PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Some people like those hemp plants!

OK, so great info there about the growth tips. I was getting ready to ask about that.

30 minutes underwater, and blasting the twig with the sink sprayer, is that it?


shit, yah! Thatā€™s it in a nutshell, pretty simple. Make sure itā€™s cool water, I seen people do crazy shit like boil their plants, that kills em.


I find this thread invaluable! I know somewhere I read what commercial nurseries do to wash their incoming plants. But I canā€™t find it, Iā€™m prob getting the wording or something wrong in the search :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


They are definitely doing it here :upside_down_face: I infested the industry.


Doing what there? The full protocol 0? I read something about a alcohol and soap dip and that was it. Or even spraying diluted alcohol on the plants.

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Yah the organic growers are full on protocol 0 now. There were depressed faces before, when bugs took everything over.

lol reminds me, now Iā€™ll have to look for a new source of super-bugs if I want to experiment on them. I canā€™t just go down the road and get a contaminated plant from the LP.


ok! Well if you rip off or destroy all growth tips, the thing wonā€™t root or grow. I tested it to make sure.
So when you are pulling off the leaves, donā€™t pull the tips off :slight_smile:


ok, what I am going to do in the grow, is a balls to the walls cloning spree. I donā€™t have any bugs, but I am going to protocol 0 some cuttings. Why? I am going to judge how long it takes to regenerate! If a regular clone can root from 8-16 days, I will see if the protocol 0 plants do as well. I will be taking regular clones and stick clones to drown. Iā€™ll be using cool water and 30min submersion. yay!
When I initially did the protocol, I never timed it or anything, I was just happy to have found a solution lol! I can see, though on the harlequin plant, itā€™s not growing as fast as it could have been if I left the leaves on thereā€¦ maybe. Itā€™s a different plant, was growing in soil etc, so thatā€™s not science. Just an anecdote. If I do it with clones side by sideā€¦ then weā€™re talkinā€™! Experiment time!
I threw out everything today, starting from scratch on the clones.


ok boys and girls and others! Lets see how these sticks pan out, shall we? You can see, they are just clones with no leaves, making them sticks. Itā€™s not much of a difference over the ones with leaves, as far as Iā€™m concerned. Iā€™m making the geranium clones later, I spent all day prepping the garden. And tossing out all those old clones including the zero one.


oh yah I also soaked them in the sink for 30min in cool water. Not ice water and not hot water. They were submerged, but no bugs to kill.


Both seem healthy. You could definitely save room running those ā€œsticksā€ !!


heh heh yah someoneā€™s prediction was theyā€™ll fail. Iā€™ve already done this a number of times and also with different plant species! I canā€™t wait for the data from this experiment.


This could be game changing on a commercial scale if they root just as fast and have the same vigor


Yah, hopefully the protocol spreads and people can kiss their bug problems goodbye. Anything else people can glean from this is just an added bonus :wink:

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You can see I bulked up on clones! I have to make sure to snip the flower buds off the geraniums. Additionally, my ā€œstickā€ clones are turning towards the light. I think they are already growing a bit.


The harlequin plant has sprouted several additional nodes, after I did the whole protocol on it. In person, the plant looks better than under the purple light, but I should probably test itā€™s EC.


oh yah, just some proof this isnā€™t some elaborate hoax or something bizarre. The clones donā€™t have roots yet, lol! OF course if this is a hoax you can try it yourself and see if it works :wink: ahh the beauty of sciencing.


Other than the bug thing, Iā€™ve learned that this thread sucks, joecrowe likes the sounds of his voice, and sticks save you tent roomā€¦

I better keep following this! :joy:


ahh fuck, that made me laugh until I cried :rofl: