PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

The sulfur spray in veg. Do I have to clean my plants later if I want to flower them?

Question on spider mites…are they always visible? Saw some leaf damage on some clones I took in. Didnt take long to find a mite. I scanned them all really well and couldnt find anything else.


If you found even one mite I would treat it as if it is infested. Take no chances. I have had spider mites twice. Both times they came in on clones. First time was a pain for me because i was new to growing and tried to deal with them on the fly during the grow. The second time I had learnt from my lesson and did something like Joes Protocol 0 on the clone before starting. In my books there is only one way to deal with spider mites. Nuke and start again with only cuttings which have been cleaned up.


Yeah the issue is the clones have just taken root after 2 weeks so they dont look 100% healthy. I feel they wouldnt survive such a brutal stripping. I got them in a quarantine tent for now. They were in my veg room (never do that shit again) but fortunately rhey were on the other side of the room so im going to consider my veg safe.


All good to leave a few leaves on there if you are worried about their health. Just watch them closely every day and keep them clean. I have a separate small tent in my bedroom cupboard to isolate clones before exposing them to the veg room. Sounds like you were lucky.


Yeah I have since moved them to a 2x4 and will monitor them daily. Thinking once they get established i will take more drastic measures. I gave all the clones a hard stare down and couldnt find anything else.


It’s a tricky spot to be in, wondering if the parasites are still kicking, or if they have gone extinct. You could also perform the drastic measure of growing them up enough to be cloned, then making clean clones and tossing everything else.
Someone reading that might be like holy he’s fucking insane. Buuuuut I never promised you a rose garden, I only promised freedom from parasites forever.


oh I forgot, you don’t have to worry about the sulfur after application those leaves you sprayed it on will be long gone in bud. never spray in bloom :slight_smile:


Wouldnt the clones also carry the risk of having bugs?

I hate bugs.


Yeah but the new clones will be healthier so you can then totally strip them compared to the previous attempt.


Yah budsys is correct when you make a new batch of clones you protocol 0 'em in the process. What I call cloning a stick. If you don’t have the cahonas for that, you can root the clone THEN clean the bugs off.


Or if you’ve been hanging out in a den the last several years, and don’t have the skills to root a stick :joy:


Different is scary for some

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Psychology teaches us how it is almost impossible to change many peoples minds, even with proof.

That is how we end up with so many “experts” in this field that are actually clueless. :grin:


Any idea what this is Joe?


almost looks like a fruit fly.

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yah I probably shouldn’t have said the cahonas part lol! I know when I first did it, I was shitting bricks. First I had never cloned a stick and second, I wasn’t really sure I had gotten rid of the bugs. I cut down my entire crop and had a dozen or so sticks. I figured some might fail so I had made multitudes of the big bud and then 2 king tut, 2 sugar black, and 2 bobs. Ironical they all rooted and grew a nice crop I made into hash and sold to medical dispensary. Since then, I’ll root any stick. Even tree branches.


Yeah, it kinda does, but that would be a weird one to find on a cannabis plant.

It was funny though.

Yah I actually have a story about the Jesus character. He was the first person I told about the protocol 0, but he’s still wrestling with bugs. It can be really tough to describe what you did and have people actually think it could work. Especially when it’s like a “radical” idea. That’s why I always give the “suicide” speech to determine how desperate a person is, to solve the problem.
When you feel like if you just killed yourself then the parasite problem would end, that’s when people seek any way out of the situation besides suicide. Leaving them vulnerable to learn. Humans are fucking strange, man.

hey maybe it’s the pain of total defeat? I know from all my trials, with each failure it was like WHY!!! FUCKING DIE!!! AAAAAAA! KILL ME NOW! It is really tough to keep going. And at that point would have accepted any crazy idea. But then I’d go onto the next crazy plan and it would fail. Oh man talk about soul crushing blows lol!


So I remembered this one scene. Now, this will be painful to even read for some people and I am not shaming you just umm I’m sorry for that.
So at this industry meeting one of the organic growers is having a problem with bugs. Yo he’s desperate. Invested his entire life into that shit, but now the bugs have taken over. You can see that haunted look. Says to me hey… what do you know about spinosad? I was shaken to the core.
He was willing to risk his entire life on that shit. It will get your ass booted out if someone detects the residue. That is some dark shit. Like super dark. This guy is tegridy man like too much tegridy. But he was willing to flush it all away in a moment of super desperation. It’s like that out there in the real world. People get in a bad way and will pull anything…literally any desperate crazy shit that would have turned him from tegridy, into the poisoner.
Once again, sorry about the pain that caused anyone who read that story, I know it was probably hurtful to some.