PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Does safer soap count? I held my plants in the bucket of it for like 30 seconds. Otherwise I’ve read mild dish soap for treating mites too, who why not.

I think the scrubbing is important to the process. We just used dish soap, some dawn…of the posers. ahem sorry. I mean dawn of the posers dish soap. shit. I mean on the vegetables that had mites on them. We washed the veggies in the sink like you wash the dishes except cooler water.


Give them a nice LN2 bath. Burn them… burn them all! :nerd_face:

Gotta be careful with dawn. It can burn plants up. It’s not so mild. It’s actually a detergent also.

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My soap of preference is Ajax…

Simply because they named it after the strong mythological God in Greece ! Get it? Stronger than all of Greece? :laughing:

I can’t recall the last soapy encounter I’ve had with my plants though so mainly still just for dishes :ear_of_rice:


Ahh every time someone else learns how to drown bugs and clean off their plants, the world becomes a better place. If you listen closely, you can hear the floramite manufacturers planning to hang themselves. Bruh huh huh huh!


I’m gonna try it, just to see if the clones die :slight_smile: I’ll probably do it in a week or something. When I make the clone batch I’m gonna dunk one and scrub it to see what happens…exciting!


I had great fun drawing this one!


hah hah it made me spit out my own coffee.


this reminds me, I still need to dig out my sonic cleaner to see if a cutting can survive it or if it’ll cause damage to the tissue.

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I’ve been gathering data about growing tasteless garbage weed. There is another way to do it! It involves never knowing what EC the plant is at. Just adding random doses at random schedules. That’s how batman did it! Interesting! He was using water culture and the same nutrients. Grew fluffy shitweed out of that sugar black rose by somehow fucking the nutrient dose. So it was even the same plant except with random conductivity. ok so… Was it high/low conductivity? Or. Did he botch the drying process as well? I think it’s getting down to two possibilities. I know he did stupid shit like leave it hanging in the bloom room and just start blooming a new batch. Ahem, sorry to anyone who did something like that.


Way back, an article on water curing your weed popped up in High Times and it was the Fad of the Month. Problem was it stripped out the flavour.
Fast-forward a few years and they figured out the terpenes are water soluble.

Anything that works against terpene production (heat, etc) clobbers flavour.



Definitely made my weed taste terrible. If I remember the buds when smoked tasted like burnt hair. They made a fabulous tincture though. :grin:


It made it tasteless, but boy was it smooth! Lol.

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I think everyone has tried it at some point. I compare it to smoking bubble waste. Make the hash then dry out the buds and smoke that shit, mmmm tasty. And by tasty I mean mmmmm shitty.


The stick I washed in warm soapy water. We’ll see if it survives! I washed then rinsed it, like I would a vegetable for storage.


The stick is growing new leaves, so I think it’s going to be fine. Man, that thing took some serious abuse! I tossed it in the sink of warm soapy water then grabbed it and scrubbed it with my fingers bending it and stuff. I had already ripped off anything that could be considered growth, as you could see. Then I took it and rinsed it off under the sprayer. voila! violated clone is still alive. Unfortunately, I don’t have any spider mites to kill, but at least it’s looking like the plant will live.


A fellow serial plant abuser… :vulcan_salute:


For PM, how much sulfite/sulfide would be needed in dissolved form? I have campden tablets for wine making. It’s Potassium Metabisulfite

Would that be useful?

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I’ve never tried with anything other than pure sulfur. Seeing as how it’s a sulfur compound specifically for killing the yeast fungus, it might also be deadly to mildew. Anything containing sulfur has a deadly effect on fungus except oomycetes, but I’d always bet the farm on ground up sulfur or sulfur sludge. Like for example sulfur isn’t gonna work on pythium fungus. Pretty sure that’s what I remember.
active ingredient: sulfur
result: genocide, extinction