Proposed US tax on small business internet sales

I got a mailing from eBay telling me about a tax on small business internet sales being worked on by the US gov’t.

There is a button on the page to sign a petition to stop it. Remember when they tried to charge people a nickel per each email received back during the '90s? This smell just as bad! :poop::confounded::frowning:

heheh. that’s why cryptocurrency is so threatening to them. can you imagine the f’ed up situation you refer to about the email? holy shit. utterly un-doable. m’f’ers can barely organize shiieeeiiit. if they lost money control, all they have is those dudes with the tanks & planes & now, drones.

shit i need to eat.


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When Bitcoin 1st started I thought it’d be great if everyone of the 99% would switch to that and leave all the f’ing rich f’ers out in the cold with their green paper. Admittedly it was a fantasy. Trying to get 99% of the population all on the same page is impossible. Look at how the 2016 U.S. general election turned out. :poop:

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woah woah woah i thought Trump was a small business owners dreams come true? :joy: (dems and repubs 2 sides of the same coin)


You guys love to give Trump credit for everything.

Here’s a quote from the article linked above.

The U.S. Supreme Court will make a decision in the coming weeks that could give states the right to tax every small business on the Internet.

Do you think Trump or the federal government brought this matter before the supreme court on the states behalf?

Sorry kids this is your local state politicians pushing for more taxes.


i know i read that part, but the point is you get fucked no matter what. whether its the state, the feds, the repubs, or the dems, it makes no difference. death and taxes.


This country got started when some angry citizens got really tired of getting “taken advantage of”, didn’t it?

PS Sorry, (This country = USA & others too)


i’ll always resent canada for not rising up against the brits.

there’s also a one-time tax for US citizens with foreign companies which is hitting dual citizens really hard. lots of people with six digit tax bills and some even in the millions, basically wiping out these small business owners life savings

a one-time retroactive tax being levied on all of their companies’ retained earnings going back to 1986.

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The wealthy have to come to reap the harvest and reset things.

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i don’t understand why an additional tax on internet businesses is necessary, aren’t they already required to report and pay taxes on their income? i don’t see the reasoning, i’m sure they have a way of spinning it to be necessary, maybe these businesses aren’t collecting or paying state sales tax or something? idk even if the supreme court allows it we’ll have to wait to see what kinda schemes the states will cook up

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Because the ultra wealthy were just handed trillions of dollars of US taxpayer money, that’s why.


Yup. 1 party pretending to be two, pitting us against each other in a he said she said battle

my ancestors didn’t rise up for an america. colonial american wealthy middlers utilized geographic insulation, pan-european-treaty-fuckery, alcohol-fueled gun-given rabble to up-end monarchical monopolies of land & wealth.

all the mythological non-sense about colonists self-organizing & declaring high-minded independent government is like george washington’s cherry tree. sad, yes, but true. wars are always, have always been, and always will be about resources & posession. the religions & the races… no matter, it’s always behind-the-scenes money-grubbers pulling strings.

the impossible repair of america necessitates population-wide consensus on a complex array, re-drafting & re-creating all foundational documents with a nod to those original high-minded ideals, copied from france, way-back when.

in short, when there are still flat-earthers :map:, baby-rapers :camera:, mystics of the sky-fairy :cross:, etc. :sparkles: all contending for the proverbial microphone, we sure as f*ck ‘aint gonna’ agree about interstate commerce & environmental regulations. :money_with_wings::moneybag: not :statue_of_liberty: has been winning all along. that’s the big attraction still, but not for long. :cn:

professor :evergreen_tree: out.


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Yep. the government is now working overtime to try to replace the money no longer paid in taxes from the people that paid practically nothing in taxes to begin with. Just another American example of how it you are not rich, you will support the rich.

When I was an engine builder, the guy that owned the business would bend over and spread his cheeks when one of his rich customers wanted to do a car. He would give them practically cost on their parts and labor, then screw the non-rich customers by giving them cheaper parts to make up for the money his rich customers scammed him out of. I questioned him on this many times. He was under the mistaken notion that these people would send their other rich friends to our shop. Thank goodness they never did!


they probably gave him box tickets to some sportser game or concert every once in a while. the mega companies like apple pay almost 0% taxes in america because “they provide the jobs” aka they provide 10s of thousands of wage-slaves to pay taxes in their place… and if the feds think of trying to tax them they’ll close down shop and move somewhere more favorable! the economy is the biggest ponzi scheme… every dollar printed is borrowed at interest, then they borrow and print more money to pay off their debt etc. the entire economy runs on debt. only one western leader ever really tried to stand up to the international monetary system and his name is now ‘the worst insult’ you can call someone

that’s such stupidity! it works the other way around! those few cheapskate rich customer get sent packin’! take your '67 to midas mofo! :wink: :wrench:


@legalcanada: No. Nothing. He just kept on thinking that they would eventually provide him with enough business to become rich himself. I don’t get why so many people like Norm (my boss at the time) would take such a screwing from rich customers. They didn’t get rich by helping someone else to get rich…

@cannabissequoia, that’s how it would happen if I were the business owner. Try to cheap me down and you can take crap business elsewhere.

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