Question about S1

I’m in week 2 of flower, all shooting pistils , looking like fem.
I don’t buy into the “herm in the genetics” theory.
I think different plants have hermaphrodite tendencies in different environments.
Though that is up for debate. Step one is be counter active. If a strain hermed in your garden I’d want to know your environmental condition, then I’d start by doing the opposite to relive whatever stress it may have endured next plants love high 70s some don’t .

Totally, hermaphroditism is an invention of bad cultivators. It never happens if you’re an elite.
Even the whole concept of monoecy is a total BS, both flowers on a plant doesn’t mean anything genetically. Specially if you’re an elite grower ^^


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hermies = genetic, heat, stress, some strains - generally hermie’s happen with outside grows like I mentioned (stress, ect) BUT there could also be some open pollination from plants miles away. have grown some hermies that produced some good smoke

Don’t get me wrong, i don’t mind about individual tolerances on stability and about the inherent advantages of the process : easy, fast, don’t require to map the line, fem seeds and it’s a gold mine today if you’re methodic … at the moment it’s not just an excuse to average everything by the bottom in preaching the reverse. If it’s assumed, i even try to help to make better outputs when the level of the discussion permit this.

I’m more concerned by all the bullshits i read about the inherent and factual constraints of this kind of genetic, hidden behind this will to hide the consequences behind cheap sofism. It’s deleterious for the clarity, and personally i find it a bit nihilist. The lack of transparency also, at some point. And it concern both professionals and hobbyists. Both the market and the trades.

But the most intolerable for me, and after two decades of this my tolerance is quite low now, it’s the general cynicism about the subject. A lot of “100% reversal missionaries” that are preaching this magic shortcut, hunt mostly in the same time genetics that never seen a STS sprayer.

Now if in your statement, it mean that you firmly think all cannabis plants are herms waiting to be triggered by “stress”, it’s different. It give me a context to understand your angle and it structure your opinion on a personal scale only.

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Your so uninformed on intersex in cannabis plants. Spouting things you have heard but have no experience with. It cannot be bred out!! You find a breeder that says his fem or regs have no intersex and we will pop multiple packs and you will see!! I have ran 100’s of packs from just about every breeder and found numerous intersex plants with ALL the breeders, ALL!!! breeding can increase or decrease specific traits recessive and new traits. But you cannot in conventional breeding eliminate the cells that control intersex, only through gene manipulation in a controlled lab. Then you have changed cannabis and do not know what the results of that could be. So so many growers have found amazing phenols in seeds made from intersex, heck all the best strains where made from intersex!! Only the STRONGEST survive! What has happened is new growers buy seeds and get intersex than flip out, go online and complain screaming blaming the breeder in forums with other inexperienced growers saying same BS. Experienced growers and breeders all know its part or cultivating cannabis, breeders come out in the competitive market and perpetuate the lie so you’ll buy there seeds. A good trustworthy breeder won’t lie to you to get your money he will educate you. Yes never breed with a pheno that shows intersex, but NO breeder can test his cuts in all the 10 million gardens(or more) so it’s pointless for them to tell you you won’t get intersex. They should always tell you to look out first 28 days checking internodes DAILY!! Look if you can’t you shouldn’t be growing. Or stop crying about few seeds. If your growing at home seeds shouldn’t matter as much but if you put in proper work you won’t get any. Clones, not guaranteed either!! They can show intersex too. I grew 10 strains I hunted over 6 years grew for 10 years in 4 different grows zero intersex, sold cuts to buddy he calls says they hermed dude. Something triggered them into survival yhat simple. Also pm, mites, aphids etc come with clones. Only time I ever had any of those was from clones. So I put in the work hunted 100’s of packs and kept the best that grew great for me in my environment. Do The Work!!!


You put another coin in the jukebox ^^ I will start to ignore the subject after this, maybe my last rant on the wishful thinking about reversal. Tired also to inject my long term backward on this.

Unfortunately your lifespan isn’t enough long to permit this in starting to grow before starting to speak, but i got the idea.

