Light interruption

I have three clones on day 10 of flower. Last night I forgot to turn off the LED display for the humidifier and I just discovered it has been on all night. Did I just totally mess up my plants?

go back to what you were doing and move on they will:)

make beans and share them



Been worried about my LED panel on my AC Infinity controller set on low.

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Think you’ll be fine, just don’t make a habit of it…

What kind of humidifier are you using and how’s it working for your grow area?



Is it always or just sometimes you have it on? I’m hoping this is a one-off situation but continuously I would be concerned.

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if you genetics has a problem with this :frowning: here is my advice shit can it and I will send you

beans I have power strip lights on, display LED meter panels running etc etc for 20 years

I have never had a Hermie



It was a once and only once time of doing that. Hopefully they don’t have an issue, they are just starting to give me some buds!

I use this humidifier in my 2x4x5 tent:

The reason I like it is I only have to fill it every day or two. I live in a super dry climate and need to use it continuously, but crappier models will go through the water in a few hours. I would def recommend this or a similar one.


Thanks! These are clones from a dispensary. They’ve been going great but obviously hard to tell before you get a full cycle with them. I’ll let you know if I need the assistance.

Thanks for the recommendation gonzo, RH in my area during winter is usually <35%, so looking to dial in my VPD…

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Remember the light of the full Moon is OK. just curious, how is the humidifier working for you? I’ve tried one from Best Buy and it didn’t raise my rH more than a point or two. My plants have to deal w/ humidity in the 30’s all winter. I think the house is just too large, I’d need a commercial-grade mister to make a difference


Yeah I thought about full moon or security light outdoors. Hopefully it wasn’t too strong from the display.

Humidity was my kryptonite this summer. If I didn’t run the humidifier, it would be ~20% if I was lucky. This is the best I have found and worth every penny. I bought two different humidifiers from wal mart and they just couldn’t do the job. Plus this one will shut off at a specific humidity, it just isn’t perfect.

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I was moving to a DIY humidifier for capacity. Rubbermaid tub hold a lot of water cheap… but 6L isn’t nothing. My 2L unit barely makes it through 24 hours set on the lowest setting. Thanks for the link!

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I also did the 5 gallon with a water tank heater in it. But it wasn’t as effective as I had hoped, but I’ve heard of others having success with it.

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One thing I’ve learned, and I’m sure veteran growers know this but more for people just starting, it is far better to invest the money on good equipment. I had been running a 400 w hps with just a wing reflector in smaller grow rooms and would constantly run excess fans to control temp. I would be lucky to get the temp to 80 degress.

I purchased the yield master air cooled reflector and worth every penny. The temp runs great, the plants love it, and I don’t have to constantly worry.


Take a piece of black electrical tape and cover it up, pretty easy peasey


Good choice. All I run but 600’s.

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It is usually totally off for lights. I just forgot to press a button to turn off the LED screen.

I think it depends on how hermi prone the strain is. My timer screwed up and left lights on mid flower for 2-3 days… out of 4 plants 1 threw a few balls. The other 3 wernt even phazed

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Like mentioned by a few, if genetics are good you should be too

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