Québec's own "STRICT" laws relatively to Trudeau's mari-caca

the cost of production is less than a dollar a gram if you’re efficient. they should be selling it for $5 max. some LPs are charging $20 a gram. it’s fucking ridiculous. such is capitalism.


Well, a bit more if you’re hand trimming and paying municipal electricity-rate(where I live). But I totally agree with you.

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Salutations everyone,

Honestly, no: i’m in pain mentally and physically from the long hours chasing ghosts, only to give up trying to sort it all in vain in a house of mirrors where everything seems to change shape as it moves… What’s just very clear though is that institutionalized abuse never got this worse, it doesn’t matter if smokers were allowed when i signed the renting papers anymore, a new special class of of citizens is being created. This will remain on the menu as long as cannabis stays on the United Nations socio-toxic treaties & schedules, for starters.

At 45 % taxation it’s only calling for more “légaleezation” challenges in justice courts IMO! Actually i think a bit too much of Trudeau’s “science” came from whatever similar severe distortions USA had to offer via bigot prohibitionists as Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow who were seen in Mtl/Qc last year, inspiring our own local crusaders i’m sure.

My time is over but the worse part of it is the fact that there’s propaganda on every channel of TV, not to mention papers. Everywhere people unite in hate against a new sub-class ranking below the already abused tobacco smoker… I liked the idea of Dana Larsen in Vancouver though, to make it grow anywhere possible but our own properties, because now there’s going to be civil asset forfeiture - it’s only a matter of time before the 1st mediatic events put us in front of a done deal. Pro-cannabic lawyers avoided to analyse the 10 CDSA modifications of JT, who am i to contemplate such a mammoth task!?! With more unfairness at every step…

I’ve done my part trying to address the consumption method anyway, proving to myself the “harm” for cannabis ain’t in the substances of natural plants themselves. It seems my intuition didn’t fail me, that pipe won’t be legit for decades, centuries i fear. Maybe i should engrave it with the 4 letters “Egzo” in hope it survives until found in some archeological site a thousand years from now. Hummm… What a comforting thought…

All they want i - US -, they want my name, address and a signature. Since when do people need to do this in order to get a drink? Imagine walking into a bar and being asked for credentials before the barman sucks our wallets dry, out of over-taxation!.. This is unfair and awaits legal challenges i can’t afford to witness myself. If i had been 30 years younger i could have moved to Vancouver to say hello to the young Emery couple i guess, now where are the keys of my time-machine!!

What i want i not just my “buzz”, i was hoping at last all persons as myself would finally stand fair comparison with others addicted to tobacco, alcohol, euh… oh, and MONEY, obviously the worse of all enslaving dependencies imaginable! Instead i learn contracts signed in good faith are without value the instant some guy invades my privacy searching for mari-caca clues to confiscate my basic rights on a single tip from hostile neighbours and whatnot.

Thank you LegalCanada for the picture but i’ve learned that only part of the story, macroscopic images provide complementary hints that helps those who need to wear 2 pairs of glasses…

Actually i used to have a BudMail (budmail.biz) account but don’t ask me about it as i never used it!

Anyway 250 /28 g = 8.92 /g already and that’s crazy even for “bio” kosher since i can’t trust anyone with BANNED pesticides, not even the Canuck LPS and their “medical” supplies to begin with! To me that’s inflated way above any reasonable level. My striking example of canola vs CBD oil says it all: the net benefit is astronomical even after every worker along the chain was paid (canola = 2.16 /l vs CBD = 129+ /60 ml, last year!)…

The locomotive of bigot anti-cannabic prohibition is about to hit us hard with every form of “legaleezed” abuse their imagination can invent: shortly put, this is WAR and Québec shall be made a prototype again.

That’s my position as well: mafia-height price-tags have been adopted as the norm and there’s no official protest coming from our “civil servants” anywhere… Anyway i have plenty of land at my disposal, we’re talking pennies instead of dollars, but now if i dare benefit from it after paying my taxes it’s the whole property which i’d put at risk, otherwise we’d have been told there won’t be civil asset forfeiture long ago. So i feel i can safely assume it’s there waiting for the 1st court challenges. Either it’s civil disobedience followed by being stripped of our possessions either they tag us like wild dangerous animals able to sign their names.

