PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

fuuuuck me. People! people people!!! PEEEEEEEPOLE! You ever have someone march right by your sign warning about plant biohazard with a plant biohazard? I mean… I thought the rules were clear, but it never…ever… seems to really sink in. Hey! lookit this! I bought a plant infested with mildew I put it in with the other plants ok? No I tossed that plant in the garbage. I hope to fuck I don’t see any parasites replicating on other plants. I know I’ll never understand the reasoning but WHY!!! FUCK ME WHY?! Why would you go to the store and buy a plant, potentially infested and trot that right into a secure zone where you are sprouting disease free seedlings? Answer me this, I’ll win a nobel prize for figuring it out.

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Shit becomes real, in a hurry when you see something like this. Lucky… I don’t think there were any other members of that plant family in there. I don’t see any fungal hypha so I’ll monitor the situation. I’m not afraid to unleash some sulfur on those babies. Potentially the only ones that could become infected are in the other chamber, not in the one with infected plant stock. Seriously though, the person in question had to open a door with a biohazard symbol on it to deposit this biohazard.


lettuce is in the daisy family. Nothing else in there was from the daisy family it was all peppers which are nightshade. The powdery mildew outbreak was over when I tossed the infected lettuce plant! Close call eh? The biggest danger to bio security is indeed the human, that was underscored in “the clean room” episode of cosmos. Says the same thing in the articles about it as well. I should have imaged the fungal hypha going into the opening on the leaf of the plant. You can kind of see it there. I’m not sure what people think powdery mildew is, but It’s a host specific obligate exoparasite.

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Absolutely right! Boiling for 10 minutes solves that…



ok I got a new victim. This is harlequin strain? 1:1 thc:cbd about to undergo the protocol. I was promised it’s infected with parasites, in particular white aphids. They will be fuuuuuuuuuuucked when I’m through!


drown them bugs, I leave it for a half an hour! I took off all the leaves as well. Can’t give em a place to hide!


hah hah I left that plant underwater for a full hour, I forgot it was even there. It’s regrowing in hydro as we speak. Got some new leaves coming out! Looks happy, besides the extreme attack. Give it a couple-a-weeks and life will be grand.
OK! Story time right? The super best friends and I did our thing, which is to say we talked about weed and making things out of it and how it grows and shit. Freeze drying talk etc. Jesus taught me how to press freeze dried hash into rosin! In exchange I gave him some awesome tidbits I’ve shared online here! Like kill those fucking aphids with BTK and it’s biological good for your living soil plants. He said he’s got some and will deploy tomorrow. I told him, about the plant sexing results, and he was boggled. I had no idea I knew things that other people don’t. I mean like the plant shows sex on node 5 that was news, huh fuck me eh? Told him that bottle over there was banned substance. heh heh. We ripped all sorts of things, of different colors, and smells. THC diamonds. yum! My eyes were fogging over with goodness!


Hi folks, sorry to but in… but why would you but a plant from a storefront in the first place? It just doesn’t seem worth it



it was crazier than that. The person in question decided to grow a plant from the supermarket, which was infested with mildew. But it wasn’t like a plant purchased for growing, it was a root stock from vegetables in the produce section.

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there’s the plant regenerating from the protocol 0. Won’t take long to fill in a new canopy. A bug free canopy.


I should be able to do that in my cloner with a little Clonex. Thanks for the visual Joe!


Would the clone regenerate the same in pro-mix or coco, rather than a cloner?


yah should work, the harlequin plant is plunked in DWC I had an empty bucket bubbling with nothing in it. I washed the roots as well, even though aphids won’t be in the dirt. Gotta be 100% clean! I tossed out the soil it was in, that’s composting as we speak.


You can see some new growth. Pretty soon it’s going to have an actual leaf!!! Roots are growing as well.


There was a strange suggestion that vpd could do something to powdery mildew. Fucking right. The lower the vapor pressure the better the mildew thrives lol! Fuck me, man, It’s all about the germ theory of disease!

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You want BTi not BTK for thrips and fungus gnats which is whats in Mosquitto Dunks. Also for thrips spraying nematodes Steinernema feltiae works too which is also the same nematodes for fungus gnats.

Fro mites up your humidity and lower you temps while controlling them, slows them down.

Mildew, potassium bicarbonate at 5ml/1L of water along with a wetting agent works great.


btk definitely doesn’t cut the mustard for the gnats! Extincts thrips though :slight_smile: I tried those nematodes on almost everything. Never seen the Steinernema feltiae for sale in the store…is there a brand name they use?
The various protocols I’ve come up with, I will only accept complete eradication as the end result. The real question I have is if protocol 0 could eradicate powdery mildew as well? Killing that crap is easy as pie, but I wonder if I could even become contaminated by it again?

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Nemasys Nemasys® Beneficial Nematodes Control Fungal Gnats Western Flower Thrips | BASF Ornamental Products for Greenhouses and Nurseries

Those the are more expensive ones, there are other brands that sell the same species for cheaper.


Thats pretty cool cloning from a twig !!! Learn something new everyday!! Awesome thread.


I would like it if everyone learned how to drown the bugs and wash them off. A little bio security goes a long way when it comes to growing weed. Or any other plant.

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