PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

yah for sure I got the cannabis microscopy thread, I go nuts with the thing. I was originally taking photos just with my sony camera on zoom mode. The software included with the camera is fun! I have a Chinese knockoff of an olympus microscope OT something or other.


There are actually so many myths surrounding powdery mildew itā€™s mind boggling.
Iā€™ll do a few:
mildew is systemic
mildew is triggered by humidity
mildew only attacks at (insert time of year)
mildew is tough to get rid of.

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I know even saying those things are controversial? offensive? Probably both! Except of course, you can test it, right? Iā€™m definitely not making whatā€™s known as a ā€œnon falsifiable claimā€.

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here is an excellent study. If you can chunk your way through this thing that is!


My pops wanted to see the studies, so I copied them over to his hard drive. He told me he didnā€™t understand the words printed in the docs, so I suggested a dictionary. Told me he didnā€™t have time for that :wink:
I understand, why people arenā€™t reading them.


wow Iā€™ve got a story! Are you ready to strap in and feel the burn? So Iā€™ve been thinking about the germ theory of disease right? hah hah I know everyone is contemplating it. I was thinking about grey mold/botrytis/bud mold. and I kept thinkingā€¦exposure to the replicating pathogen. The root cause of disease botrytis is exposure to replicating pathogen right? Magic donā€™t cause it.


So I got out my journal and started reading and compiling a meta analysis of it. With a focus on mold. When I had mold, what plant had it. How much mold. Humidity level control at the time, how was it done? Then I noticed an anomaly in the data. uhh what? It says here there have been no outbreaks since the protocol 0 happened the first time.


never seen a bud mold since 2017. So I asked wonder woman about the time frame, and she said she hadnā€™t seen any bud mold in years. So I got to thinking, did I really actually clean up all the mold?? Ahhh but to ā€œbelieveā€ in that would be a personal narrative lol! Fool myself eh? So, I do what comes natural. I hatch a plan to test it.


Alright alsoā€¦OMG this is so fucking awesomeā€¦ I got a bud back from someone who took my genetics and grew a clone out then gave me a bud. I can see with my naked eye, they fucked it. The genetics for the plant are superior and the budā€¦ well Iā€™ll take some comparison photos so you can see. Itā€™s really true, that someone can take good genetics and grow shit weed. Iā€™m not exactly sure the process, so Iā€™ll ask around.


ohhh yah. Wait till I get the microscope warmed up. Hereā€™s what I want to seeā€¦ the density and size of the trichomes. Iā€™m going to go buck wild! I already did the smell test with 3 different people. They could all tell the difference.


my mom grabs the one budā€¦asks me hey how come that one bud looks fuzzy? Itā€™s the trichomes I said, so she could SEE the difference.

I asked a few questions about the growing of the buds, and weā€™re using the same nutrient solution, so itā€™s not that. And itā€™s not the DNA of the plant either, because they are identical. Also, buddy grows in dirt and Iā€™m in hydro.

Getting some Robert Crumb vibes!

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I love crumb :slight_smile:


One of my favourite biography/documentary.

Crumb: Directed by Terry Zwigoff. With Robert Crumb, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Charles Crumb, Maxon Crumb. An intimate portrait of controversial cartoonist Robert Crumb and his traumatized family.


Do you like Bukowski?

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I donā€™t hate people. I just feel better when they arenā€™t around.
lol are you talking about that guy? cause heā€™s funny too.

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yah that shitā€™s funny in a disturbing way, sort of like george carlin.

ok! So knowing the weed was contaminatedā€¦ no doubt, I smoked it anyways! And it was nasty. It tasted bitter and green. So I rolled up a couple of meat breath fatties from my own sack and had a terp-attack sneeze. Definitely not gross! How is buddyā€™s weed so nasty!?