PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

This is great.


It is currently 92% humidity and raining here.


yah unfortunately itā€™s not 90% in the room so I sprayed the crap out of that bud. In future episodes, I plan to encase the plant with minimal airflow. I figure the seedlings will work for that! Outdoors the fungus sprouts so easy, you donā€™t have to do a thing :wink:
Normally in the past, the botrytis would sprout if the buds were laying on top of each other, or dead leaves were left in the bud, even when I maintained a 45% humidity. Due to the fact humidity was trapped there. This time when I grew the big buds and the buds fell on top of each other, I didnā€™t see any pathogens growing. The necrosis of botrytis sets in so fast, shit turns brown in a hurry.

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ok! Iā€™ve been spraying the bud a couple of times during the day. Gotta keep the humidity at crazy levels. Iā€™m probably getting 88% in there now, with the bud sprayed with water. Anyone who knows science, knows I canā€™t prove a negative right. But the thing is, the more times I try to prove a positive and it failsā€¦ The probability of there being mold on my plants drops significantly. Iā€™m basically pulling a James Randi.


The bud looks good, and I hit 88% as well as spraying the bud with water. Iā€™ll spray it some more later! If there is any grey mold, the water is literally soaking the bud for itā€™s enjoyment. Tomorrow, I check for colonies.
I would be happy if I can come up with a protocol to clean the bud mold out of your grow. That would be exciting!

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ok it still looks good, but I forgot to shut off the dehumidifier last night so I was at 50% RH. Today Iā€™ll dissect the bud looking for some kind of life signs. I would have to say at this point, the chances of finding signs of life are pretty slim. Vegas odds two to one! heh heh something like that. Anyways, Iā€™m super pumped to check it out!!! This test will answer a few questions, like why my buds wonā€™t get moldy.

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Minimal air flow, 70%+ rH, leaf on bud contact, 72 Hrsā€¦
that should do itā€¦ :thinking:



ok! While I did see trichome goo smeared around, I came up dry for mycelium or conids. You can tell itā€™s resin goo because it forms a stretch pattern from the source. Nothing brown or seemingly alive.

This is the view from inside a bud. I cut it open and scanned the interior for pathogens.

hereā€™s the tip of a single bud. Festooned with yummy smelling resin!

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The back of a bud I cut from deep in the bigger bud. I wanted to scan all surfaces forā€¦ anything. Look at the pile of resin goop, thatā€™s what you get when you touch it against the glass or blade of the xacto. You can see itā€™s not mycelium thereā€™s no network, and it forms a stretch pattern.


hereā€™s an empty seed husk. Looks normal.

the final image! I scanned around looking at all the crap. These snaps are just a small slice of what I saw. There were a few resin strands in there, thatā€™s for sure. I didnā€™t see anything sprouting from the surface of the leaf, or any spore looking objects.


I know that scan doesnā€™t definitively disprove the existence of grey mold/botrytis/bud mold in my grow. It just knocks back the probability by a huge percentage. Based on the events of the last 4 years in the grow, and this test, Iā€™m leaning towards total eradication of botrytis.

Around here if you spray water on buds anywhere close to maturity they will rot. Just sayingā€¦

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So you think that test lowers the probability of the existence of bud mold? From previous experience what I just did would rot the buds for sure.

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Could beā€¦could be you got lucky lol some plants are stronger and can fight it better. Many variablesā€¦

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I gave buddy my genetics and he ran them and got bud mold. Thatā€™s one of the observations. My initial assumption was I couldnā€™t get bud mold on these plants, but those images of the mold proved otherwise. The second observation isā€¦ I have never seen mold growing on my buds, using micron resolution microscopic scans, since I got the 'scope camera almost a year ago. In addition, no bud has molded for 4 years.
Due to the laws of reality, I canā€™t obtain 100% certainty, but I can definitely show the fungus didnā€™t rot that bud I kept spraying. I go with positive identification, if I canā€™t detect it, then itā€™s not there. I have more tests planned for the future to tip the scales. A couple of weeks ago if you asked me if I thought you could eradicate bud mold, I wouldnā€™t have thought so. Yet, thereā€™s no reason why you shouldnā€™t be able to.


The key is good air exchange and space between plants. Even in quite high RH this usually works. Bot rot often doesnā€™t really show up until you dry the bud out. Inside the densest part against the stem is where it starts and spreads out from. The bud can look and smell great when still wet but rot badly as it dries.

For some years now i have been running autos lights on long day 20/24 which keeps RH down. this and good extraction means i can let dense buds finish without rotting. Even here where it is cold most of the year and it rains most days. In the past i often had to chop my best regs early just to get a smoke. Especially mid summer or mid winter.

Anyway i rarely ever get bud rot these days, fingers crossed lol


no bud rot detected in the entire crop. Itā€™s all drying right now, ahhh sweet!


Always love your input keep the good info coming cheers!