Pulling bad bananas

Has anyone here won the fight of plucking bananas? I just finished up week 5 on one of these girls and it seems like she exploded overnight.

My idiot brain is telling me to keep her. My smart brain is posting here for guidance. Lemme know. I’ll kill this bitch tonight.


id chop it
if its happening all over and continuously, its not going to stop. especially if it started that early and in the absence of stress


Be ok for edibles not a total loss☺


It could be stress. I’m not always the easiest on my plants. It seems to be isolated to the colas. I wouldn’t imagine that it’s heat as it’s the furthest from the lights.

Pluck them off and keep a close eye on it for the next few days.

Dim your light if you can.

I also had a hermie recently because I blasted too much light, exploded overnight too, picked off a couple the next day too and haven’t found any since.
Once the cause of stress is gone it should be ok.


Interesting. If we are talking about the possibility of too much light, instead of turning the lights down, could I also introduce CO2 into the room as counter measure? Or do you think that might be playing with fire until the issue is resolved.

When the lights in your car are on fire, do you fix the antenna? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you can’t dim your light, nor move it higher, you can also reduce the light time with a few hours.

You can also mist them with water every day or every couple of days.
It destroys any pollen that might get released.

Don’t do it if your average humidity is already high though.


If you don’t mind dealing with some seeds in your buds, you may as well let it ride at this point. It looks like you have at least one other lady in the same space, so don’t be surprised if she/they get hit by a little nanner pollen too.

For me, if a plant starts throwing nanners this early in flower, and the nanners are “exploding” in numbers, I always cull them. It will be very difficult to impossible to remove them all before they do any damage, and I don’t need my stressed plant to stress me out, too!

EDIT: It’s very liberating to cull a plant like this from the garden. It’s like you can just let out a huge sigh of relief that you don’t have to worry about it any more. And in your case, you still might be able to get some decent product from it, so it wouldn’t be a total loss.


It really depends how bad it is. I had a plant that went really bad but I was able to keep up with it.

At this point my concern would be protecting the other plants.

Fiddling with inputs/environment will accomplish nothing.


RIP young soldier.

I’d rather not have it contaminate the other ladies. Shes in the compost now.

I’m looking to see what seems to be a mega swollen pod on a neighboring plant. Will have to give a closer exam when the lights go back on tonight to see what damage has been done.


Probably the right move.

A few seeds is not really a big deal. It flies in the face If our idea of perfection but it’s ok.

And @Purple-N-Hairy is right. Daily hunts for bananas are not fun. It can work. But it sucks. I have set a timer for 5 minutes because if I didn’t how would you know you’re done?


Fast Purple Brasi sleeps with the fishes.


I’d like to thank everyone that gave me the mental fortitude to pull this plant.

I dub thee posthumously Peewee Hermin.

Looks like she was pulling this trickery for longer than I suspected. I’m finding some swollen seed pods as I inspect the innocent ladies who did not ask for these children.

It seems that these plants are impregnated where they physically bumped into each other.

Also… What is this? What is happening to this one?


It looks like a seed growing without a pod. I’m not sure that’s what it is, but it’s what it looks like.

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Spooky. I sent a picture of it to the homie and he said he thought it was a big ass nut sack. It’s hard like it’s growing a seed in it.

This grow has been a whole bunch of weird firsts for me.

I appreciate you and everyone else continuing to pop in and drop a little knowledge.


It looks like it’s creating a very special golden seed for you.

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If it’s hard like a seed, it’s probably a seed @Indicana_Jones . I’ve seen seed grow outside of the caylx before. It usually stays green instead of getting dark with stripes. I’ll see if I can find a pic…:peace_symbol:

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Hell yeah man. This is weirder than the girl at Lowes that just told me I have good looking toes.


Sorry for the shitty pic but this seed grew 3/4 outside the seed bract. It was the result of an big, intentional pollination. This one stayed green on the 3/4 exposed part and was dark with stripes, like a regular seed, on the 1/4 that was still inside the bract. I have seen this a few times before but this is the only photo I could find. You can see a half exposed sister seed near the top of same nugg. Same deal, green on exposed part and regular on the part in the bract. I think the bract shriveled shortly after pollination on those, leaving the developing seed exposed.:peace_symbol: