Rats Rodents Eating My Seeds

If you go for this. Make sure you don’t get one of the many knock offs/copies of the actual Rinne brand one. Shawn Woods went over this on his channel. Rinne also has a website, and had an official amazon store - duno if they still do. Shawn suggests a newer design (a windmill style, with large paddles, and a shield) now, perhaps instead of the Rinne dunk trap, last I checked.

Might be worth a try for you. I had a Rinne dunk trap. It came a bit warped in the tight vacuum packaging, kinda rinky dink. I tried to get it straightened by soaking in extremely hot water. I had no luck with it.
However, the original “Walk the plank” dunk trap (kentucky mouse trap, ebay), now available in abs (great for outside, my wooden ones were destroyed by the elements) I found to be much better.

Wild, forest rats (as opposed to “city”), this might be different. But they have so much food options that aren’t whatever bait is in your trap.

The traps that work on the huge 12 inch long, fat norways, is likely not going to work on the baby/adolescent norways - and vice versa. Big adult rats are a different game than when they’re smaller.
The walk the plank trap worked well for tiny babies. I set it to trip at around 3-5 nickels worth of weight (trial and error).

By the way, a dog is what you’d want. Not a cat. And a dog of a particular breed. They also need trained to some degree… really. Maybe not just for instinctive … deterrence ability. Better yet though. Get some mink, haha. Ask Joseph Carter.


Not great. May also get wildlife, if that’s a concern.

What are you going after/catching @BackyardBoogie420, have you identified them? Pictures? Etc? Those are mouse traps…

Shit, I’m getting dragged back in. Nooooo.


Great points all around. I should clarify I only use the glue and small mouse traps since Im in the burbs now with a fenced yard, and am only dealing with field mice. But I lived in the Santa Cruz mountains for years, and up there it was everything from small field mice to massive rats, and everything in between. But I would drop traps of all sizes out there. It was war, and we used a whole arsenal of killing devices lol

The trick we used out in the woods was walnuts hanging in a little cheese cloth in the trap. They wouldnt go for peanut butter. Not sure why, but it was a definite theme.

My heelers son was half bully/half cattle dog, and that homie would literally dig out rodents and pull em out of bushes. Sometimes multiple kills a day. But he also would sit around all lazy on the couch with his father a lot of time. He earned his keep though🤣


This is what happened to me. They got displaced and moved in.


same. buggers et my cover crop this spring. first time seeing rats on this property in 17 years


This topic isn’t for me :rat::grimacing:


dogs… traps… BB guns

and good wire fence.


Most Chilie Heads start off with milder ones first :joy: I am still an amateur as Habanero is as hot as I can tolerate for now.

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Get a white rat from the pet shop :slightly_smiling_face:…they don’t come around if they see one.
I tried everything to get rid of the fuckers coming into my fifth floor apartment and eating up wires in my washing machine :neutral_face:
I finally used a anti coagulant rodenticide which contains Bromodialone which worked.


I use the same method here.
But you have to put it in différent places year round. :sweat_smile:
Works well anyway.


If you dont want to use poison ( im afraid that my dog eats it or eats an mice with it) use classic Mousetraps, Nutella and peanut butter works better than bacon or cheese for my experience.


Have you tried sticky pads… They have small/medium/large and trust me anything touches em gets stuck… And best part no chemical to worry about…


I do use the traps but these guys are smart, I guess the key is too outsmart them. Some rats fall for it, last yr at a different spot I had a rat chew off his own leg to get out of a trap. The rats that seem to be the problem over here with my seeds seem to like my seeds so perhaps I’ll bait a trap with seeds. @jamMAKEcan I suppose some sticky traps will help, I just hate when I get a lizard stuck on one. Have also had rats in the past run off with sticky traps if they have a free leg but small ones are usually done if they get stuck.


:rofl:.:joy:. Damn pesky rats lol. I’ve had them run off with the sticky pads too… Never found em… Lolol. If it possible to nail the traps down an put em in a circle then put a pile of seeds in middle…:trophy:. Ive had a bird get stuck i freed him an he flew away then returned as if he was thanking me. I’ve also freed lizards from too…best of luck brother


I’ve seen rats chew through steel wool impregnated with rat poison, I’ve seen them rip off their own skin getting off glue traps.

It’s not all that different than human life.

But if you want to be humane, it’s def8nitely a harder row to hoe.

Guide them out like Peter piper, and prop up your seed tray in the meantime.

Give them a better place to be/ don’t make your spot comfortable.

Get alot of cats


Maybe these if your rodents aren’t that motivated
They have a drawstring @ the bottom


I must disagree :green_heart: lol

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Agreed, even just one, but it’s got to be a barn cat, not a house cat. You want one that, when it sees a rodent, it sees a meal :yum: , not a plaything.


I’d take a uneaten trophy prize as well, given the situation. You gotta lay down some kind of law. Talking about feces and botulism and such


I agree, however, I personally haven’t seen many house cats make a trophy prize of a serious rat. Mice? Oh hell yes! But a brown or, particularly, a black rat? I pity the house cat.