PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Here’s a hilarious cartoon I drew, for use in making complaints about spraying poison.


Question on sulfur sprays - if I did a spray with oil like plant therapy before, should I do a rinse spray or soap spray to clean off the oil before using sulfur? And opposite as well, clean off sulfur spray before doing another oil spray? Have heard it can be rough on plants if used when oil is around.

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Yah you will have to wash it off. Here’s my warning… I don’t think you can wash off the sulfur. You can wait 30 days though. Why do you need alternating sprays?

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I was thinking sulfur might be too rough on newly rooted clones, so a lost therapy dunk initially, and then once they’re established and healthy go for the sulfur to make sure pests and PMs aren’t a problem.


Elemental sulfur would probably be fine for freshly rooted cuts. If you are looking for a way to keep your grow mildew free, you can invest in an ultra violet flashlight and shine that on your plants in the dark. If they glow white instead of being dull red, they are infested with mildew. Then you can sulfur their ass, and finish it off. Just do that with clones. Get them and shine the light if they glow douse them in sulfur water.


OK I’ve got a crazy story that’s like… years in the making lol!
In the greenhouse there were spider mites. Each year they would infest and spread over the various plants, except the nightshade. Once I realized the mites just winter over clinging to a plant bud, I murdered them all. The literal source of the mites was infested perennial plants that I just moved outside. Poof! Mites go bye bye! There is no reason for the mites to live in the greenhouse over winter now, because there is nothing growing in there that can support their existence over winter.


wow I saw something amazing it was a video about hops latent viroid and how it spreads. The crazy part was the trichomes were fucked up. Because the plant can’t produce the carbohydrates it usually would, the cap of the trichomes are deflated like a flat tire. That is the root cause of the low thc levels too: The lack of carbs to turn into thc! In that second, I also realized how you can easily tell if your plant is infected using the microscope.


What an interesting read this thread of yours @JoeCrowe and battling spider-mites with nearly all the pesticides available i can second that you cannot poison them. Though i do recall having had one clean grow after treading the clones with Vertimec.

I will certainly try your method with my fresh rooted clones by stripping them of all the leafs and drowning the mites.

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It’s amazing how fast they can develop an immunity to the hardcore poisons. That one batch I had, resisted all efforts to finish it off. Had to come up with something radically different! I recommend this process to anyone who has tried everything, and is now ready to try something completely radical :wink:


I’ve been battling these little fuckers long enough to know this method sounds very interesting. But do i have to wait with defoliating when there is no growth spurt yet?

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You could wait until they start to grow. Might set them back a bit if you strip them now, but they should survive.

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I will try it (and perhaps brush the defoliated twigs with a shave brush while flushing) and post a testimonium in your thread. Thanks!

Again, very happy being tipped about your thread since mites can basically ruin the fun and today i started my grow with contaminated clones.

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I’m still new to growing but eventually want to purchase some clones.

I’ve been reading up on IPM for a few days here on Overgrow.

It seems I will need to treat for both mold/mildew and pests such as thrips and mites/etc

Should I go with Sulfer and or Peroxide dips/spray or a store bought option? For the pests is there a store bought option?


For pests you can use fatty acid soaps that are contact killers and can be bought at most garden centres. Neem oil works as well for both pathogens and pests. Water spray, dip. Rinse and repeat a few times while quarantining and you should be good to go with clones. Peroxide dips works as well. Use a wide range of things fir your IPM and switch them up at weekly intervals.I like to amend my medium with nematodes. I use neem, pyrethrin bug sprays and Potassium salts of fatty acids In veg and the first week of flower as part of a weekly IPM. Once I start to flower I switch to a product called purecrop1 and also use LABS and a UVC Cleanlight, everything is used on weekly rotations. I slacked hard on my IPM at the beginning of summer this year for 3 weeks and got thrips because of my laziness. Whatever you do just make sure to incorporate a few different strategies and def stay on top of weekly IPM and problems will never get to out of control.


I have my tents in the same room. I guess it’s best to spray outside before I even bring it indoors for the first initial spray?

I just don’t want to transmit anything to my existing Grow Tent.


Definitely treat them before bringing them near your grow. I open my box of incoming clones above my kitchen sink and check them out closely with a magnifying glass immediately upon opening… look for anything out of the ordinary or crawley :sweat_smile: Then I spray them with soapy water containing alcohol… a tsp of dawn dish soap and a tsp of alcohol in a quart of water… that kills anything unwanted. I let them soak in the soapy alcohol spray for 5 minutes and then rinse them with warm water (same temp as I would use in a shower…pretty darn warm). After that treatment I put them in a glass jar and keep them sealed in the jar for 2 weeks… watering as necessary and giving them the same spray treatment 3x every three days…day 0, 3, 6. After 2 weeks in isolation, check them out closely with a magnifying glass again… they should be totally clean at this point or --if not-- you have saved your other plants and can treat the affected clone for whatever is afflicting it.


Excellent system @herojuana.tom :sunglasses: :metal:


@HeadyBearAdventures where you at? You had a bad ass link to that IPM management with cleaning up clones i think @dubby12 could benefit.Was a well written article and is worth giving a look for anyone trying to manage and keep clean clones.I need to print that shit out and commit it to memory.May be if i sleep with it under my pillow it will absorb through process of osmosis?


I love that jar idea. Why have I never thought it that?! Always learning. That technique will def be getting used.


So ive recently learned from my lesson of letting clones in their homes early and got mites and had to eliminate everything and start from scratch. All incoming clones should be immediately sprayed or dunked in an IPM then isolated in a tent alone or with others that came in the same group and kept there for 2 weeks minimum and sprayed routinely 2x a week with an IPM spray rotation with 3 IPMs in rotation and rotating every use as those mites can build up an immunity if you consistently use 1 spray. I just cleaned and cleared everything and ordered some beneficial pests to eat mites indoor and outdoor to release before restarting my grow. Below ill list the IPM’s ill use and the beneficial pests I purchased to win this battle

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