How the hell is this legal in the USA?

Sounds like they took a page out of cornbread mafias playbook. Kinda suprised the police didnt confiscate all the money.


ah i was super confused as to how Canadian law enforcement was involved lol but now I see its the name of the County.


“Most of the time what happens is, law enforcement take all of it and generally they count it pretty quickly thereafter,” Ed Blau, an attorney, told News 4.“

Thanks. I needed a good early morning joke :rofl:


Civilian Asset Forfeiture … read up on it. Completely corrupt.

Remember those stories about Fish and Game wardens seizing boats and vehicles for petty infractions to later auction them off? Well, civilian asset forfeiture covers a whole lot more territory…


You’re asking for trouble when you carry more than $10,000 cash around with you. The government automatically see it as avoiding paying taxes. The bank has to notify the govt. for withdrawals of $10,000 or more.


This is the latest shakedown. Thousands of leo’s who cut their teeth in the war on sin aren’t about to give up their greatest imaginary evil.

That said paying cash for land like that should be a real dl affair. Someone was watching this for a while beforehand.


If your within 100 miles of the coastline or border. Customs can pretty much do what they want. Way it is.

The federal government defines a “reasonable distance” as 100 air miles from any external boundary of the U.S. So, combining this federal regulation and the federal law regarding warrantless vehicle searches, CBP claims authority to board a bus or train without a warrant anywhere within this 100-mile zone.

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simple, its 100% illegal to carry more than $9999.99 without a bank note or something saying you withdrew the money.

And yeah, good luck proving to the cops you weren’t trying to buy drugs with it. They can seize any amount of money and anything else you have if they just say they think you were going to buy drugs, or you got it from drug money, almost anything, including your house. I had the same thing happen with only $1700 I was taking with me on vacation, and after 2 years with a lawyer, I got the case dropped but I never got the cash back either.


Never heard that law before :ok_hand:t2:
I was in a similar situation as you but definitely got my cash back after I BEAT THE CASE… Didn’t get my weed back though lol

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Your word against theirs and the cost of attorneys and time often exceeds the assets taken.

The case is against the money or assets which requires you to prove it wasn’t illegal money rather than the state having to prove illegal money.

It is what it is, don’t carry large amounts of cash at once ever anywhere.


Canadian County are the crookedest fucks on the face of this earth. At least they are known around here as that.


I’m Canadian and I was very confused.


Yea, I have my own opinion of canadian county
Canada needs to come and get them


Like @HolyAngel said…basically…dont go to the bank, or walk around with more than…I think now it’s like 7,8 thousand dollars cash…if you dont want big bro all on your shit. Lol.theyll watch for 7 +yrs.


I mean seriously 100k cash and trying to buy land hahahahahah

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Maybe the buyers were sketchy and the landowner alerted the cops. ?? He should have been really worried for his own sake. If he sold that land, he can’t just go and deposit that much cash. He likely would have been the one to lose all of the money if he sold it.

How does this landowner come across people who want to pay with that much cash? It would’ve freaked me out.

I’d like to see how this shakes out, but I have a feeling these guys aren’t going to pass the smell test for getting their money back. First question would be why did you feel like you had to pay cash? To escape taxes?? Hide the identity of someone? They’ll eat them alive with laws and rules.


Landowner is quoted as saying he didnt understand why they were targeted
If you knew sheriff west is pretty clear why…there are a lot of cash transactions in oklahomas history
And …all marijuana transactions are cash transactions as we are shut out of the banking system by federal law.


Real estate is a popular way to launder money.

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So are coin op laundry mats!