Divide to Conquer already proven successful when dealing with “medical” patients taken hostages to justify an artificial socio-toxic contraption of some sick minds, hence the scenario you’ve described makes a lot of sense to me. Both politician levels had that in mind even before being elected i think.

Accurate enough as that’s how it feels, like being raped by all of those who casually aligned to make a dime on it.

With great powers come great responsabilities and those politicians can’t pretend they don’t have access to true scientific resources while we can see how the boards get stuffed. Criminal minds indeed, but just look at Jean Charest to realize they were all out of reach before it even began. So they do it because they can. Time to revise our charters of Rights and Constitution? Not before they’ve all died of old age IMO!

Indoors, while i got private access to land if i wish to and i only need to supply myself anyway. No need to hire Mexicans for the trimming, i’d be too glad performing it the artisanal way.

I’ve got no grief against healthy capitalism but this is something very different, that money orgy is NOT doing our society any good on the long run. Meanwhile it’s the people who will pay for the messing up.

There’s not even a motive to support chimeric creature with no focus on cannabinoïd ratios, curing/decarboxylation, a refrigerated chain of conservation (considering the prohibitive costs), etc. Even the humidity level would prevent safe/healthy/rewarding vaporization as far as i’m concerned.

The whole project is made of HATE from A to Z, which is one simple way to view it.

Thank you all for offering an opportunity to purge the excess of anger! I have a birthday to celebrate in a few hours: 80 years! I’m hoping my anxiety won’t show up risking to spoil the event… Crossing my fingers nobody mentions the recent cannabic actualities!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:



Today a broadcast via “ICI Radio-Canada Télé” (formerly SRC) will feature Lucie Charlebois explaining Québec’s future cannabis law:

Les coulisses du pouvoir,
2017-Nov-19, 11h00 AM.


Tweed signed a deal with greenhouse and strainhunters :joy:
They are making it so easy for us to boycott them.
I hope aurora signs with barneys or something…


you realize you’re on a weed growing website right, people aren’t going to pay $130 for a quarter ounce. $100 for a gram of shatter. that’s worse than the LPs.

edit: after a 2nd look, it’s a craigslist type site i guess where people post their offerings. i have a similar idea to build a market like SR/AB using crypto + escrow/multisig


Salutations BongLeMagne,
Salutations LegalCanada,

As far as i’m concerned It’s not like i’ve got any real choice if i’m to hold to my convictions, no matter if it’s going to be “legal” next year or in 4!.. Just to paraphrase Bart Simpson, my simple answer to her would be « Eat My Shorts - But only from my laundry basket! »…


There’s no way i’d ever agree to leak private personal identification to feed a database assorted with my signature in legal support of such reefer madness! Those ~12800 individuals who participated to her “consultation” may not have cared since a large part of them were most probably registered with the ACMPR regime already, i’m expecting they’ll regret giving the bigot prohibitionists this much trust, eventually!..


Honestly it’s all so deceitful i had to make sure to keep her precious politician illusionist tricks on my pocket MP3 player at all times! So here’s a ZIP archive which carries both of her November 19th interviews on Canuck national TV:

[ https://www.mediafire.com/file/9edd7b7v45657s1/Lucie%20Charlebois%20(2017-Nov-19)%20.ZIP ]
“Lucie Charlebois (2017-Nov-19) .ZIP”, 547M6

[ http://ici.radio-canada.ca/tele/les-coulisses-du-pouvoir/site/segments/entrevue/47570/lucie-charlebois ]
SRC: Lucie Charlebois détaille le plan sur le cannabis (2017-Nov-19)
MP4 Size = 432M6

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBZBACE7G3A ]
YouTube: Légalisation du cannabis, la ministre Lucie Charlebois à Tout Le Monde En Parle SQC TLMEP (2019-Nov-19)
MP4 Size = 157M6

Anyone noticed she had a change of clothing and yet the same brooch type of jewelry keeps showing up in both instances? Any idea if that could be sending some political “message”?..

