Question about a few seeds I started

Hey :wave:t2: everyone,
I was wondering what is going on with these starts of mine. They’re a bagseed CBD strain from a Las Vegas CBD store except for one that is an old dc seedbank freebie I was gifted. They are in black gold soil.

They seem to be turning a bit yellow on some of the leaves and some have different shapes than others.


Can u give us more info on what u watered, how much you watered and if you feed then? They look super moist for me and they look burnt. Small plants need small water and no food. What about the soil mix? Is it heavy or light, sorrynondonr know the brand.


Was thinking the same thing. Overwatering/lack of oxygen in the root zone. Maybe hot soil.


I agree, they look burnt and very moist, do they have a nice light over them? is the soil cold?
What to do… I would leave them alone for 2 to 3 days, maybe would try to raise the soil temperature by placing it over the oven but the best is to leave them alone, if in 2 days they are better, they survived and are recovering, if not be aware that cold ambient is a bitch, because the water stays in the soil and don’t evaporate, meaning you can be overwatering them, sometimes too much care is a disaster.
You are planting weeds, leave them alone, no watering and in 2 days check them out and post pictures I would say.
Let’s see if the elder agree or not.
Best luck to you.


Soil looks very wet as others have said.


I’ve just been misting them with regular water and only the past day or two super thrive. The soil might be hot, I probably should have gone with worm castings or something less harsh. Thank you for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

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Are you checking the ph of your water?


I’ll certainly give that a try leaving them be and might put a heat mat below the tray. They’re in a done over attic that has pretty erratic temps though I try to keep it warm for them and my 3D printer. I’ll keep everyone posted with another round of pictures in a few days, :crossed_fingers: hopefully they rebound and can thrive in the future.

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I haven’t, I’ve just used bottled water.

Just from looking at them, I’d say what the people above have said, looks over watered, over Fed and or ph is off causing the yellowing


Yeah no worries, we are here to help each others!

I would stop using superthrive. Let them sit for 24 hours and check them before, dont water or spray till soil is practically dry, try to have 26 Celsius over the plants and like 20 on the soil. You need a warm place. Cold is bad, too cold water also. Those plants need too little water and will not dry within 2 or 3 days i could. If you add something, just add root stimulator in the lower dose thill they have real set of leaves.



Also go get a super cheap PH drop test, baking soda for raising it and lemon juice for lowing it. (Cheapest options)

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I’d say you’re right, thank you for the diagnosis

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Sounds like a good plan to me, I’ll do exactly that. Thank you very much for the help and advice :blush:


That’s an awesome tip about the pH by the way, thanks again


Looks like they are in too small a container and the dirt is too hot.

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The superthrive smoked them. I once used that stuff, and will (to use it up) on outdoor plants. A decent myco product will be much better for your plants, IMHO.


I was thinking about moving them to larger containers soon. Perhaps with some more neutral soil.


Yikes! :worried:

I think everyone on this thread is right… if you can get them into a drier and neutral medium they should pick up again.

My heart to yours regardless of what happens; it always hurts when the plant babies are suffering when so smol :sob:


I always heard super thrive wasn’t bad/was supposed to bring plants out of shock, but the excess yellowing happened mainly after the use of it so that could be right on the money. When I move them to larger containers I’ll definitely put some myco root stuff in.

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