RANCID & FOUL - the ’STANKIEST’ flower - Corpse Flower f2 Hunt - 2024 SoilTech Swamp Run

Welcome! Super stoked about this round, glad to see yas join up. It’s been a super dry start to the season - we are in wild fire country here and between that and the misquitos - we are in for a bit of an adventure.

Just to clarify - the bit above about why we landed here was written in a confusing way - we bought this land because it was cheap. (Most of the acres we have are swamp) the reason the hoop houses are in the swamp - is because it’s the ideal location when considering the sunlight and physical space in this spot. (It’s also nice and far away from the sheds I usually rear the males in)

@Organical No hip waders here - last couple seasons - I’ve gone through several pairs of rubber boots, lucky for me the water is only ankle deep - each pair never lasted longer than a few months (thick bush and heavy use) - last year I got some good steel toe rubbers. A decent brand as well… they also didn’t last longer than the season without a few patch repairs :

For my birthday this winter - Mrs soil tech said I could choose any boot - money no object. I found a pair which was fairly reviewed - and she got them me. Thanks babe - :wink:. Hoping they will stand up better than the last bunch.

As promised - I snapped a pic of one of the corpse flower f2’s from the first pack. This one is the furthest along. I’ve gone against my own rules this season - i will be topping many of the plants - generally in the passed when making seeds I like to see a plants natural structure. If anyone’ is following TNF’s work they know he is no stranger to several toppings- I’ve taken his lead here and will be leaning heavily on KNF inputs / my living soil mixes and a few pointers I’ve picked up from Mello.

You can see the unique broad leaves with a easy to identify overlapping :

(‘One and Done’ residue on this plant - amazing pest control recipe - look it up! Thanks @JohnnyPotseed )

Next post here we should likely see the hoop houses come together and a few plants settling in. At 52 Degrees latitude and over 3000 ft above sea level we are still seeing some frosty mornings. I will likely wait until the first week of June.