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


@Egzoset for Prime Minister 2020!!


Salutations Scissor-Hanz,

Bin voyons, jamais au grand jamais je n’aurai les doigts assez croches!.. :scream:

Bonne journée, au plaisir!!

“I personally doubt that picture is accurate at all. Prices have also gone up in recent years in Montreal. At least for wholesale. I don’t know about MTL ever having cheaper weed than BC unless you’re talking m39 or friesland. I used to make a lot of trips back and forth from Montreal in the mid 2000s (05-10) and those were great times. I am very close by in Ontario so it was always a short trip for good cheap weed. It hasn’t been the same in recent years though. Mostly everyone here is shipping weed across the country from BC, where it is currently significantly cheaper than everywhere else in the country, even Quebec. I also have a hard time believing you can get anything for 16/g anywhere in Nunavut”

Actually Qc is 2nd to BC for cheap prices, it sells for anywhere from 1500 to 1800 a lb arround here…

According to the guy I donate all my green :wink: we domget some BC bud that comes all the way here mostly kush for arround 1550 a lb and apperently we send you guy’s a shitload of Blue Dream and Blue Cheese lol. You get freezeland here for 550-800 a lb depending on the supply and demand and I havent encountered m-39 for a couple of years, im not ready to bet it’s gone but the idiots growing that shit finally understood that nobody wants to smoke that anymore geez.

Qc has always been close to BC for production and prices, I think the only reason you guy’s out produce us is because of your milder and slightly longer outside seasons, although ive seen a drop in popularity for inside growing in the last 5 years or so arround here probably because of harpers bs


This is very accurate, imo.

Salutations BlackMarketMeds,

Actually i suppose Québec has cheaper prices for about anything, just because our market doesn’t seem to behave like those on the Pacific side, the ocean, i mean… Simply search for a place to rent, then consider the salaries, for example. Honestly i’m no traveler but i’ve got the impression there’s some serious inflation elsewhere that puts a barrier somehow. In addition electricity represents quite an inversion of roles among other aspects which ain’t negligible.

By the way, politically lets consider the Québec bashing going on in the West, m’well… Mainly. That only serves those who wish to rule through division, by default, but a lot of pro-cannabic individuals are prompt to fall for it too nonetheless. Meanwhile the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists are spreading and even seem to duplicate if not reproduce - almost everywhere, euh… Totally free to harvest US before we can react in good time.

No matter what the numbers of a “criminalized” market can be like, forget such trivial considerations at the thought that all i need is a legal authorization to do my thing without ever being a threath to society, or threatened by it… Too bad society insists to play the predator role while i’m expected to be its pray!


Really, what’s the difference between canola oil and cannabis oil if not a man-made exacerbated difference which i’ve seriously got to wonder if that’s not in fact a time-bomb by design. After all when we want to bake an egg there’s a shell to crack and hence this requires mechanical stress, so… Now what if we’re in the middle of a Cultural Genocide represented by that egg and the enemy is all to happy to apply the most stressful forces so it can manage to crack us up?..

Using « Divide & Conquer » strategies, for example.


Personally i share the popular opinion that criminalization of home-cultivation makes no sense if the purpose is anywhere close to what’s being announced routinely via heavyweight propaganda « a mari usque ad mare » on planet Itnoc, 'cause nobody can pretend to compete if i my hands are untied legally, both in terms of social safety and taxes - but the bigots need to use rational science in all fairness or it all fails like it’s supposed to in “Plan-B”, or “C”?.. Which by no means justifies Lucie Charlebois to dictate others what their favourite dosage is about to be like anyway!!


