Ramping up after 20+ years

Ok. Auto tent progress.

In case you were debating on clay balls for Micro Octo or not, we have a side by side comparison. Same media, same seeds. The runts in the front were planted same time as two in back right. Hydroton Clay balls in the netpot w about 20% media packed on top does not wick enough water. I even raised the controller level but you see the results.

Big thanks to @OnePassionateGrower and @joheimgrohen for the Sour fro-yo autos. I apologize for not doing better w the beans. As you can see 2 not doing bad, 2 I almost killed. 2 never sprouted. And 2 died due to lack of water.

Also a big thanks to @Pleiochasium for the Stardawg Cory clone. Same story. Clay balls bad for Micro Octo.
I believe she is on the mend now. Back left corner. New growth looking healthy.

Last huge thanks to @EpiKatz for the Humboldt Sour Diesel auto seeds. Hope I can not overwater these. Last water was 4oz on top and the cotyledons turned brown the next day. Still hoping for the best.

My last effort to kill everyone was maintaining 80%rh. Since slowly corrected thanks to advice from @ifish and @GrouchyOldMan.

Feeding Jacks 202020. RO water to 5.8PH.
Cal mag. 79F and 70%Rh. 24hr

Forgot to mention…running the super small Sub micro octos here since @Jetdro bought all the good ones :wink: