Ramping up after 20+ years

I was stubborn and for whatever reason, did not do as told from the beginning…
I now pay for the increased variables.

Hoping for quick recovery on your grow and will post you with any changes I find on mine.

Have a great one @Not-Notjosh!


You got this regardless of what you do…your doing it! And that’s what matters

I’m along for the journey with you…as I will be starting mine soon after an unexpected long break (but I haven’t had a drink in 4 years) so I got that going for me:)…

Keep up the great work OG’ER


Grrr, I woke up to find this.

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Ro has no ph buffer in it like tap does


Damn Dood, you’ve really had your share of problems with this grow! Very sorry to see that.

I’d like to offer some helpful advice, but TBH, what you’re seeing is way beyond the worst Octo grow issues I’ve seen before.

It almost seems as though treating one of the issues you are seeing just aggravates the next underlying issue.

One question, in the post above it looks like several of the reservoirs are completely empty. Is that by design or just a moment as you were working the problem?



I believe I knocked off the foam floats from checking the res so often Lol.

Ok, I ended up with a full breakdown and cleaning everything including the tent surfaces on the photo tent.

Used 1 cup of h2o2 to gallon of water. Dunked everones netpot for 5 min in this solution.
Then rinsed all res and hoses with straight 3% h2o2.
Refill with nutes, wait and see.
If this does not cure things, I am starting fresh. Taking a break and going to do the same to the other tent.


You’ll get there! My 2 cents coaching, any auto that looks like this is, in my experience, at most if you turn it around today to 100% happiness going to give you a single fat bud with maybe a couple lowers. If not turned around, one marble sized bud. Sometimes I grow them through anyway :slight_smile: but thought you’d like to know what the top of the possible end result curve looks like for those.

Sounds like you’re learning a lot and things are going to improve greatly for you soon!


Thanks, I was just watching what it would do. Was not expecting anything from it but figured I may as well use it as a leaning tool. I was about to cull it then noticed the little pistils peeking out.


Thank you and congratulations on 4 years :+1:

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That’s exactly how I learn things :slight_smile: here’s my most recent stunted one like that- root rot I’m pretty sure took out most of the root system early on.

I tried something I’ve been wanting to try to save stunted ones, which is foliar feeding, and it got really happy, so I tried pinching off the top flower to see if it would veg more. No luck there, but she smelled delightful and was a commercial fem seed so I pollinated, and here she is now with nearly mature seeds.

This one benefitted from my learning, because when it started stunting in the same way I applied foliar nutrients immediately. Its growth was really slow for weeks, but now is picking up speed and looking like it may produce a modest but real sized plant.

Once they’re both finished I plan to rinse off the root systems for a good look at what happened. I’m guessing the tap root was mostly lost.


Looks good now.

Best of luck growmie!

Have a great one : :+1:

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Ok so I also sanitized the auto tent.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Hey bud, I’m not 100% sure how you’re doing things and have a few questions.

-In what medium are they sitting in?
-What do you water them with exactly…because if it’s still the distilled water it might be the problem like mentioned before by @ifish
-What medium was the octopot created for, sry I’m new to that system, but it sounds like for soil to me.

  • Do you water by hand at all or is it all done by that octopot? And if you do how much and how often?
    -Do you use mycorrhizae and trichoderma?

All up it looks to me like a few things might be off here…like maybe, correct me if I’m wrong:
Light intensity, watering intervals or levels, ph…

My first recommendation would probably be buying a premixed medium instead of trying to mix yourself. .thats if youre new to it. At least just to figure out the new growsystem first without the extra hickups from a new recipe. What did you use successfully in the past?
Also,figure out the exact amount of calmag you need…it’s not what the bottle tells you. It’s what the water you’re using dictates. So check what the label or analysis report says about how much calcium and magnesium is in it and adjust from there. If you need help then I’ll try my best.
Calibrate your measuring tools often…and keep the ph stick in storage solution or it will f@#k you up over time.

I’ll wait for your reply…I just want to understand why it’s not going well for you.
What’s the next strain you’re starting? I hope you’re not giving up after the last fails.
Better luck for the next one✌️


Hey @stiffy, thanks for stopping in.

Have a great one!


Thanks for the support @ifish :+1:

So if the main res jumps in PH, do you recommend a little ph down to bring it in line? I have not tried this yet.

I began limiting how much I was putting in the main res for better control but doesn’t seem to be optimum solution for long term.

If I mix the jacks 20-20-20 at full strength tsp/gal, the PH comes to 5.5 without any up or down but as you mention, RO can swing quickly and quite a bit due to being stripped of everything.


As much as I know…if you use ro water u should mix in a third of tab water to stabilise it against fast fluctuations in ph. Distilled water shouldn’t be used because you won’t ever be able to keep the pH stable.
And by the sound of this system it probably needs watering from the top till the wicking works properly…but that’s a gut feeling. Maybe someone who uses them can help out.
I blame the ph for the yellowing on your plants.


I forgot…sry:
Definitely try mycorrhizae…it’ll speed up your root growth massively and trichoderma will keep them healthy against all sorts of things.
Lot of shit in the shops is bullshit…those two are no waste of money.
And I would give it a go with a promix if that’s what they say. Sometime the devil is in the detail.
Whatever you decide to change…I wish you good luck and great results
Here my current grow…Zoom a bit in and you see I also had ph issues at the start and could manage them…lower leafes still show a bit, but the new growth looks good. For me it was the ph pen which needed to be cailbrated😮‍💨


Your most recent comments got me thinkin…

What’s your final EC or ppm with all the nutes?

Yeah, your water could use some buffering. @HolyAngel, what’s a good way to raise the alkalinity in RO.

How high did your pH get @JOHN1234, and for how long did it stay there for?

6.1 wouldn’t hurt anything, even if it rested there. If you got above 7, even for a bit it could be the “root” cause of what we’re seeing.Octos are gnarly when the pH goes off the rails.

Also, what % mix of perlite are you using? Did you wash it before use? Is it recycled or new?

Your Pal,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Are you ph adjusting the RO water to 5.8 prior to mixing the Jacks or did I misread? If so, reverse that process and see if it helps.

No harm in direct adjusting ph in the reservoir if necessary. Though you should dilute the chemical with a good dose of your res liquid before adding it to the res, mix it good when you are adding. Just be careful not to overshoot your target.

Jacks, my experience is the stronger you mix it, the more stable it is,
ph-wise. I also feed it at a high EC (3.0+), but I’m not recommending that as I know it’s system dependent as to what you can get away with. But you might be able to use that info in some way :grinning:. Good luck.

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Hey Grouchy!

With Jacks = 400 ppm
Add CalMagic 3.8 ml/gal = 800ppm
Add Rhizotonic 15ml/gal = 825 ppm
PH 5.7 - This is what I get mixing full strength Jacks, If Iighten up, the PH is higher accordingly.
After Calmagic the PH = 5.5

PH did reach 7.1 on some plants. It is variable between all of the res. Some climb quicker than others.
I have been trying to even things out by only adding a gal at a time to the main but obviously not doing well.
Totally seeing the climbing PH as an issue with the roots.
One plant res is already at 6.2PH. PH in main res remains at 5.5

Perlite is 30% by volume, brand new. Did not wash. Didn’t even consider it until you mentioned :man_facepalming:


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