Receptivity to Regs/Poly Hybrids

Hello, recently made some seeds, and am passing some out, interested in seeing other people grow them. Currently growing them myself outdoors right now. Will upload pictures. Curious of what people like to grow, as far as photos, regs, fems, and why. Holler at me.


Fem photo for me , lowers my plant count , saves on space , time , effort , electric and nutes

I just grow and smoke them , no chucking : )

I usually do a mix of reg and fems as a compromise


Fems and regs regular for selecting moms. Fems for bud for medical needs, usually all fems unless I am reproing.


Regs all day. I can make many, some, or no seeds depending on how I feel.


I’ve overstocked on photo regs because I was so hyper focused on getting things that can be selected and bred, I could definitely use some fems for some guaranteed girls.


I’ve culled so many males recently the fems are looking better and better.


I personally am a huge fan of photo regs, but that’s just a personal preference. I definitely understand the use and the desire for photo fems these days. Currently just making photo regs, but maybe in a couple years I’ll be able to try my hand at fems

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Photo regs are still my bread and butter, I just need something to grow just for burning too lol

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Both! If I want to keep them going I make regs, if it’s to make maximum use of the holes I have to dig then I make fems. Both have a place imho.


Little more of an update. The seeds I was talking about that I made, back in February, were initially done, with the intent, on keeping around a bunch of really nice genetics that I had received from friends, via cuts primarily, that I wasn’t going to be able to hold on to, because we were expecting another baby, and needed room in the house for everyone haha.

That being said, I just now am finally getting around to shutting the grow down, unfortunately. And I’m currently growing some of these seeds that I made, outside in some “Coot’s Mix” and they are kicking ass. Would love to see others grow them out as well. These are all Photo Regs.

The Story:

I ended up popping a pack of seeds that I got from a friend on freebie. That pack of seeds, Koffee Mug. PNWRoots Koffee F4, hit with Mean Mug male, from Freeborn Selection’s. I really really enjoyed the smells and structures on the females I had, so I ended up picking a short squatty, huge leafed male, out of the pack, to do a seed increase/F2 4 Pheno’s, two leaning very close to one another. Almost all of the Koffee Mug, were super heavy GMO and funk, and very similar in structure. I can’t wait to smoke some again haha.

The Females/Cuts (Who received the Pollen):

Emergen-C (Dude Grows Cup Winning Cut)
Jelly Pancakes (In House Genetics)
Garlic Goat (Irie Genetics)
(Banana Cake x Grapleberry)
Mandarin Sunset (Ethos)
Peanut Butter Pie (RAW Genetics)
Sour Mac 4 ( BlessCoast Seeds)
Blueberry God’s Gift ( Mystic Genetics)
As well as 4 Koffee Mug females.

Anyway, I will upload some images of the initial plants I grew before pollinating, and then I’ll post pics of the plants I’ve got going outside this year. Would love to hear others thoughts.


Very nice! I will try any strain that is described as “Heavy GMO and funk”. If you have any extras of the funky funky I would love to try them. All the other crosses I am sure are nice as well but I been searching for some funk and I can’t find much. Alien OG I been growing is pretty funky but I want more funk! I have never heard of Freeborn, I gotta look em up.


Big fan of rolling the dice with reg work! I have been diligent at keeping cuts of everything I send into flower, so if I get a male and dont have everything ready to make seeds, I can then veg out the cut and have a go when the timing is right.

@Obski those crosses sound amazing! Nice work, excited to see what comes of them.

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mostly fems due to space. i can run 10 plants/strains at a time. if i run regs i can only expect about 5 or 6 strains…if i double up, i can end up with duplicates of strains and still not even get 6 different ones.

the only regs i have considered running are from OG and some classics that don’t come in fem seeds. still, they take a backseat. i can run 8 fems to get a decent harvest and shove 4 reg in there until the second of flower with expected 10 strains…i will need overflow areas in case i end up with more than 10 females including the 8 fems.

i have not noticed any difference in quality between regs and fems. if anything, the fems are more stable genetically and every single one from all seed breeders has come out close to the descriptions unlike the regs that are all over the place. i have had a single intersex plant in fem seed form from a shitty breeder. i got nanners on a few regs and fems which seem to be limited to cuts or just certain strains…not fem or reg.

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As long as you have enough going on, I don’t really notice a difference in the males taking up too much space. No big difference to me between reg/fem. Feminized makes so much more sense for most modern breeding programs, in my opinion. Feminized seed production is used all across agriculture for a good reason.

ITS ALL ABOUT THE PARENTS, and then testing the progeny before distribution. There is no rush to making good seeds. We have more than enough good breeders as is lol.

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Update folks.

Here are some pictures of Koffee Mug F2’s and (Jelly Pancakes x Koffee Mug)'s in some Coot’s Mix.

Under some Oklahoma sun.

Got some netting down the other day, this is my first run outdoors ever. Definitely will space the plants out quite a bit more next year.

First pic and the couple plants that are looking like they have more budset, are cuts from a friend in Ohio, and are Guptilla.


Look at this, exciting!

Thank you @Obski


Absolutely! Would love to see some pics when you decide to pop them! :pray::crossed_fingers::facepunch::green_heart:


Update, update, get your update here!


Got some early morning shots. Anyone here or paying attention? Haha. These Koffee Mug F2’s and (Jelly Pancakes x Koffee Mug) I honestly don’t know which ones are which at this point. It’s purely speculation, but I have a very good inclination. Anyway, most are smelling very very funky and then a few outliers are kind of sweet.

A few of my favorite ones right here, lookin’ like real champs to me. But this is my first time outdoors.

Then, the most interesting nug structure, and interesting smells, this is definitely a (JP x KM) LOTS Of Trichomes, super frosty. Kind of loose nug structure. May try washing this.