ReikoX's Workshop 2023

Talk about feeling like Family…
The Auto-Plot just got a few plants WIDER.
Thanks immensely @ReikoX


I decided to try and emulate the grass roots beds by wrapping the top part of the beds in some plastic wrap.

The Divyder plants are at day 59 since germination. The back left plant is finishing earlier than the rest. It’s getting the same feed as everything else. I took a sample and the seeds look to be ripe.

I moved the CMxGAB into the flower room. I plan to let them get a little bigger before pollinating them with the saved Divyder.

Finally, I moved the Dominion Diesel plants into the veg room. I set the top light to 12/12.


That plastic should work just as well as they much more expensive grass roots bags :+1:

Holy $%&^* am I jealous of that setup. Everything on rollers too… fml :laughing:


Stopped by the PO box today. Thanks to @MissinBissin, @HeadyBearAdventures, @Cartwright, and @chronix for the OG love!


So glad you got them.
Have a great month @ReikoX
Thanks again for your Trading Prowess.


Cannabis porn your 2023 diary
That hash make me dream waked up.
Amazing aparence the medical efects must be fantastic.


I like the set up.


My grow is not getting the attention it deserves. I only have time for a webcam update. Personal life and work life have been busy the last couple of weeks. I’m sofa king tired.

CMXGAB at day 46 from germination. Not looking great, but they are fully seeded and should limp along to the finish line.

The Divyder on the left are done, just drying “on the vine”. They are at day 74 from germination. The Dominion Diesel are at day 55F and the seeds are pretty much done. I’ll give them plain water for another week or so, then let them dry as well.


10 days without an update is a bit uncharacteristic of you mate hence why I shouted out. As long as your OK we’ll be fine. You do you but please make your way back when stuff calms down and you’ve got more time :v:


I spent some much need time working in the workshop last night. First thing I did was setup the Blumat soil moisture meters. I’ll be trying to correlate the Blumat meters with the Ecowit meters. The former is a tensiometer while the latter is a conductive meter. I will take a reading tomorrow to see how evenly the beds are watered. Next, I pulled out all of the Blumat carrots from the beds and cleaned them very thoroughly. Two of the carrots were empty, that may have been what caused the flood in the left bed. After cleaning them, I set them up and left them soaking in water. They are ready to be installed and callibrated.

Then, I watered the beds to bring the moisture up to about 30% on the Ecowit meters. I kind of missed my mark as the right bed was at 35% while the other two were at 30%. I pulled the drippers and installed some Blusoak drip tape in the beds instead. The drippers tend to get clogged about half way through the cycle. I started to refill my reservoir, only a couple more gallons and it is full.

Finally, I moved the CMxGAB by Afterthought Autos back into the flower room under the middle light. These are doing alright for day 53 from germination. I ran into some issues using organics in the small containers, but fed them some Jacks 321 and they seem to be coming around now. They have been successfully pollinated with the Divyder pollen and there should be plenty of seeds to move this project forward. While moving them, I got a delightful blueberry smell from them. When trimming up some of my mother plants, I noticed one of my males had a single open pollen sack. Hopefully it doesn’t contaminate the CMxGAB, but it should be easy to tell as any progeny wont be autoflowers.

Next I moved on to my veg room. I trimmed my mother plants, and culled the male that was throwing flowers. I then mixed up some Jacks 321 and gave the mothers and the Dominion Diesel plants a good feeding. The Dominion Diesel are at day 62F. I will likely let them go a bit longer. Checking one of the plants, it still had quite a few immature seeds. Finally, I swept everything off the floors and straightened up my mess.

I moved some Dominion Diesel clones in solo cups into the QT tent to make some F2s. It’s amazing how many seeds one can make with just a small plant in a solo cup. By the time the male is dropping pollen, the CMxGAB should be about done. That should avoid some pollen contamination from happening.

Finally I bucked the buds off the drying Divyder plants. The plan is to let these get extra crispy and harvest the seeds this weekend. I’m looking forward to having some Divyder F2s to grow and share. Divyder was the first auto I ever made.

This weekend, I plan to finish installing and calibrate the Blumat carrots. I want to do this step early in the morning, so if I get a run-away sensor I wont dump the entire 10 gallon reservoir on the floor again. Once the Blumats are installed and calibrated, I plan to add the amendments for the next round and cover the soil with some barley straw. I also plan to shuck some seeds and clean up the dirty pots on my workbench.


See, this is my beef with most of this UV testing. In my experience with using 64w of Solacure tubes in my 4x4 between an hour and three per day in flower, I think bud size is perhaps slightly reduced compared to my grows without it. But bud weight and density is better, and my trim is absolutely insane! The UV makes every leaf cover itself in trichs, everything is sugar leaf and I trim much less now because I am happy to smoke it. And my trim that gets sifted yields enormous amounts of nice dry sift which makes me think that overall I’m seeing a net increase in cannabinoid production since the ratio of final harvest (smokable buds and leaf plus dry sift) isn’t just a comparable weight to my other grows, it’s a way higher ratio of cannabinoids to plant material. I don’t track variables enough to say this with any scientific confidence, just my anecdotal experience, but I feel like intense UV carefully ramped up during midday hours ends up producing buds of extremely high quality, with any loss in bud weight yields more than made up for by density/THC by weight and then the extra jar of dry sift in the freezer.


Not a whole lot exciting going on in the workshop lately. I’m finishing up the first half of the Afterthought Autos collaboration. Here we have the Critical Mass x Ginger Alex Blueberry by Afterthought Autos that have been hit with Divyder F1 pollen. They are at day 68 from germination now. The seeds are about finished up, I will likely give them another week or two before drying and shucking the seeds.

These Dominion Diesel have also been hit with the Divyder F1 pollen. They are at day 77 of flower. They will be chopped and dried this weekend. These seeds will be heterozygous for the autoflowering trait. This means they will all be photoperiod plants, but may have a reduced flowering time. I have heard some call them “fast version” or even “super autos”.

I recently harvested a bunch of Divyder F2s. They are dry and ready to find a good home. I have the Dominion Diesel flowering in the QT tent now. There should be F2s of those as well in another 9 weeks or so.

I’ve been contemplating what to do next. I may begin the next phase of the Afterthought Autos collaboration. In this second phase, I would plant some JLo F3 and hunt down the best males. A few weeks later, I would plant some Brazilian Santa Maria by Afterthought Autos and hit the best females with the JLo pollen. Similar to the last phase, I will end up with a bunch of JLo F4 plants as well as the second cross.

Another option would be to run a round of photoperiod plants in the beds. I have several packs that I have purchased that I still want to run. Creme Brulee by LED Seeds, Pure Love by Irie Genetics, and Chem91 x Orang Sour Dub b Obsoul33t. I also have a pack of BOG seeds and some THUNK seeds that have been calling my name.


Clean set up man. Props. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


He always puts on a good show.


Looking good bud. :+1:
I’ve finally started my first reversals of a couple autos in an attempt to pollinate another.
I’m sure I’ll be picking your brain soon! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Dominion Diesel F2s in progress. I put these rooted clones to flower a little over three weeks ago.


That boy doin work!


Very cool to hear you are collabing with Aridbud… he’s a cool cat.
Haven’t talked to him in some time but we did a few trades and he used some shiskaberry seeds i sent him to make Shiskacrit … must be 3 or 4 years ago now.
tell him tynehead tom says hi :wink:
I’m going to pop the last of my azure rockets with some double grape from @GCBudz … might let them have sexy time together out back behind the wood shed.


Aridbud… there’s a name i havent read in a long time. I was on Cervante’s forum with him years back. I never ran any of his gear, and i dont have a NEED to run auto’s like i did in the early days now that my space is better built out.

@SHSC-1 it seems to me, and i’m no breeder type… that the Double Grape compliments everything it touches. I will be dropping a Double Grape x Forgotten Cookies here soon to try outside and see if the squirell’s will let it live.

@ReikoX i need to find time to start from the beginning of this thread and get caught up. It always amazed me how much you always had going on in the past threads.


Got some interesting stuff going on in here as usual, just checked out Afterthought Autos and it looks like they have some interesting mixed cannabinoid photoperiod strains as well. Have you grown out much else from them? I guess I missed the details of the collaboration part but are you just pollinating one of their auto crosses with your homemade Divyder cross to give them seeds to search through?