Trudeau voted WITH Harper on mandatory prison sentence over a handfull plants, but the truth is they pretend being opposed fingers much like the index and thumb of a same hand… How can i believe these liars, even Elizabeth dis(May) announced her support to the “Cannabis Act”, an abomination which i hope will make a few high-profile senators have a twitchy rictus, for example:

(Senator Jean Lapointe)

If that guy could decide to criticize the bill openly then maybe unsuspecting voters would start to listen instead of being satisfied to echo hateful vilifying anti-cannabic propaganda! Love would be that strong should he only dare to rise when his time comes, because i’m confident Québekers would trust him this much they’d vote NDP or Bloc strategically in hope to make sure we’re done with politicians of an antiquated age. But that’s me.

Too bad the date he chose to appear on TV was April 6, not 5 or 7: which is kind of troubling knowing that the year before there had been a memorial planned that day for a man killed by police (Fredy Villanueva, 2008-Aug-9):

…while in 2016 an other SPVM-GTi agent named Christian Gilbert caused the ulterior death of Jean-Pierre Bony / Bony Jean-Pierre who died later in hospital, 2 days before this very same fatidic date…) over 8 oz not even his own…

Hummm… One way or another that sounds ironic. So, to me it’s like the famous senator was used more than he may have wished to participate in sending yet another “political message”, the Trudeau way… This time i seem to read « WE’RE IN CONTROL », it think; as if even sincere iconized persons can be manipulated like much the rest of Canuck voters, with a few powerless exceptions: US, those who never get their saying in their very own private affairs!..

Anyway, if it were not the province of Lucie Charlebois around here then there’s no way i’d want to do indoors sessions again, my activity would need to take place outdoors with all my pride and legitimate self-esteem intact, right under the sun for all to see, with no chemicals nor pesticides period. Euh… In another life i guess!

Another motive of mine to prefer nature over Hydro-Québec is the cost of electricity vs the cost of sunlight (…), evidently!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


exactly. you don’t see people paying $1500 a pound for wheat or anything. it’s ridiculous and quite telling they are trying to match the black market prices instead of significantly under-cut them

i agree with this as well. does quebec have a history of corruption or organized crime? it seems like the policies they are implementing in quebec are designed to make well connected polirical allies rich while simultaneously ensuring the black market continues to thrive


Salutations LegalCanada,

That’s part of the stress forces i’m worried about as mister Bony wouldn’t have died if Justin Trudeau had simply fulfilled his promise by removing cannabis from the CDSA and schedule. Too bad making it really legal never was considered in any hidden politic agenda.

M’yeah, even with an obscene safety margin in the favour of those the government now calls “criminals”: it’s called over-taxation pretending that’s supposed to keep children away, just to make certain something breaks along the tectonic stress lines…

Meanwhile never mind leaving many more successive generations exposed to socio-toxic self-vilification from combusted THC-centric pesticide-laced mari-caca, for example.

Everywhere anytime there’s division among a puzzled Canuck population so we should suspect the insidious wrong-doing of self-serving politics to reveal itself, eventually (…), if only our contemplative mass-media press ever dares scratching the surface long enough someday! Those are times when they’ve perfected their art to such perfection it’s no longer necessary to hide: delays do the job sufficiently well when voters address their democratic duties as in a hockey game.

Sometimes i come to wish we had more bold characters like Rob Ford to hire as those guys make it easy for us to sort out…

…while weasels as Jean Charest escape the radar all too easily, the prosecutor being the accused and vice-versa.

Anyway the so-called consultations both in Ottawa and Québec were bogus, starting in August 24th last year for example:

Back then the Qc/Can LP ratio was 1:36, it’s now 2:74 so it just means the artificial discrepancy is essentially stalled. Yet no politician insists to talk about it in such clear terms at any of the government levels, while normally we should expect 17 LPs from the surplus spread between British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and of course Ontario, according to this obvious graphic alone… In other words « Divide to Conquer » worked wonders and now such imbalance which seemed beneficial to a lucky few at 1st finally threatens to bite back, only to please those bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists they didn’t fear before - unfortunately that’s too late to have a change of mind. Return in twenty years to see if that other stress force was tamed down!

