Purple Kush Bushes: LED, SCROG & Autopot Tent Grow

Ionboard S23 - 240 watt full spectrum, perfect for my 3x3 grow area (I have an AC Infinity 4x3 perpetual grow tent) I’m running it at about 18" away @ 60% for a par of 550.


Welcome to OG. PK is one of my favorite strains. I just put two Purple Queens outdoors. Good luck on your grow. Tagged for follow. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Day #17 & The ladies are growing fine…

I thought I had some nute burn, but it was actually deficiencies, I bumped up the nute solution strength to 100% yesterday and the gals have bounced back KINDLY.

Thanks for stopping by :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch:

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Good morning, here we are @ day #18 and the gals are doing quite well, the minor yellowing and nute deficiencies have been corrected, I am close to dialing in the PBP expert coco recipe, combine that with the dialed in lighting and environment and all is well @ MC Farms, for now :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch:


I topped PK #1 @ the fifth node yesterday, decided to let the other one go for another day, the side growth is starting to come in:

And group shot:

Thanks for stopping by, questions & comments welcomed.

Operation FIM was successful:

I just topped the other one the same way, if successful it should start to show tomorrow, until then… I am pretty happy with the FIM :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch:


Day #19 - The ladies are starting to bush out.

The undergrowth is on it’s journey to the top of top of the canopy, I removed the top fan leaves when I topped.

  • Question - would you remove a few more of the larger top fan leaves to facilitate the undergrowth?


Overhead shots:

3/4 shots:

Family shot:

Thanks for stopping by :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch:

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So I decided to do a LST leaf tucking session to help turbocharge the under and side growth, doesn’t look pretty but here they are:

It’s looking like I successfully FIM’d both ladies, thanks for stopping by :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch:

Day #20 - “Recovering” from yesterdays leaf tucking session, almost back to normal lol.

The side & lower shoots got about 12 hours of direct light, they grew quite a bit in one day, in fact I am starting to see about an inch of growth per day, these ladies and especially PK #1 is vigorous.


Side shots, check out the good growth… getting bushy, which is what I want, these will eventually get the SCROG treatment:

Group shot:

That’s it for today, thanks for stopping by :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch:

Topped and leaf tucked yesterday, getting fatter, thanks bro.

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Nice, I’ll check out your grow, thanks again

DAY 21 - The Three Week Mark

I watered/feed the gals last night @ the full strength PBP coco recipe:

  • 8 mls - PBP Grow
  • 8 mls - Liquid Karma
  • 4 mls - Cal-Mag
  • 4 mls - Hydroguard
  • 2 mls - Silica Blast

PK1 is still a little droopy but I expect her to bounce back fully today, they both continue to bush out, I rotated them 1/4 and will continue to do so:


Side shots showing growth:

A couple close up 3/4 shots:

And the happy family group shot:

How do they look?

Thank for stopping by OG :sunglasses: :ok_hand: :facepunch: