PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Hey listen boys and girls. If you are getting your powdery mildew information from the forums here, then you’re probably hearing shit that’s ludicrous.

read this fucking university article right now! DO IT! If I hear one more stupid claim about powdery mildew being systemic or not being able to get rid of it, or that it’s everywhere waiting to infest… I will insist you go and read a university article from someone who studied it. Or at least stop spreading misinformation… PLEASE!


What is this PM you speak of? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
:cactus: :sun_with_face: :hot_face:

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Hey, I know this guy… who sprays banned substances, and claims powdery mildew is everywhere. I can call him up and get him to send over a few infested clones :wink:

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I wrote my thesis on life experience.


lol that’s from the simpsons where abe becomes a writer for itchy and scratchy.

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Correct. I also worked for 38 years as night watchman at a cranberry silo.


I sure hope so…I prepare to battle the white scourge tonight

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After a good sulfur dose, you’ll wonder why people can’t seem to get rid of it. All I ask is if someone is having problems with powdery mildew, please tell them to use sulfur. lol! And if they are paralyzed with misinformation, give them that university pdf. I think some people get powdery mildew PTSD.

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The spray is nearby. The powder is like 25 min out of the way

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the spray is fucking .4% what a bunch of dummies. ahem sorry, the powder that’s a huge bag but probably more effective because you can get more than .4% concentration. It’s like they don’t want you to actually SOLVE the problem, just keep spraying. I buy the 12% stuff and dilute it. You can dilute the powder as well. probably 4% would be lethal to the fungus. Not so sure about .4% though.


reminds me of the laters ant killer. They put like .01% borax in it and call it “ant killer”? ooooo that gets my blood boiling. I mix 25% borax and sugar, they are fucking toast.


Yup! :+1: Did that for decades, I’d leave it in beer caps around the perimeter. Got heck a few times but no ants!


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There’s my clone machine! Clones are doing good. You can see, I didn’t kill off the growth tips heh heh. Eventually something will emerge there. The top of the plant has a few proto-leaves going on.


ok… despite my promises about the poisoner…
I told someone working at the justice league about the mildew killing protocol with the sulfur. I’m not sure if that’ll accomplish anything, but we’ll see. Perhaps after 20 years, he can pull the pin and finally defeat it.

Still living… still growing. My experiment with the geranium clones is an interesting one as well. I am testing node cutting vs stem cutting. My theory is, there’s no difference. We’ll see!


You can see I classically cloned those clones with the “I ripped it off the plant” tech. I’m actually starting to think the clones are doing better as a stick than their leafy counterparts.


The harlequin plant has regenerated the roots and then some. It reflects how much it’s regenerated on the top half. I could make a clone of it now for sure. And toss the original if I want… but I think I’m going to bloom it with the meat breath.


oh shit! All those clones I took failed lol, every single one of them. I think perhaps putting them in with the geraniums wasn’t good. Well fuck me what a fuckup. Yah yah. Well at least they all failed, not just one or two of them. bah. I’ll get out the other clone machine and keep them apart this time.


when I get back home I’ll scrub out the other clone machine. The geraniums are fine so they can stay in their current locale. I’ll scrub the new cloner for the cannabis clones.


yo, that shit’s not right. I don’t care what anyone says, those clones should NOT look like that.