Relief from an infected tooth

Yeah, you should have seen the look on my wife’s face the first time I told her about it.then i had her to put clove oil in her mouth afterwards lordy I didn’t think she would ever talk to me again.but after that thing popped she couldn’t thank me enough


That’s awesome :joy::joy:


May have to try this one tonight



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det it check by a dentist if you got a infection it could get in your jaw bone then you or screwed that is something not to be taken lightly it is serious…


I feel for you, tooth pain is the absolute worst. Tylenol was made for tooth pain, but don’t overdo it, or it could harm your liver. One thing that I have heard of working to help relieve a toothache is to is to crush a garlic clove to create a paste and apply it to the affected area. Also, mix 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water and use it as a mouthwash.


This right here !!!
I went through this years ago. After a few runs of antibiotics with no success I ended up needing to have emergency surgery to remove it before the infection spread.
Do not mess around with a tooth infection , it can actually kill you .


Well finally got some antibiotics and the abcess popped so much better


Clindamycin the dentist said it’s the strongest one, looking for a dentist now that takes his insurance to get it pulled hopefully today


I have trigeminal neuralgia for life, it was triggered/caused by a dentist poking a nerve that then became infected…wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy.


Clove oil will kill the pain, worst taste you will ever experience though


Thanks looks like he will need and oral surgeon the infection ate away the nerve and is in the jaw bone which has fused itself to the tooth they have to remove some of the bone to get it out now we are trying to get an appointment from the 2 numbers they gave him


Dang man! I actually have a tooth that broke in half recently also, thankfully not causing any pain, but something I sadly need to have dealt with.

I am not really sure if it would help, or if anyone has suggested it. If it is just nerve pain I am not sure it would help but “Oil pulling” may help with the infection and assist in getting rid of the bad bacteria perhaps.

Basically take a tablespooon or so of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth gently for 15 minutes, allowing it to collect and help clean your mouth of any bad bacterias.

Avoid swallowing any of it, and after you are done swishing rinse your mouth with warm water to remove extra oil and then do a standard brushing.

Coconut oil is anti bacterial and I often put it on an area to help with if it seems like im forming a bit of an infected area.

May be worth a shot anyway.


Glad you are seeing some relief!~


Hmmmm. Weird to see all these Og’ers with tooth and mouth issues. Just had one pulled last week, and getting another one pulled in a few days. I have always brushed and flossed religiously my whole life, and am now developing tooth problems. I’m sure getting older has to due with it, but maybe a lifetime of doing bong hits didn’t help either? :thinking: my dentist said she hopes I’m not a smoker because it could cause an infection.


Had this a few months ago thought it was a ear problem for years cus it was that bad hate to say it until its pulled aspirin will be your best bud or cbd

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A roommate of mine had bad oral health & I’ve lost a couple molars to FUBAR infection; the massive antibiotic regimen killed all the beneficial stuff in my gut, 30 yrs of evolution. the geometry change to my jaw changed chewing forever & gave me TMJ issues, as well as complicated hearing disorders.

So my theory goes that passing out every night with a mouth full of munchies-debris is what is going around, (not a virus) :sweat_smile: and probably for multiple & individual reasons. 'Some it’s habit, some mental health, some etc…

But it’s where:

…type of speeches in schooldays should be about HOW to use drugs, not NOT to use, because we all know that’s out the window…

:tooth: lives matter. or something.



Clove oil Clove oil Clove oil! Dentists even use it for pain! If you can get your hands on some it will help tons. Put it on some gauze and put it on your tooth,


mountain dew

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Rinse warm water and sea salt followed by A wad of fresh balled coco leaves packed around the tooth numb the fuck out