PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

At this point you might as well break out sevens dust I mean you might as well if you’re having that much of a problem you can always hose them down. They do it in California all the time Oregon State Washington state and then turn around and the send it east and call it Organic. I was serious I have seen them do that but I was just joking I would never put that on my stuff whatsoever. I have also see them spray paraquat. At the end to make the plant grow faster.

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Stuff like cinnamon oil, wintergreen, and some others can keep things away. There is a neem oil that does have a pesticide in it. The active ingredient starts with A. I cannot think of it. It will kill anything. I have never used it I am scared of that kind of stuff. One more thing and this works very good. For flying bugs. You go to the paint store get the blue tack rags open them up the flys go right to the smell for some reason and they get stuck. I’m not sure if it’s a sugar smell

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Protocol 0 obsoleted all those things.

Though I don’t think I have to worry about german shepards getting at my plants.

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I’ve never seen those products. I go to Home Depot I’m sorry. The yellow container I’ve seen it before

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That is one thing that I need to do I have a dog that is about to kill my outdoor garden. Like my vegetables she will not quit digging in them and I do not know what to do. I have put out pepper I don’t know what to do and I do not want to lose my dog

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oh yah one is neem oil, the other is pyrethrins then we got the laters rotenone aka seven dust. Some other bottles of random shit I had laying around.
Fence will keep the dog out.

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Yea. I kind of knew that one was coming I’ll put my foot out there for that one. I had to cover them up the past two nights it has frosted. I about lost all my pepper plants. But everything recovered

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I have enjoyed talking with you. One Love WEED @JoeCrowe


yah stop by any time, this thread is about the protocols I use to keep the grow from getting any bugs. My pesticide is water :wink:


It’s a long topic I tried to jump in here and there and read we’re good maybe I could’ve got out of topic a little bit. It’s hard to read down almost 300 post. :joy:

hell yah, I prattle on like some old guy in an arm chair. Got me stories, I do! Covers lots of real world changes and stuff, like over a years worth of stories and crap. From when I was just a hobo until I started getting some sponsors to keep things going with loot. It was a hard crash after the medical growers were cut off from the compassion clubs. Took a while to get back to uhh flight. The “new reality” of growing weed took a couple of years to kick in.


wow! I mean I never really questioned what happens to a spider mite over winter, but now I know. They spend the entire winter hibernating on the host plant. When spring hits they start moving and reproducing. Feasting on the leaf buds that emerge. -18C will not kill a spider mite, they are resilient.


hey @vernal if you care to reply I was just wondering. What do you think I have to gain if the solutions I am peddling are nonsense? No holes barred you can tell me anything, I’m just curious. This isn’t a setup for anything.

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IDK, fodder for this masturbation sesh of a thread.

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ahh ok I live to hear the sound of my own voice? ok thanks!


wonder woman stopped by said the justice league is doing a clean-up session. The real question is if the poisoner can really kill off the powdery mildew. You know, he thinks that shit is everywhere, just like that cartoon where the guy needs therapy. Some kind of powdery mildew PTSD if you ask me. The bro science on that organism is through the roof wacky.


there’s the harlequin plant! Pretty soon she’ll be big enough to mass produce the clones. Right now those growth nodes are only a couple cm tall.


No way. That is a shame. Damn bugs

I was really thinking there was no way that twig was going to grow !! Nice job. :clap::clap:


Hey thanks mormo! The secret is to not get crazy with the meristems, those little growth tips. Remove all leaves but don’t shit kick the growth tips - they’ll get cleaned off by the drowning and spraying. The more growth tips you destroy, the slower it is to resurrect. You will notice on the harlequin some of the lower growth tips are dead, but it was actually like that before I brought it in. I think someone snipped off those tips. I went crazy buck wild on the zero plant ripping at the meristems. Since it’s just a hemp plant I could really pull some cruel experiments and not worry about snuffing out a good plant.