ReikoX's Workshop 2023

Basically I picked the most uniform plants. For example, there were three taller males and a real short one. I kept the four medium sized ones. Basically did the same for the females, but there were more.


So basically a chuck rather than selective breeding. I suppose you did all the hard work when you made the seeds first time around.
Whatever comes I’m 100% sure the Frost will be off the charts. Keep doing your thing bud.


The CMxGAB x Divyder has some selections. I kept the best 50% of the Divyder males. I’ll likely cull any off types of the CMxGAB and select the best females after flowering them out.


My apologies @ReikoX. I should know better mate. I’ve followed your runs for long enough that obviously you have a reason for your selections.
I ask so many questions and querie your grows as my first seed run was successful because of your advice.


Do you think it’s possible that whole block has spores other then just where the punch outs are ?


Not sure. That’s above my pay grade. :grin:


If what i have been reading about mycology (in the hopes of starting on it someday) are true and my perception is correct, yes.
It will have spores all over the block…


The whole block is colonized. The spores come from the fruit. You can however use the block to colonize other substrates as long as it’s not contaminated.


Like @BeagleZ said the whole block is colonized with mycelium which is what you get from germinated spores. The fruit itself grows when fresh air and light are added to the open spot in the box. Humidity and fresh air exchange promote fruiting.
@ReikoX your plants are doing awesome!


Used the Lion’s Mane to make “crab” cakes the other night. :yum:


You can never go wrong with tator tots lmao!


That looks good.

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I have had a block sitting around and noticed it only had two punch-outs I am trying to figure out how to get the whole block to fruit


I culled the four Divyder males. I am down to seven very seeded Divyder females.

I collected pollen from the males and will dry it before storing it in the freezer for a few weeks to hit up the Afterthought Autos.

The Dominion Diesel plants have also been hit with the Divyder pollen. They should provide a few seeds for a future project as well.

I have dried some pollen for a few days. I filtered out any plant material and vacuume sealed some vials with a desiccant. This will be stashed in the freezer for future projects.

Finally, I transferred some rooted clones into soil. The ones in the black fabric pots will become bonsai mothers. The ones in the cups will either be given away or used to create some seeds.


Coming in hot wit A LOT of questions lol…

  1. What best way to collect pollen? Do use parchment paper under it and shake?
  2. How does the drying process work? Where and how/how long?
  3. Are desecants neccessary for long term storage?

I’m about to attempt my first reversal. Got lots more questions I’ll be asking the entire community here and there throught the next few weeks.
Anyone feel free to chime in! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks bud. :+1:


Some people use parchment paper, some use tin foil. Use whatever works best for you.

I know I just leave the pollen on the collection tray/ tin foil/ parchment paper and place it somewhere dark and dry like my closet and let it sit for a few days then I transfer the pollen into backing cups and place the backing cups into an air tight plastic container with a dry pack and give it another day or two. After that I transfer the pollen into air tight vials and put them into another airtight plastic container that goes into my freezer.

I know I do not use them for long term storage. Once my pollen is dry it goes into my freezer until it is needed.


I have two methods. If I want to keep the plant alive, I place a small Dixie cup under the flower cluster and knock off any loose flowers into the cup. I sieve that later to separate the pollen from the flowers. If I am culling the plant, I just cut off the plant and pass it through a 120 micron sieve.

I’m lucky that I live in the high desert where my average RH is 20-30%. So drying is just letting it sit out for a couple of days. Some people use a closet dehumidifier if their RH is higher.

Not sure if they are necessary, but I have had luck with putting the plastic vial in a mylar bag with some silica beads and vacuum sealing the individual packages. I’ve had pollen remain viable for 2-3 years this way.




While looking thru the Irish History Books I Found a picture of what I believe is the Origin of the Mandalore and Grogu…



Posted this in another thread, but I went through my seed stash and these are all the ones I have made myself.