Salutations LegalCanada,
That’s certainly a most “sexy” idea to have for a Canuck politician as those installed at the moment! Even Elizabeth dis(May) intends to support the “Cannabis Act” thinking it’s a step in the right direction, as i recall! So i got to wonder what she would say of the Canada Post monopoly!..
To them it’s a politically-safe win-win scenario, saving the taxes + the jobs too! Not to mention in Québec i don’t see how identities could remain private/secret while “légaleezation” finally translates as: #1) mail delivery; #2) nothing but abstaining; #3) “organized crime”… Which means 1 strike gets 3 goals met now:
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SRC: Tout le monde en parle (2014-Feb-23)
Lepage → “Donc vous voulez nationaliser?”
Trudeau → “Non, on veut réguler et contrôler pour que les gens doivent montrer les cartes d’identité…”
Translation: Do you want it nationalized (Canada-wide)? The answer being NO, we want to regulate and control it so the consumers need to show their identification cards!
In addition, during this same historical “marijuana” discussion (on French-speaking national TV @ premium hours) our future PM promptly argued it’s NOT a « dietary supplement » (which i consider as blatant propaganda the animator Guy A. Lepage conveniently failed to question somehow)!..
Justin repeating his bipolar mother credo, that mari-caca hurts teenager brains…
Notice my freezed-frame above vs CBC’s below…
CBC - Margaret Trudeau back in headlines (2015-Oct-30)
« I… We know from science that just smoke pot before 18 it’s very dangerous to your brain. »
…though it ain’t any more harmful than alcohol/tobacco, Justin said… Commenting that society needs to be made safer for children while still showing respect for an adult’s preference even if that’s making a bad choice, etc., etc.
In all honestly i must conclude Justin should have married Lucie instead of Sophie!
Good day, have fun!!