as you can reach the exhaust hose from the AC unit to the window.

If you want the least expensive, you’ll probably find the lowest prices for used AC units on Craislist or FB Marketplace (if you’re in the States). You can get a decent new window unit for under $200 at Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, Amazon, etc.

Keep in mind, if you’re exchanging air from inside your tent, you may have to deal with the odor. If you’re a legal grower, it’s less of a concern, but you still may not want everyone who gets near your home to smell your dank buds and know you grow.


Proceeds to look up, ACME CoolBuds 9972…

Well shit.


Cool the room not the tent.

You want one of those dual duct portable units


Bring the tent into a room with a window and a window ac. Garages get hot af so you’d probably need something pretty big to cool it.

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I was gifted a Koldfront Portable AC unit. Over kill but has made my 100 F temp perfect =)

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You could always use another tent as a lung room, and pull air from it for your grow tent. That should be quite a bit cheaper than cooling the whole garage for sure.


I just used wall duct fittings, and made a plenum, so the 18,000 BUT in room AC can be outside the tent, and not take up valuable grow/flower space in the tent. I did have to box out a basement window, leave it open, so I fasten the AC exhaust tubes into the side of it. Looked cavemanish, worked perfect for a few years.
Once I found great quality LED’s, that run at much lower temps, I got rid of the AC and it’s all consuming hunger for current!!!
The LED’s were paid for in the first year, by killing the AC.

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I have a garage with a 4x8 tent and an hlg 650 r , I have 4 clip fans and 1 big fan , 6 inch inline fan blowing old air into attic and a 4 inch inline fan blowing into the tent causing negative air pressure , or if I put the big fan blowing into the tent as well its positive pressure

This is genius! Thanks for the info!!


Hey explain that a little more I’m open to it … my high as must not have read this

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Buy an extra tent, setup a potable ac unit in there, run ducting from that tent to your flower tent into an intake fan hooked up to an Inkbird or AC Infinity or something that can be set to come on when needed by temps, and bring that cold air in to cool down your tent. Garages can be really hot during the summer and a portable or window AC might just not cut it. See how using a tent as a lung room does with temp swings.


Yeah, what he said :point_up_2::point_up_2:

If you loop you exhaust back around to it, and create a closed system, you’re setting yourself up for CO2 also. :wink:

@Syn anytime buddy :grin:


That’s genius. I am lucky enough to have clamed a bedroom so it’s a window AC hooked to an Inkbird. Central air cannot cool that room with the tents in it. Sensor in tent so it cools the room which the tent draws from and shuts of AC when tent at right temp. But the 2 tent idea as a lung room is totally brilliant.


I’m in the same boat as you, growing in my shed. I was thinking about connecting a small portable AC to the intake duct, but those small portable ones are cooled by water so I don’t know if that will mess up with the humidity. I’m building something right now to try. It’s an old cooler, drilled holes and ran tubing through it, sealed it off, and added a duct mount thing to it. Going to fill cooler with ice, so air being pulled in through those tubes circulate through the ice/ice water, hopefully dropping the air temperature down as it gets pulled into the grow space. I seriously doubt it will work but I had the stuff laying around and who knows. Might do the trick.


If it’s cooled by water it’s a swamp cooler, not an ac. They will make the humidity higher and could cause issues.

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So did you have to cut and extend the inkbird sensor wire?


No, the sensor wire is 6 feet long.


Oh. Sounds like it’s in an adjacent room. So I was surprised that the cable could reach, going through the wall of next room, into tent room, then into tent.
