1st plant down! Hermie? Halp!

Having a small moment of panic. (Grateful I brought a towel)

I think my first plant is a hermie. From the quick info I gathered it seems likely it will produce pollen and I don’t want to hurt my other tent / plants. Detailed info in this thread at the end:

Any help would be appreciated! @Bayarealivingsoil already chimed in alongside a few others but I’m just trying to gather a few opinions from yall more experienced growers. It was from a bagseed so am amazed it made it this far. In any case, just trying to be careful! Thanks yall.

I ended up just posting in my 4x4 thread by accident (stoned). But the original history of this plant is here:

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She’s fine. I pulled this off mine a couple weeks back

If you see any male flowers pluck them off. Like they said in the other thread, don’t keep the seeds for breeding. They are likely to herm too


Hermies are mostly harmless


The seeds will be all female in this scenario if the pollen took Selfed females only have female chromosomes so if in the rare case you got a male thier sterile anyway .I keep herm beans for quick personal smoking stock when i need smoke but dont want to fish for a male from something i really liked but never took a cutting .I dont breed with them it will pass that Trait down the line and always catch you with your pants down everytime.The herm beans will be pretty close to the mother plant but its always just a touch off.Now pistillate Males i have messed around with and thats a whole different story.Its a controversial topic ive seen those males make no herm females in progeny but a quarter of all the males will do it so it’s reversed in roles its fucking wierd.


Going to need to study some male flower pics. It isn’t the end of the world if can’t run this out but I’d sure like to if I don’t risk pollinating the rest of the grow.

That’s such a cute little bunch of bananas there, lol.

Trying not to panic. lol

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Must have dropped some pollen by the look of those seeds forming. If not fully seeded let it finish and watch for bananas or chop and move on.

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So it’s the bananas that will drop pollen? (From the male flowers?)

I think I’m catching on.

So, somewhere on there is a male flower I missed?

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Correct, check daily especially the lower branches. And make sure to spray and wipe down the tent before putting anything new in there.

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This stud had very few if any pistils and they were only on the tops very slight.He was

an absolute beast


I overreacted on my first one and chopped when I couldve plucked and had some smoke. You should be good.

Yes I was looking @syzygy picture of his macro shot of nanner for a upclose reference, but I couldnt find it. In that shot you can see the orbs of pollen in the slit of the nanner waiting to be release pollen.


I’m trying not to do anything rash. I don’t see any male flowers. I’ll take a video when I get back from work and try to find any. There aren’t that many branches! lol

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If its not too many sometimes you can pluck off the hermie sites and they will go away and the plant will finish but if its a top to bottom herm sac everywhere forget it plucking is a fool’s errand by then it depends on how much you really love that plant too i mean Chemdog and GG#4 like to pop herms too and i can definitely see why they kept them around.Those are two of my absolute favorites i made crosses out of those myself and have had OG members bless me with thiers they pair like a fine wine and a good nice Sharp white cheddar if you know what i mean

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Found it but it wasnt a nanner but his old Goji male.


The Chem 91 one?


Yea that one, I found your Goji and forgot about those shots too. Incredible.


Look at all the Trics going for a ride down the nanner slide at the playground


I’m home. Going to smoke and then do a thorough examination of the Maui Plant. Really don’t want to pollinate the other 10 plants!

Are the other 10 in flower?

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All in veg.

You’re good.

Keep checking for boy parts. I’ve been watching your whole grow and Ive never seen balls.