PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

oh! The link was actually to an article about how the virus won’t get transferred through seeds.
"Hop latent viroid (HLVd) is not transmissible through hop generative tissues and seeds. "

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I have seen the virus. It starts a a dark lime green. Like a streak down the leaf. Then the leaf dies. I haven’t seen it in the bud. I know it can be past from a mother. I do have some plants in contact with some now. I did see something in one. Not sure yet. I had a run last year where it was on a few plants. Never came in contact with others. Then I got more clones and it had the virus. The leaves where one or two. Wasn’t bad. I hope it doesn’t spread to seeds. Stay away from tobacco smoking. Blunts exactly lol. Don’t care for a blunt anyway.

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did you get it tested for positive identification of the virus?

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No. I didn’t @JoeCrowe i know what it looks like. @TestOfOath had a few leaves a minute back. To be honest Joe I really don’t know much about it. I know the the clones I got came from a tobacco smoker. I had leaves that where dying. It was only from the clones. I’m not sending anything to get tested. I’ll just pull the entire grow. Had a grow a year ago. I was smoking cigars then. I got it on a few plants. I didn’t know what it was. I remove the leaves before it started I didn’t have any other problems. Like I said I’ve already seen it on a few I’ve never seen it take over a complete plant.


What does tobacco mosaic virus do?

Tobacco mosaic virus causes a mottled browning of tobacco leaves, and accordingly is of major economic importance. It also infects other crops, most notably tomatoes. The virus is spread mechanically from infected plants to scratched or damaged leaves of normal plants


Several precautions can be taken to reduce the mechanical spread of viruses: avoid handling plants (plant seed rather than transplants), remove diseased plants, control weeds and rotate crops, and avoid planting near virus-infected plants. Do not smoke and handle plants or allow tobacco near the garden


I’m a stickler that way, always demanding positive proof that it was actually “this virus” or “that virus” with certainty. lol I call it positive ID when you know for sure what’s going on. I’ve read so much and watched so much I feel like I can almost handle ebola in a racal suit lol! But, realistically, I have an excellent plan to prevent reinfection by using physical distancing. I think that works for pretty much any infectious disease. Physical distancing and no physical objects brought from one area to the next which are separated by 30 meters.


Most people are confusing hemp and hops viruses with tmv. people started using tmv to explain things they were witnessing that have similar symptoms to hemp and hops viruses but they are not the same. Even though it is technically possible to spread tmv people have been smoking around there gardens as far back as I can remember with no issues. I would like to see some positive test results showing tmv in cigarettes and it’s ability to transfer to cannabis. The hemp and hops viroids are common and are most often what is responsible for the symptoms people are calling tmv.
Some rogue hops plants in a drainage in sutter creek were the first to show up with the hops virus in California. The hemp virus exploded in Northern California a few years back and I can just about promise it came down from Oregon when the hemp industry started to take off. People trading strains and sharing genetics across large areas is not always a good thing.


yah, you basically bottom lined my thought process. So many infections by unidentified disease it doesn’t leave you anywhere to start investigating. It’s key to the whole method.

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I agree. The conversation has been around. Very true about the different diseases.


Right. It is actually transmissible through seeds at a very low rate from what I’ve read, but largely doesn’t get passed on because “HLVd propagates in uninucleate hop pollen, but is eliminated at stages following first pollen mitosis during pollen vacuolization and maturation.” I guess the process isn’t 100%, not surprisingly.

Anyway, as far as the potentially useful part… “HLVd eradication from pollen correlated with developmental expression of a pollen nuclease and specific RNAses. Activity of the pollen nuclease HBN1 was maximal during the vacuolization step and decreased in mature pollen. Total RNAse activity increased continuously up to the final steps of pollen maturation.”

To my somewhat ignorant eyes, that reads like at least the seeds of a hypothesis that artificially introducing HBN1 could help eliminate the viroid… even if that’s falsified in one experiment, or shown to have impractical downsides, it gives a time frame for further study on the precise chemical processes happening during viroid elimination. Dunno, baby steps. :wink:


I love to gather as much info as possible including info that seems almost useless. Imagine if I was online just describing how I was going to douse a spider mite infestation I had introduced to my grow. People would be right to think I am insane at that point, but you never know how it’s going to unfold. All I knew was that I would be victorious and the mites would be fucked. Positive ID on the mites, and then we’ll see how they respond to different conditions. Much more difficult with the virus, since I can’t really “see” it…
But I am willing to bet at a microscopic level, it could be an entirely new landscape. The lure of learning something… so strong. Like a moth to the flames :smiley:


The line between genius and madness… or is there one?


Yea but you love a good Conversation. Peace my friend.

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There’s something about the human mind. Check this out…
Some people say they don’t have a “personal narrative” thought pattern in their head, but instead have to voice abstract thoughts to hear them. Most people can just project the thoughts in their head.
I go with this other strange pattern. I have the personal narrative and the anti-narrative. Here’s a loose example:
My thought: “Oh everything is going good I did this and that things are working out”
anti-thought: “You fucked it all up and here’s why…”
That second thought is the one I really like to get in contact with during conversations. It helps me better than the personal narrative thought. I know, like my friends and shit, most people they don’t like that. The anti narrative is really fucking irritating. But I need it.


ok! So what I’ve determined is that those plant viruses are like ebola. It’s not going to float through the air into your other plants. It has to be physically transmitted with infectious fluids. So… I read all about how it can be transmitted in the many different ways and determined that I was the only one who could transmit the virus with infected fluid on my clothes/skin/tools/etc. So I propose, the box. It’s covered on the front with see through polymer with a slit so I can stick in my hands only. In the top is a single strip of led light to keep the plant going. So the protocol will be this. Take the infected plant clone, or suspect infected into the chamber right away. Leave all materials in there, unless they are going to be burned. Since only my hands will touch things, they have to be cleaned right away every time. Disinfectant right there. And no time will I ever go from handling suspect/infected plant to my own grow without a decontamination shower first. PHEW!


I like that. Thanks for sharing.

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Well I did more testing on the thrips and BTK! I have more solid information. You just keep spraying with the BTK until they all die. It’ll actually take a while but they will fade out over time. You can spray the plants as much as you want, and it does take patience. The lower the infestation numbers, the faster the BTK kills them. Don’t forget to spray the soil as well, if that’s how you grow.


lol! Just a reminder to myself and anyone else, you have to follow the instructions about cloning the plants and washing them off. I’ve tried it with large plants and it doesn’t work! You can never clean them, I guarantee that. Once you do the protocol 0 properly, the bugs are toast for sure. If you fail to follow the instructions exactly, the bugs will regenerate. I’ve never tested doing it “different” but now I have, and it fails. Dot them I’s and Cross them T’s or get ready to cry.


TMV or variegation? clone came from Catapult clone company on strainly. clone was/is tiki space runtz.
dont care if i lose this clone but dont want to lose the other moms i have! didnt show for about 6 weeks.