Receptivity to Regs/Poly Hybrids

Update update, get your update here!

So, I am so happy to have this grow under my belt. My first time growing outdoors, and it was some seeds I made. It was quite an amazing experience, on more levels than I can describe.

For one, I got to see what the power of the sun really does, to these amazing plants that we all love, and are so passionate about. I also got to see the truth behind when you make some F2’s, depending on the lineage, the diversity and variety within the second filial generation will be insane.

I truly was astounded. There were three or four plants that seemed very similar, in terpenes and structure, and we’re very reminiscent of the F1 generation. But, as far as the rest of them, Holy Shit Batman! It was incredible. The bud structure, the morphology, the different smells and looks, I am needless to say, very impressed.

I would love to take the F2’s to an F3, but would like to go in three different directions. One, I found a heavy GMO leaner, and would love to use something like this as a mom for a set of F3’s. I would also like to isolate the Durban Poison leaning pheno that I found, and take that further. And I haven’t decide on the third.

All that being said, it was an adventure, it has been fun, and I hope that I maybe inspired or stirred up something in someone, to either grow some seeds they made, or just do the damn thing in general. Haha.