So my cat just found an old RR plug from somewhere and ripped it apart while batting it around. I’m pretty sure he has eaten a few of the bits that have broken off. Since this in the last 15 minutes, there is no emergency here.
Has anyone had a pet eat these?
My dog likes to eat perlite for some odd reason.
I’ve seen Doug’s dogs at Shore Grow Hydro chomping on clay hydro pellets before, but figured I would put this out for query, as I have not seen any of my cats do this before.
Doug’s dogs are OK.
Very good bois!
My dogs will knock them around if I drop one. I never saw them eat one. But, than the one would hide with it to eat it.
Pup is going to grow up strong, and… drain, very very well?
More accurate than you know
I am necro-ing this post because I didn’t get any cat centric answers.
Thanks for the dog centric replies. It’s just that dog’s are so much bigger than the 10 pound critter that is the reason for this post.
well…did your cat die?
Rapid rooters are made of peat moss with some mycorrhizal inoculants to aid in rooting. The peat moss itself certainly isn’t toxic, worst case it’ll give your cat acid reflux from the low pH of peat. There isn’t a lot of info on mycorrhizal interactions and there are about 1000 species, so it’s not particularly targeted, but what I’ve found suggests it might actually be helpful as probiotics - again, worst case would be an upset stomach. I’m not finding anything that suggests long-term damage certainly - so, since you posted this 8 hours ago, if your cat survived the night it’s probably fine.
good info. he originally posted in may, hence my joke. i think this cat was a guinea pig and the experiment went well lol
Guinea cat