RAW Lawsuit, bad for business

We’ve got the aroma of Tacoma :rofl:


raw papers always have been nothing but shit to me. i don’t like them at all, their tips i like though. :sweat_smile:

good thing is another fucking scam is punished, just 99% to go lol


Same here Misterbee! Port Alberni is considered the “Armpit” of the island. We (in Crofton) are upgrading and trying to find other markets, such as Amazon packing paper, but it costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Just this past December they shut the mill down permanently and myself and 85 others were unemployed 4 days before Christmas. The provincial and federal governments gave the mill millions to fire partially back up and I am working again now, but 42 are still out of work… but it’s so unstable we are not sure for how long.


Hell! I had no idea. I didn’t buy RAW for the marketing and didn’t even know most of those claims.

My question, what cones do you all use then? Even the last pack of normal papers I got was RAW, doh!


You aren’t missing anything believe me. I primarily vaporize my herb but sometimes have a joint once in a while. Vape tastes 100x better.


If you live on the west side of my city you can smell pig shit from the abattoir when the wind blows. On the east side is the sewage treatment plant which smells oddly similar.

But yeah, paper mills smell gross. So do sugar refineries.


it doesn’t get me high. we had a decent one a few years ago and i never did get very high on it, but everyone else did. same thing with the edibles everyone has. none of them work on me, except the full melt candy bars back in denver before they took them off the market. the only edibles i ever could get to work on me were the ones my old lady made back in the old overgrow days from the trimmings in a crock pot. except the oil in the syringe, not sure what it’s called, but it works on me pretty well i guess.

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We had a pulp and paper mill in the valley I grew up in. To this day, that smell reminds me of home and I don’t dislike it. It’s the white liquor isn’t it?
It shut down before I came of working age and I have yet to do a shutdown at any these days…maybe one day.

As for papers, I’m a rizla silver guy mostly but zigzag whites are my 2nd choice. I’ve used the blue and ho estly they didn’t bother me, but it’s all I could get when I was pinching them off my dad lol. Anyone remember the green ones? Water resistant lol…actually not a bad idea for the wet coast!

I’m not sure I’ve ever used raw. I’ve got some rebranded ones from Ace and Seedsmand here though, who knows who makes em. I’ve always disliked those clear cellulose ones that look like plastic.


Are top ok pages? That’s what I’ve been getting. That and zigity zags…


Never used them…I’m old school zig zags…


I didn’t hear that, but it doesn’t surprise me at all. That is terrible.

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I’ve had the square box papers before. I’ve never been much for them. I have a few of their cones. I do like zigzag better. I like the papers that come in a long roll.


White liquor is your refined bleaching and dissolving agents prior to being introduced to your feed stock.

Black liquor though is that combined with all your lignin binders and the likes from your wood and that is whats burnt off in your recovery boiler giving that nice odour, i use to work as a 4th class power engineer on a recovery boiler at one point in the past.


White liquor and black liquor. The white would eat you up. I worked at a paper mill. They say you fall in that you won’t come out. I cannot stand the smell of a paper mill. I remember the pond beetles being everywhere.


in the effluent ponds yeah the bacteria used plus the aeration would… there were a couple deaths over the operating years of the mill i worked at though prior to my time, and the white liquor would just dissolve you being caustic in nature.


I got gas for chlorine when I was in high school. They put the other guy in the hospital. But me being as young as I was, I didn’t want to get in trouble because I got hurt. I’ve had lung problems every sense.


Just seen this, didn’t know that about " RAW" I never liked them seem kinda harsh taste to me, but that’s crazy


I’m not big on joints. They probably use rat poop.


Probably lol I know I didn’t really like them, just to harsh for my taste,


I can’t stand them glass “papers” they just feel weird in my hand. Shame about the raws, I was a fan but OCBs are just as good and an easy switch. I love joints.