PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

ok gonna whip up a new batch of clones! I will test the clones I took out for necrosis, and any that fail will go in the trash. Even though I’ve taken them out and washed them off to get off that strange brown gunk, I’m still not gonna trust that batch for future cloning. For no real reason, I never clone a failed batch. they should be ok still though.
If you look at those clones, they are not meeting their “target” for a clone that age. I mean, you can’t see any callous yet! That ain’t right.
I have like 4 of those clone machines. I might be down to three, I know someone took one with clones in it.


I think they are all necrotic, it’s fucked. The bottom of the stems are like tatters of fiber. Pops says hey they look good you could recut and keep them cloning. I said pass, I can make 50 more just like it.


hmm today those clones are actually looking pretty good. The brown color is gone and it looks like the stems are attempting repair. Probably shoulda taken them out earlier, then there would be no necrosis. Great news though! I am going to take a sample of that gunk from the geranium and look at it at 1000x magnification. It’s just like brown ooze coming from the roots… really strange.


not the best photo, but that was the brown stalk featured in the image yesterday. Things are really looking up for now! I am gonna make a few new clones though, and I might even put these ones back in the cloner, just not with those geraniums lol! That’ll fucking teach me for botching the whole experiment with unknown variables.


I have come to fully understand what went wrong now. Turns out the geranium goo attracts and hosts a thriving colony of micro organisms. wow, I was in fucking shock. They were no doubt eating the cannabis clones from the bottom up. fuuuuucked up, man.


They are acariform mites that eat dead debris in the water. Yum, I want some in my tummy!

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ok! This time, no stupidity. I even tossed in a clone of the FLC that seems female.


here’s what those creatures did to my clones. They look like they are going to root now, though. Crazy world.


yah yah they rooted. Stupid pathogen clones rooted, definitely. I’m not going to count that fuck up as the experiment though. I can plant and grow them! or! Dissection! ooooo slicing and dicing up those clones does sound good. I wonder what I would see? Slice one and plant the rest? Ahhh decisions decisions. I do have a bunch more clones on the way that haven’t been chewed on by acariforms.


The geraniums are rooted as well. You can see the cannabis clones in their salt shaker. Yah I took a salt shaker and filled it with water…no salt of course, and put the clones in there to root. After a couple days you could see attempted repairs by the plant, so I thought they’d root. So the answer to the acariform and the geranium riddle is this: it’s a symbiosis because they didn’t damage the geranium clones.
Now I wonder… What does the plant get in return?


ok well I checked on that new clone batch and they are all going to root. I think the FLC BX1 has rooted already, as a matter of fact. It was my control group. This means I am going to delve into the acariform clones. I polished up my x-acto blade! Slice and dice! yay!

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wow! Whatever creature that was, sure didn’t like 10% bleach! Here’s what I discovered…
There are no acariforms left I can see, instead I saw this 80 micron creature looked like some kind of blob that moved by stretching out then catching up to itself. Also some kind of worm like larvae or something. They all fucking croaked when I bleached em. Now, the clones that are rooted have no creatures living in them I could find. And they have hard stem material. The clones that aren’t rooted are pulsing with strange creatures. But they aren’t all up in the clone, the parasite part ends then there is some hard stem material. I believe that is the water line from the clone machine. The various creatures ate the clones from the water line down.


You can see them…doing things. EVIL!


I’ll make a better snuff film out of the acariform mites tomorrow I hope. The little larvae things aren’t very satisfying when they die. Yes, these clones are going in uhh… hmm I am so tempted to plant them in the greenhouse lol. I am going to toss them in the compost instead.

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Seems like you experiment all kind of plants, what other items have you been able to root in your hydro cloner? Have you tried many horticultural type plants, hydrangeas or spirea or similar for example, or possible trees?


I can come up with a list of ones I remember…
roses, spearmint, peppers, melons, basil.
Here’s the thing about rooting trees, I’ve never “fully” done it in the hydro cloner. I got them to the callous stage then moved them into pots in a humidity dome. Trees are tricky! I’ve done apple and grapefruit trees.

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Yeah I played with a number of items and had found mist sprayers to work best for shrubs and trees I thought maybe you had found another way. Apple trees is impressive though actually. Could generate rootstock. Hmmm. Now I’m thinking.


oh yah, well I can tell you with more detail what I did. I put a dome over the trees and let them sit with their tips in the oxygenated water. I waited patiently until they crusted over like a strange lumpy fist on the end. Then I dipped them in rooting hormone and into the humidity dome until they stopped wilting if I took them out. The most important part is maintaining >=75% humidity when they are in the cutting stage - even in water culture. I’m not sure if any of that stuff I did wasn’t standard…but for standard I take a tree cutting and put it in a sealed pop bottle with some soil and dip it in rooting hormone. I call it the makeshift humidity dome.

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Ive tried many species of items but never many trees for apple trees I resorted to stool bedding but it’s slow. Didnt even think I would be able to root apple cutting at all.

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hell yah I hear you on that stooling part. I made a spartan clone like that then the rats ate it. Man what a waste of two years.

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