RDWC Dark Star Kush

So here is what I just flipped to flower. Last time I grew this strain was regular bubble buckets and it didn’t stretch this bad. Plants grow like wild fire with this setup. Have to setup another screen as I’m out of ceiling room with the CMH and it’s about 14 inches from top.

Lights: (1) 315w CMH and (4) QB304 @ 1050mA = 835w
Nutrients: Jack’s 5-12-26, CaNO3
Strain: T.H. Seeds Dark Star Kush


My nutrient mixing area. Getting ready to mix a batch.

I use distilled water 100oz each jug 1oz/gal for simplicity. Lasts me about 2 weeks then I notice floating bacterial colonies in the Jack’s mix.

In goes 180g of CaNO3 in part A
Part B gets 270g of Jacks 5-12-16.

The most expensive part is the distilled water. I use a mask for the Jack’s as it’s dusty.

That’s it. Very simple setup.


My clone chamber under 260w 4k QB304 (x2)


Is there any benefit from this other than sterility?

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I guess to safeguard against any precipitation. My water has a lot of calcium and is high pH. Also cheap enough at $0.70 a gallon, figure $3 a month isn’t going to break the bank. Sterlie is a factor. For some reason the Jack’s mix still forms bacteria. The CaNO3 is always chunk free by the time it’s used up.

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Nice setup!

Im confused though - you only use 3 gals of water a month? My hydro grow was using 3 gals a day for three plants all through flowering.

Or are you topping off the rez with tap water and just using the distilled for mixing concentrated nutes to adjust the EC?

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I was thinking the same. My bubbler has 2 plants in it and it uses about 10 litres every 2 days.

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Looking good bro. Lol i got the same method of irrigation (hose pipe) mine runs off a pump in my water tank in the attic

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Yeah I use the gallon of distilled for concentrated solution since it’s a mix and the more you can use the better it will stick to it’s listed % of NPK and micros.

I apply that 1oz per gallon to my system which uses tap water. System is around 95gal

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Entering week 3 from flip

I used to make screens out of PVC and drilling holes and weaving fabric. What do y’all think of those plastic and polyester premade screens and attaching vine clips? Really don’t feel like making another one.

These 4 plants grew so much and about 14" above screen. Coulda filled up the whole room if I put the screens on earlier instead they got too tall.


Ive been wondering the same thing. I have been re-stringing my same PVC SCROG frame each grow. Its a bit of a pain, but less $$ and work than a trip to home depot. I might consider trying the plastic stuff if its cheap enough. I dont see why it wouldnt work unless it stretches too much under weight.


Are those black and yellow containers from Costco? If they are, they’re a damn good deal, right? I use one to mix soil in and I have a bunch around the house to store stuff in. If I remember correctly they were like 7 or 8 bucks. Can’t beat that.


I get the 27 gallon ones from Home Depot. They are normally about $11 (the smaller ones are cheaper) but they regularly go on special for $9.


Week 3 entering from flip. Buds are starting to pack. Added 0.5g/gal MKP (PK boost).

Do my leaves look too dark?

At 1.1EC currently. This was taken a few days ago before I left for a minivacation. Will be back tomorrow. Can’t wait to see how much they swelled.

Busy day tomorrow. Need to get another trellis on them and res change and start cutting back the CaNO3 with some CaSO4 and K2SO4


Nice job buddy, as always.


Thanks DB.

I came in the garden after being gone for 5 days and noticed some white crumbs on the leaf. My original thought was powdery mildew. I looked at it under 60x and it just looked like crumbs possible drywall from the ceiling?

Guess I’ll have to do a more thorough scan before lights come on.

All the microscope pictures of PM look fuzzy and cotton like.

This was more granular and was like a tiny piece here and there. I removed the leaves and examined them in my kitchen and the granules knocked off quite easily.

If I find more I’ll take a picture and maybe someone who reads this and has experience can give me a clue.

Humidity controller is set to 55% and AC is at 75F


Most of the buds are starting to connect and she is stinking bad.

Put some strings up to connect vine clips on to hold up the plant once it begins to swell since it stretched so much.

My hands still stink after a shower and many alcohol hand washes.

Noticed what appears to be a K and Ca deficiency. The K might be burn though I’m pretty low.

I’ll take pictures and post em later


Looks sticky for sure!

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They have packed on so much in 2 days. We’ll see how they turn out. The last time I grew this I had big rock hard buds. Not trying to jinx it but these will be bigger. Better lighting this go around.


Excited about this strain. About day 30 from flip

Room is 10x12 and room nearly filled with only 4 plants