PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

You talking about the tobacco virus?


Yes. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just variegation and not mosaic virusā€¦


You have to get it PCR tested, either do it yourself or get a testing company to do it for you.


Are there any you can recommend?

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Iā€™ve heard people use farmer freeman. Iā€™ve never done it myself, so anyone can chime in. But, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard, they deliver a good service.


thank you very much. ive heard they do dna sex texts but i didnt know they did more than that. ill jump on the site and check them out! have a great weekend. appreciate your help.

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hah hah a reminder peopleā€¦ especially to myself. You definitely canā€™t take shortcuts when you are dealing with the parasite. When I took large plants and washed them, they were still infested. When I did the protocol 0 clones, they came out clean. Iā€™m not quite sure about the mechanic, but it might be bugs get caught in the nooks and crannies? Iā€™m not sure about that one, yet. The best way still remains where you take a cutting, strip off all the leaves, soak it in cool water for 30min then clone it. Iā€™ve definitely cleaned up the small clones from the LP that were testing positive for thrips, mites and aphids. I think the key is being aggressive on cutting off the leaves to eliminate the eggs of said parasites. Then washing the bugs themselves off/drowning them. The evidence is that when I tried it on the large plants, it took a while for the bugs to return, which suggests they had to hatch from eggs and grow up into bugs, and that takes several days. I hope those observations help!


Used him twice now, Talk to Jackson @ Farmer Freeman , great service, 100% accurate

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heh heh yah with OG you can really dig out some pearls of wisdom. In Canada you can get the PCR test kits yourself if you want from alcanadalabs or get them to do it.
A&L Canada Laboratories Inc.

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Well, that was a long read lol


heh heh yah, meanwhile the core concept is take a clone, remove the leaves and wash it off really good. Itā€™s fairly simple!


I would say that it is required reading to stay out of the justice league .
I know guys that have been growing for 30+ years and still follow bro science ā€¦


hah hah they had to go and find real jobs. Gave up growing crap weed! That actually happened to quite a number of people. I know those people and while Iā€™m crushing it in the competition, they are slowly going broke with garbage. Yet I could never elevate their growing because buddy thought he had it all figured out. Except he still had fucking powdery mildew 20 years later. :upside_down_face:


Itā€™s too bad buddy doesnā€™t know how to read. Sure glad I can read.


The strangest part is he would vape sulfur in the room, then the next day he would bring in some fresh infested plants he hadnā€™t treated. Then it would start in bloom, so he would spray myclobutanil on there. Some fucked up shit. If he had taken the time to go and eradicate the mildew at the place of origin, which was the person making the clones, then it would have been gone forever.


Exactly and the fact that the sulfur protocol is so easy to do. You have to be either lazy or ignorant to not win the battle against pm. I too was ignorant but not lazy. And now itā€™s gone and I can finally relax and put all I went through to rest once and for all.


Wow there is some chatter where pesticides that were sprayed around aka DDT is now being absorbed by cannabis plants grown on the same area. You have to be really careful with crazy chemicals, their byproducts can last hundreds of years.

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That spray is garbage they mix it with fatty acids that cause leaf burn.The Bonide Powdered sulpher to water one heaping tbl spoon to a gallon works much better a lot cheaper go with the powdered elemental sticks around a lot better too


I actually recommend elemental sulfur, if put on the spot. But in a pinch even that diluted crud works. I used it 20 years ago and it was 33% or some lame crapā€¦but it worked!
Elemental sulfur is better:
no stink,
not toxic to plant leaves,
deadly to mildew.

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Something about the fatty acids in that spray I never get burn off the powder but that stuff always burnā€™s something

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