Personally i think our politicians chose to conveniently spare the susceptibilities of those who voted Harper before on top of some true violent criminals who could have become dangerous in every single province once stuck against the wall. It was easier to pray on a defenseless pacific bunch of peace lovers TV news commentators keep calling activists, libertarians, proponents, etc. Honestly i don’t identify in this jungle and i’ll bet few of us do, no matter what’s the label.

Now we have to assume cap’tain Itnoc just ain’t on our side and he’s about to use every means in his power to show clueless unsuspecting voters we’re everything he called us.

In The Name Of Children.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. 1500-1800 a lb is significantly more than it was in Montreal some years ago. Right now you can order pounds of weed from BC for 1100-1200. Its laughable. and I’m all the way in Ontario so just imagine how cheap someone in Alberta can get it. It used to be almost that cheap in MTL, not anymore. I’m not talking outdoor or greenhouse or mids I’m talking about aaa buds or higher. M39 is still around in the small towns all over Ontario. I wish it’d go extinct. It won’t though there will always be people that don’t know any better. I’ve been in this business half my life and I personally know a lot of people who deal in large amounts so I have a pretty idea of what wholesale prices have been like for the past 15 years. Half the people I know used to make trips to QC for weed on a weekly basis and now none of them do. It’s not because we have a problem with the province its because the prices and quality are better elsewhere. Like you said its supply and demand, the more competition, the lower prices get. Is there not enough competition anymore? Who knows. I Honestly don’t care where my weed comes from I’m not all about that this place grows better weed than that place, I just get my weed from wherever its priced fair and quality. You can find that anywhere nowadays. I remember mid 2000s pretty much everyone in MTL was growing indoors. A lot of it was getting diverted to the black market. Things have kind have changed now with all the corruption going on and the LPs trying to take over. I honestly wish things would go back to the way they used to be. Making a 2 hour trip was much better than waiting ages for something.


Salutations NeoGitus,

No problem, i’ve never been a prohibition type of guy. If the consumers accept to pay for the extra features then so be it, but it needs to be a balanced market with no socio-toxic forces externally applied only to serve greedy 3rd-party opportunists represented by lobbyists in Ottawa and the provinces. Otherwise i want pro-cannabic lobbyists for ourselves too, starting with guys from “COOPERATIVES” where i can pay a fair price for expert expenditures and salaries while watching my girls growing on IP-TV from my rocking chair… But no, the enemy wants to keep it all to themselves without ever sharing a bit of the fun, which is why their artificial stigmatizing contraption is bound to cause more suffering and violence, before an ultimate epic national fail awaiting for the UN/WHO to adjust, hopefully!

Try to explain to some obtuse guys that there are consumers who wouldn’t mind paying for various THC/CBD/CBN ratios for a change…

As a young man i was raised on a farm where monetary benefit was the result of properly planned strategies and hard work, in an environment which gradually resulted in a vacuum at the hands of politicians who prefered lobbyists. If only i could detail how my own ancestral heritage got fractured by such external forces even before i could own it! By the time i turned 18 it was clear my future would reside elsewhere, yet imagine a different scenario with no urban predators around and cannabis made as legal as tomatoes… Never mind 1000+ % net profit margins as with CBD oil, i’d be happy living a honest life like my father, his father and his father’s fathers before him, etc. There’s no doubt in my mind i could have been worthy of my privileged niche just like anybody else, no need for astronomical speculative margins.

A better lifestyle combined to some fair sustaining revenue would have been reward enough to me.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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I live in an agricultural zone and know exactly what you are talking about. My village is slowly shrinking, down to 200 now from over a thousand 20+ years ago. the only active farms are run by elderly men that refuse to give up. The government actively supports corporate dominance over everything agrarian or resource based. Legalization could’ve revitalized my community and communities like mine, but instead we get corporate cannabis grown in a downtown warehouse and the same type of anti-rural flavored legislation we’ve been getting for years.

Just a note: they chose give the dossier to Ministre déléguée à la Réadaptation, à la Protection de la jeunesse, à la Santé publique et aux Saines habitudes de vie, Is it really a surprise we got the legalization plan we did? was the minister of development too busy? minister of agriculture? This whole process has been a joke, a theater piece to give them the deniability they need to rob us legally.


