PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

here’s the part I don’t get about the powdery mildew info. And I have a story to match ok?
nobody comes out and just says “spray that crap with sulfur it’s an extinction level event, drench the plants once then two weeks later - you will never see it again”
Alright so 20 years ago I was just a chump. I got the powdery mildew and it was forever, man like fucking herpes. I would spray with any substance anyone suggested to get rid of it. Problem: it never worked. Once I stopped spraying it was back. So I got a banned substance class iv poison triforine. A dangerous systemic poison for mildew. It didn’t work but ruined everything with it’s gross gross ways. ick. Mildew was thriving. Crops were ruined. I went to “the man” and got myself a sack of weed. He sees me and says “hey did you do something stupid like sell all your weed then take the money to buy some from me??” I said “no, man, mildew wiped out my crops. It’s infested.” “Shit,” he says “just get your hands on some sulfur. I don’t care what kind… pellets, dust, sludge. Mix it with water and drench your plants twice, two weeks apart in veg and you will never see it again”. I got some of that shit and he was right. fucking extinction man. hah hah where was he when I was cutting off infected leaves and cranking the dehumidifier thinking it would help. fuck me.


It becomes gaseous too. at the 1 tab per gallon for cleaning fruits and juice, it’s directed to be left with a cloth cover to allow it to breath but keep dust out. Done right in a kitchen or room, doesn’t say anything. But for the higher concentration to clean equipment, they say to use in well ventilated area. I may test different concentrations for the mix and spray on a few clones before summer hits. see at what levels are safe on the plants. Then test it on my tomatoes or watermelons once I see it start on them.

The clone still lives, but the photo I took is complete trash, brb

it’s…a little better, you can see the clone lives. I bet you are thinking to yourself “that stupid motherfucker can’t root a stick like that, that’s been shit on!” ahhhh all shall be revealed in time, young grasshopper.


What you describe is also known as a breeding tent. :wink:


lol after reading some things people said about the things I said…
I know it seems like radical knowledge. Things you will never read anywhere else. There is a reason, and I will let you know. It was original research. I never copypasta’ed anyone else’s study, and I hate being drawn into other people’s conclusions using confirmation bias. I mean, the basics are there eh? about bugs life cycles. But the details were frustratingly mired in bullshit. So the only answer is to peel back the veil of ignorance by actually doing some studies.
The irony is, I don’t personally think people are going to “believe” in the data. But! Good news! The truth stands alone. The details can be…hilariously validated, if you care to do so. orrrrrrrr…not. See the thing is, I don’t give a damn. I’ll just be sitting over here bug free, if you need me :wink:


I got a watercloner set up, and it is working. I plant to wash mine after I get roots. Im not as good at cloning as you, but I figure if I get roots on mine, maybe they can take the abuse.

Then I will either be high fiving you, or laughing at you. :wink:

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I can’t wait! The research is nothing if not peer reviewed. When I can get my hands on some spider mites again, which will be coming up soon, I can complete the dawn of the posers experiment. I can’t wait for that either!

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I can send you some russets. :rofl:


How about some thrips? :rofl:
No, im kidding, they are dead.


I got a 2 spotted colony that’s been overwintering on this cherry tree. I’ve been testing out various conditions in the outside world as well! I’ll tell you something, they can survive -18C out in the green house. Not all of 'em make it…mind you heh heh. So what I’m going to do in the controlled experiment, is place the mites on a cutting, then wash them off. See if they get washed off, and what happens to them.


Those punks are perhaps my favorite pest right up there beside inch worms and aphids! I love squishing them!!! Love it! Each time I perform genocide using just my fingers I’m happy as a clam! SQUISH


hey the thrips story might contain juicy tidbits for anyone to enjoy. The documentation I had read was, I suppose, geared towards a certain type of thrips? or something. But it said part of the thrips lifecycle was in the ground. Obviously that wasn’t true, those fuckers were living on plants in a water culture. After a while I noticed all the thrip damage was on the leaf and nowhere else. So I got to thinkin… how would I kill some invisible little turd living on the leaf of my plants? Solution? CRUSH THEM! ahh good humor. Of course I don’t do that anymore. I used to do that to white flies as well. inch worms. And aphids. Took like 2 weeks to crush em all. Every morning I’d come in and rub the leaves between my fingers. Rough enough to kill a bug. They’d all die eventually. Protocol 0 kicked the piss out of all those things. I don’t even need to do stuff like that anymore.
Besides, it was actually way easier to kill all those lame bugs I mentioned with a single application of BTK, I do that all the time outside. And last time I did living soil. Yo buddy’s living soil plants came in with spider mites and thrips…hah hah and all I wanted was the mites.


My pops says if you learn how to do it, I’ll really have made a difference. The ferrets and my dad are really the only ones who saw it all with their own eyes. It’s hard to convince someone with a picture of a spider mite and claims of genocide lol!


well! Dawn of the posers is definitely not good for your plants. There is definitely massive damage that took a while to set in.

I’m gonna leave it until it either dies or grows roots. It was growing new leaves, but then three days ago it seemed to stop and turn brown on the tips. Next step is determining if the dish soap actually killed the thing, or if it was some kind of strange co-incidence. Phase 2… more slaughter.


notice how I kick over all the stones, to see what is underneath? It’s a painful process but if you actually want to learn something meaningful you have to do it.


I just went down there and lifted up the lid on the clones. The Dawn of the posers clone is already disintegrated. Didn’t take long! Cancel that test! Dish soap kills your shit ASAP! It killed it in a very special way, let me get a photo. I don’t think you can pin the death on any other culprit once you see it.

see that’s like special death, never seen anything natural do that. It’s all covered in these blobs and the tissues are goo. Usually you can see something alive eating the thing.


I try to tell people that. It’s actually a detergent, not a soap. Good for you, if you get into the poison ivy though.

Edit: wow, I hadn’t even caught up to the last couple posts yet. Nice pics. It’s truly bad stuff for plants. I killed a couple last summer with it.

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I had to try it because we use that to scrub off the squash before storage. I am considering doing it with just plain water now, yikes.


My first grow I had loads of thrips soapy dish water in a spray bottle killed them in 5 days

Got a call there, it was a funky one. Listen to this story eh, buddy…we’ll call him whiskey, he is raising hot peppers. His formula was add compost to the soil then put miracle grow on the plants. I was like ummm yo whiskey bro, that’s not how it works. Get your mitts on some alfalfa meal, bone meal and blood meal. He said he’s got a jug of bone meal but nothing else. I told him to consider changing over to new school organics. He’s like hmm I got to spread some herbivore shit on the garden? Naw I said that’s oldschool… it’s all about organic materials and turds don’t make the cut. hah hah he was happy to hear that. greensand he says alfalfa meal…I heard about that online. I said yah that’s how you do it. Told him to scuttle on down to the hardware store and get some organic materials for his hot peppers.