PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Oh my!


yow! Talk about a surprise! Jesus showed up with more goodies, told me the bug drowning tech had made the grade. He fucking showed me. Iā€™ll try not to break my arm patting myself on the back lol! I swear to fuck I thought sure as shit they were drinking the living soil kool aide, man did he ever show me. Fuck, now how am I supposed to muster complaints against the group? They were so good to me AND showed me they could change. :exploding_head:


fuck me Iā€™m still in shock! Just sitting here like a dumbfuck. That group is the industry leaders man. Shittenballs thatā€™s paying it forward. Those pesticide makers are writing their wills now. I can hear the pens furiously scratching on paper.


Nice! Somebody overcame the psycological barriers and changed their opinion! Good to see that it is possible.


Hereā€™s the little Zero plant, I performed the protocol yesterday. This is actually one of the most useful plants on the face of the earth, know for itā€™s fiber production world wide! Donated to science :smiley:


Yah unfortunately he didnā€™t prove planck wrong, because he was never an opponent of the method. But he sure fucking showed me. I was certain he was one of those people who thought a ā€œhealthyā€ plant grown ā€œhealthy organicsā€ would keep bugs away. Or that some kind of predator was going to eliminate the problems. He was using magic himselfā€¦umm essential oils, Iā€™m not even going to go into details itā€™s embarrassing. Clearly he knew that was failing day by day, so it was time for something new.


Hereā€™s the Harlequin plant. Just to prove I didnā€™t kill the damned thing, itā€™s growing! The stem is changing from purple to green.


I have seen a small shop vacuum before. Suck them from the buds. It was there problems to begin with. In my opinion you donā€™t keep carpet in a big row area. Especially if you donā€™t vacuuming


Yes they will and donā€™t care. I knew he had moldy weed. Told everyone it was chocolate. Ok. He had a lot sold it for a few years. The name changed to white rhino. Now everyone around there has lung problems.

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Hey Joe

What do you use for sulfur spray?

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Am I missing something? Spinosad is listed for organic produce, I thought it was fine until a few weeks before harvest. Spraying worked great for thrips, but from what Iā€™ve read treating with it for the spider mites would need a very high dose as a soil treatment to be absorbed, that would prob be an issueā€¦

lol it says I already posted that link. It was just sulfur sludge in a bottle I diluted with water and drenched the plants.


I think theyā€™ve had some problems coming out with spinosad. Itā€™s amazing what we learn when they let us study.

Iā€™m not :100:, because its been awhile and I donā€™t really use it now, but some of the issue with different things is when it is heated up and burned. Itā€™s stuff that would be fine on a tomato, like permethrin.


sure itā€™s a banned substance responsible for the production of hydrogen cyanide. If you use it on cannabis youā€™ll be kicked out of the group. Here in Canada, using a banned substance could be considered career suicide if itā€™s detected you have lots of answers to uhhhā€¦ answer to. I mean, what could you even tell them? oops, I didnā€™t know? Anyways, thatā€™s why the sponsors pay me the big bucks, to ensure producers have an alternative to uhh decisions with potentially devastating ramifications.


lol, itā€™s not all rainbows and sunshine I have to read super dense government documentation on growing weed.

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Hey thatā€™s actually the nutty part!!! Reading government manuals on growing weed. They really only have your best interests at heart which is a hilarious thing to say about the government. They fucking care if you are growing nasty weed. Hilarious!

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I found this safer 3 in 1 but the percentage of sulfur was so low. Didnt seem worth it

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This stuff works for me. I didnā€™t put molasses down. It works great. It will stop bugs. With certain applications. These work for me. I always have something ready. Neem oil will break down over time when mixes. Never use copper spray. Imop.

I have seen burnt plants. It doesnā€™t always kill them. The thing is to keep air in them so they dry a fast as possible. I have sprayed with lights on. I do it all the time. Thereā€™s never nothing wrong with spraying your soil and the bottom of your plant at all. In my opinion. I donā€™t have a problem. I wouldnā€™t pump a 1000w on it. Late before light go off. Or pull one at a time. Hose them down. I mix 4 tea spoons to a 11/2 gallons of water with two tea spoons for dawn. I have put hydrogen peroxide in there also. peroxide works pretty good. These are my ideas these are things I do Iā€™m not telling you to Iā€™m just trying to let you know what i used to stop bugs. The best way to me. Is when you water do this at least a few times. Put molasses in the water. It will cap the top of your soil. In my opinion this traps flies. Then the next day spray the oil on top of the dirt and the sides of your container. But it in the drain pan also. You want to see the oil. It also doesnā€™t hurt to spray a a little bit around your plants on the floor.

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Even if you can buy any kind of sulfur and grind it into powder and dissolve it in water. Sulfur is super dangerous to powdery mildew.

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Most of that stuff I bought in the off-season so it was real cheap. The one doctor earth you can spray it right on anything flying. It will run them out the room. Those yellow sticky strips are importing the blue ones are also

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