Regular indoor run (first time logging grow)

I love build a soil. Everytime something goes wrong in a run, BAS has something to fix it
Edit: #notsponsored :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also @way4out we haven’t interacted much around these parts; I’m HeadyBear- pleased to make your acquaintance!
I invited @GEMI-CONNECT616 , so we kinda have a connection. Are you an AZ cultivator too?


Yes actually… and thank you btw this is a really cool place I’ve learned so much in the short time of being here on OG it’s awesome!


I agree, but I’m an OG addict. Checking in 40 times a day might not be so healthy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’ve been promising Gemi some face time for months; maybe the three of us can sesh soon
Honestly, I’ve been waiting to have some bud to share…I smoked my last harvest too fast!


Dude I’m the same way I’m not gonna lie recently :sweat_smile:

Definitely Hmu if you wanna sesh I always find a way to have something to smoke lol

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Lol, me too, even if it’s Sunday Goods


Count me in


I use kitchenscraps, nettle, dandelion, grass clippings, tree leaves, … and plant beans at the same time as I sow my cannabis, beans fix nitrogen, chop and drop when the beans start flowering, then the cannabis gets a nitrogen boost. :+1:

If your soil is already rich in nitrogen then the beans will die on their own so can’t overdo it.

And if you get insects like thrips, aphids and catterpilars, they much prefer to chew on bean plants than cannabis.


Beans for real?
Any specific kind?
And I’m supposed to try to keep beans alive at the same time or do I want the bean plants to die off?

Black widow…

Funk Nose…


Looking pretty good man. Those hard curled leaves look like some N tox or too much light (but i don’t see any burn), unless maybe you just watered those… sometimes mine give a little droop after a soak

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Nah I just watered bruv give it an hour :joy:

Last one of this cycle tbh …

I do it semi- regularly to keep humidity proper through growth as they are in the closet…

At this point less is more on the humidity side so I like l said my last “spray down” til harvest for sure


Cool cool. :sunglasses:

Soybeans, favabeans, vetch, any bean will do, along with peas and clover (white, purple, crimson).
You can mix it all together and sow it all, search for “nitrogen fixing crops / seeds”.

Beans grow faster than cannabis and thrive in poor soil, you don’t need to look after them much, just keep moisture levels same like you would with cannabis.
I keep sowing everything in the same pots, same soil, same day as harvest or even earlier.

If your soil is already very rich then nitrogen fixers might struggle and die, that’s fine, just chop them up a bit and let them return to the soil again, no loss.

If they do grow well, then chop them up the moment they start flowering and use them as mulch.
It helps hold moisture and feeds the fungi and bacteria.


Smart cookie. Where did you learn so much

Funk looking cool


The widow is doing ok.
seeds everywhere from this one.


Smooth runnings!

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Trim day for the funk

Black Widow probably has another 15 weeks


So I pulled the Black widow early,
This was by far my worst, longest , and chittiest grow by far .
I learned a ton though and have some decent seed tho out of it so I can’t really complain.
Onto a more fruitful, less stressful grow ,


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