Hi there BongLeMagne,

Sounds familiar enough and yet the crooks with fancy ties keep repeating empty words like “sustainable development”…

Both my grandmas would have thought the whole world has gone crazy if she had witnessed bottled water sales at the nearest grocery!! Got to wonder when we’ll get fresh air in cans…

Nope, not at all as that was to expect long before UNGASS 2016, when at least 3 hints were clearly provided in a total lack of criticism, as the “community” had already started to disintegrate because of the MMAR (worthy vs criminal): Joy Davies rejected over referals to science for starters, Bill G20 Blair being nominated at a critical post, then Hilary Geller extending the previous Harper era at the United Nations. These corner stones of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism alone should have rang quite a few loud bells though instead it proved futile to wait for any such alarm triggering, in vain…


Thanks to artificial TrudeauMania the politic class continued to claim its “right” to do worse than its predecessors, most specially in Québec where Lucie Charlebois was put in control in preparation of the “Loi #44” on tobacco despite her extreme personal bias against all forms of smoking.

Too bad those with a significant lever proved greedy too:

(Éric Gagnon - Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltée, 2015-Aug-31)

Both sides failed to work for the benefit of our population, Lucie was ignorant when not plain arrogant (even laughing at a negatively-charged joke related to Trudeau’s yet-to-come “LÉGALEEZATION”, then her later apparent passivity, until recently, felt as much a hint as her rambling) while the tobacco representative was hanged before he could communicate his equally biased message… Consequently it’s only to be expected today that the consumption method shall remain in a socio-toxic grey zone, including pro-cannabic vaporizers designed to tame down the self-vilifying effects inherited from decades of extravagant 3rd-party interference combined to zero liability.

Excellent arguments, but those are politicians obcessed with their own electoral time-frame so it’s easier and more convenient in front of cameras to please a legion of non-consumers making a dime on it, thinking the multi-millionaire rainfall shall result in plenty of revenues disapearing through a multitude of pre-existing systemic cracks anyway!.. Just get the proper tips, return a few favours and then hope getting rich from the work and legacy of others - which spells like a predator system with no intention to “protect” anyone nor anything decent.

Just the same way money was wasted on numerous mirages before (sabotaged firearm registry, useless/obsolete computer systems, etc.) now i’d expect the “stoner$”/“droÿés” detector arsenal to meet a similar fate after it only served those who manufacture the hardware, on top of those who use it in conjunction with revamped civil asset forfeiture laws, soon to behave as mercenaries…

It’s like a nightmare of ancient Greece tragedy proportions and i can’t seem to wake up while facing a constant abuse of reality twisting. Making it hard to find the correct words for publication on social media! No wonder we’re never told where the sinister’s input actually came from…

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Remember April 6th, 2016??


CTV: Montreal demonstration turns violent (2016-Apr-7)

« The event was meant to protest the shooting of Jean-Pierre Bony, who died of injuries from a police rubber bullet during a drug raid… »

FaceBook: Jimmy témoigne sur la mort de Jean-Pierre Bony (2016-May-12)

N. B.: Actually the name appears to be Bony Jean-Pierre in newer articles.

Every next April 6th there seems to be another “message”. For example last year:

This year today:

SRC: La SQ remplace ses balles de plastique par des projectiles aussi controversés (2018-Apr-6)

Ce qui d’ailleurs justifie cette mise-à-jour qui a bien failli m’échapper…

(Christian Gilbert, SPVM-GTi)

La Presse - Mort de Bony Jean-Pierre: début de l’enquête préliminaire d’un policier (2018-Feb-12)

« Une ordonnance de non-publication nous interdit de relater les détails de la preuve présentée. »

TVA - Policier accusé d’homicide: le syndicat soutient l’agent Gilbert (2018-Feb-12)


JdM: Policier accusé d’homicide: le syndicat soutient l’agent Gilbert (2018-Feb-12)

« À la suite du décès, une manifestation s’était tenue à Montréal-Nord, qui a ultimement dégénéré en émeute. »

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