Question about S1

Can anyone post up a f1 and s1 flow chart to get to IBL

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Shazam! This is the shizzie so fun! Was looking towards preservation. In my haste I bought quie a few S1ā€™s instead probably should have picked a couple and bought multiple packs. Whatā€™s the general view of taking S1ā€™s keeping a good female and reversing another to make more seeds to have more to hunt through? That was my initial thought.


Awe, I was middle of reading that :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is a good way to start inbred lines for making hybrids, and they already took the first step by offering S1s. Inbreeding a line from an S1 as itā€™s own thing will be difficult to make a better variety than the original plant, mostly because of the high amount deleterious alleles in Cannabis since it is outcrossing. And the original plant (often a polyhybrid) benefits from hybrid vigor. But can be done via recurrent selection over generations if you create multiple lines and cross them together when you start reaching dead ends, or do something more like an OP with mass selection

@MantisTobogganMD What exactly do you want to know? 2 S1s derived from a heterogenous parent plant may be fixed for different alleles at each locus by chance (or fixed for the same alleles, by chance or by active selection against plants that phenotypically display defects as a result of homozygosity for a deleterious allele). Recombining them will make a pseudo-F1 which will cover up deleterious alleles in each S1 line, if they were fixed for differing alleles at the relevant loci. An S2 will be more inbred, and depending what was fixed, is likely (but not necessarily) weaker due to inbred depression.

Generally when making S1 and S2 lines to breed with, the majority will not be worth carrying forward.


Thanks for the reply very informative!


Okay I second a question . A breeder had a xxx og x gg that self pollinated, it was also in a room with 2 other strains . Fortunately, all 3 flowered out amazing ,even with the seeds , 9/10 smoke , taste structure ect .are those bag seeds considered ā€œs1ā€ or like a mix of all 3 ?


At that point, IMO your best bets are either just trashing the seeds for a bunch of possible hermies with no clue on the geneticsā€¦ or starting a major advertising campaign with a terrible rapper to shill them and calling them ā€œCookiez.ā€ Youā€™ll get sued, but not before you make a lot of money.


S-1ā€™s are /is an acronym for the 1st selfing generation produced as the result of crossing the plant with itself. this is achieved by a range of techinques aimed at reversing the sex of a selected female plant getting to produce male pollen and using it to pollinate itself.


LOL, I think Cormoran & Hawkman are ā€˜on pointā€™ :+1:
Iā€™m assuming but self pollinating you mean they hermed. In that case you are making birdseed (IMO). Unless thereā€™s something totally outstanding about a plant I wouldnā€™t work on that further.



It pollinated itself and 2 other plants . It was seeds in all 3 at the end but the flower was superb with seeds. It was definitely worth seeing what I find imo . They are already in 1st week of flower displaying female traits . I could be wrong though.

I mean , the finished product with seeds was amazing and Iā€™ll definitely smoke it again , itā€™s strains the grower had dialed in, the og was stressed. Might I add , I popped 5 of the bag seeds , no stress , all look & growing healthier than clones and seeds I purchased.

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Imo & Iā€™m a harsh critic . The finished product that was seeded , smoked better than big named brands.
The smoke was so amazing, people were told it was seeded, tried it & didnā€™t care. I was able to collect about 40 seeds . The 5 seeds I popped so far, almost are growing identical besides the plant I topped . Day 6 flower already definitely see one is a female


Their all gonna be femā€™s, and wonā€™t show herm tendencies till flowering. Thereā€™s differing degree of intersex as wellā€¦ full blown and the occasional balls or nanners. The later you pick off if possible. Keep a close eyeā€¦

Some may run clean, and if itā€™s the best pheno found is your keeper.

If your environment and methods are good


I found better stuff in the crosses from csi then his s1s. Example I ran his s1s of his chemD as itā€™s my all time favorite strain but havnt found anything better or very close than the clone only itself or anything i plan on keeping around. I have found a great pheno in his fire og x mendo purp freebie seeds that i plan on keeping around and i dont even like purple strains but this ones on a differnt level with a stench i cant get enough of plus it reaks more than anything else i have witch i really like.


Yeah. Go rush on S1 and fems for breeding everybody. No problemo.
Bigger part of the cake for those that donā€™t mix what is a commercial release and what is a decent breeding material ^^

What is going on in here :sweat_smile:


Sounds good, do that then. :slight_smile: If I see any sign of pollen from a female, itā€™s getting isolated and never grown again, and my opinion on what to do with the seeds reflects that. You do you, though. Just please tell people before passing on hermie seeds. Some people donā€™t care, some people would rather use them as birdseed. Since itā€™s from an accidental pollination by a hermie, perhaps multiple hermies, regardless of what you do with them theyā€™re still gonna be a bunch of possible hermies with no clue on the genetics.

That being said, if you loved it and find a real winner among the offspring, hermies can often be stabilized if someoneā€™s willing to do the work. Iā€™m growing 10 GG4 RILs downstairs right now because @Tonygreen and Mycotek did the work, and Iā€™m very glad they did. I have about as much a clue on the genetics of the original GG4 as we do of your seeds, and it doesnā€™t bother me one bit. :wink: I certainly wouldnā€™t have wanted to be the one to wade through all those hermies in the process, though.

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Who said the genetics are unknown? The og self pollinated due to stress in a room with 2 other strains.
The strains are strains that are constantly grown by someone who grows quite consistently.
I smoked the father which pollinated & the flower was still better than flower packs people pass around. I still have videos of the dad and mothers that the seeds came from . You would have no idea it was seeded flower. There was no lost in quality besides if you actually burn a seed because you taste the flavor of the weed so much, youā€™ll know it was a seed.
The seeds germinated in 16 hrs .
Iā€™m not the brightest but if a plant herms , its probably due to stress , so i doubt a plant is gonna pollinate itself and produce a bunch of ā€œhermā€ seeds ,I could be wrong though. We shall see ,itā€™s day 7 of flower.
:blush: this grow is a Mythbusters grow.
People said donā€™t grow them, thatā€™s why I did. I also used no co2, no cal mag, Made a coco mix that no one ever usedā€¦ They all vegged damn near perfect 3 ft green bushes. I havenā€™t used a ph pen this whole grow also. Iā€™m not making seeds or making seeds to sell but if I do, Iā€™ll get the best quality by caring for the male like a femaleā€¦healthy male donor makes healthy off springs.

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Thatā€™s what I thought was gonna happen .the herm was due to weather conditions and Iā€™m just trying my best to keep the weather dialed in and keep them stress free .
the batch that hermed , smoked a solid 8.5 /9 outta 10. All 3 strains that had seeds. There was batches with seeds , only difference was picking seeds out. There was about 40 seeds in 3 lbs.

hermie plants do give some great seeds - just have to run 25 seeds at least

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