Double error ^^

1st : stabilizing the dioecy by traditional breeding is long, bloody but not an impossible task if you decide to work a line more than one single generation. And it’s how we got the vast majority of the best cannabis lines, that are now main classics used as backbone in almost everything.

2nd : At this day we don’t have found the full cascading mechanism that turn cannabis plants in herms, we just know that it act like a recurrent mutation for the DNA. It’s why you can test seedlings at their first leaves to know if they are females or males genetically, but these tests don’t permit to detect the male+herm or the female+herm status. Actual PCRs are actually detecting the males, then the females per elimination, but i’m picky.

I see the things very differently.

A lot of hyped cuts are herms, it’s true. But their are not strains and they are not coming from breeding for the most. Most of the time it’s from an accident on commercial grows totally fucked. The kind of grow where herms are not so much welcome.

Now i just have to compare two decades : The 90’s and the 2000’s (the start of the domination of fems). Guess which decade was the most productive in dankness and the most hunted today, and which (almost triple) decade was the most dry in term of famous lines and cuts ^^

Also the term intersex is quite an anthropomorphism for the case of cannabis …

No, the most adapted to a given context or the most mutated to be adapted. It’s quite different.

Yes, and massively. In buying herm seeds at insane prices, that’s the true ambivalence ^^

This is legitimate for high end products, they are supposed to be stable, worked and screened for the customers (even fems). I don’t see any “grand elite honor” to return to feral plants and fully seeded crops, like centuries ago before we stabilized modern cannabis.

Actually, on the subject, the community is lying a lot more than well implemented brick&mortar breeders. You can contact Dutch Passion (the firestarters of the domination of fems in the market) and ask them if you can make seeds with fems, they even prevent officially on their most sensible lines sold.

He can’t, at most the breeder will give practical informations on to best way to grow the line but in knowing that it will be totally ignored ^^

I personally don’t trust anyone in this game because it’s a question of “moment” and “momentum”. You want to get the seeds at the right moment, the peak of skills. They are not robots, they have their highs and lows just like everybody.

But you just said that it’s best cannabis since ever ^^

This is where the maths tools bastardized by the storytellers should be used, instead writing magic recipes with it that can’t work ^^ It’s used with hemp with success, and you can choose a monoic or dioic strain to fit your needs (fiber or seeds). It’s insured. It mean that you can sue the “breeder” if shit happens.

Cuts have to be reliable, but you was talking about the progeny (the final product) and i got it.

The more you’re using a risky genetic, the more constant should be the watching. “Elite grower” or not.
By the way one month is quite arbitrary, herms don’t answer to a clock but more to specific triggers that you have to map in function of the line.

Best definition of the actual standard, and why i say that the old one is burning in hell atm. Sad era.

It’s exactly the same wishful thinking that the breeders you’re describing just in up. And if the grower is specifically screening for herms the seeds he germinate, it become a bit more complicated to handle ^^

It’s a matter of individual tolerance. Some like to have plants that herms if they talk too loud, others like to focus on others qualities of this plants.

Just growing is enough, plants are neutral teachers. If you’re not competitive and take bad decisions, it still an annual … it’s not long to figure out lol

Welcome here anyway and best luck with the herms you never get, but that are the most competitive weed, but that shouldn’t be used ^^


Everyone makes mistakes even elite growers . I believe plants tend to herm from garden to garden when grow methods are passed down from garden to garden.
Plants react differently to different environments, so if the same mediums or nutrient regimen is passed down, that could play a part.not the only part though.
I’m no elite grower at all! outta the 4 seeds I ran from my boys herm plants , all 4 are expressing female in week 2 of flower on 11/13 cycle .:sweat_smile: I’m just trying to keep them happy so they don’t go Buffalo bill on me in week six. I’m not raising light intensity, slightly gonna raise feeding next week & temp humidity steady at 77/58 on /72/52 off.


It would be hard for me to express how much I hate the term “elite grower.”

Gardening is for everyone and you don’t need to be “elite” to bring out the full genetic potential of your crop. No outdoor garden is ever perfect and even the best indoor gardens usually are not. Yet they both can turn out top quality cannabis.