Your Health Thread

I just had some blood work done last week and every thing is fine and dandy and also losing weight, finally…but now my nurse practitioner said that my PSA level is high and it’s at 6.1…
I tried to Google the causes of high PSA level but I couldn’t really find anything about it…Does anyone here have any info or have high PSA levels. If so what are you folks doing about?


Have they checked your prostate?

I have my own unrelated health issues…


Try this:


The PSA is a screen for prostate cancer, but it’s been found to be a pretty unreliable indicator. Lots of false positive results that ended in expensive medical tests which don’t show cancer, but it does have some predictive uses.

Regardless, it’s very worthy of a follow-up with your doc if they didn’t fully explain it. Good luck!


yeah, mine was 4 something and i had cancer, had the prostate out last year.


Yes, about 5yrs. ago…had to go to a specialist and he even said it was fine…I had blood work done 5 yrs. ago because my John Hancock life insurance purposes…and thay also wanted to know because they said the same thing , PSA level was high so I went to a specialist and he said it was fine…the specialist is retired so now I have to find another one.


get an exam every year. my doc found a small lump, almost couldn’t feel it. the urologist said he shouldn’t have been able to feel it it was so small. they did a needle biopsy and found cancer. got lucky as hell, then almost died from sepsis. what a ride. keep an eye on it regularly.


Just read that link…but I don’t know about that frequent pissing at night…I was always told to drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day throughout the day and I do… of course I have to piss at night, who wouldn’t…but it’s not every night.


Yes, the specialist stick his finger up there and he said it feels normal…

The reason I had to see a specialist is because John Hancock Life Insurance which I have been paying for about 25+ years said I still have to keep paying because of my high PSA level…but after seeing a specialist and the specialist telling John Hancock that everything is fine and normal they finally said ok, you don’t have to pay for life insurance anymore…Its been 5 years and I haven’t been paying for my life insurance and I’m still insured by John Hancock…

Also I made this thread for everyone who might have health problems…


My PSA numbers were climbing and after a digital exam determined my prostate was enlarged and precancerous. Had the option of DiVinci surgery or beam radiation therapy, choose the latter. Have been cancer free for 7 years now with my PSA numbers in the normal range. Do whatever your physician suggest for you to do and stay on top of it, you don’t want it metastasizing into adjacent organs.


Yup, at 6.1 they generally sound the alarm…
Mine was 13 last month. I’d be getting ‘processed’ but Covid still has the hospitals backed up …and I’m not urgent…
The biopsies are great fun! :wink: :+1:

Here’s a little something from Bowser & Blue to lighten the mood…



How old are you? When I was younger I drank my ass off and partied like there was no tomorrow, I also did drugs and smoked cigarettes and never seen a doctor… 10 years ago started seeing a doctor and had checks ups…I was also fine and dandy 10 years ago no health problems at all…As I grew older I figured it was time for me to start seeing a doctor because I’m not that young any more…btw I’m 59 now…
Once you start seeing a doctor and have blood work done they will remind/tell you when you should come back for a check up. But before I started seeing a doctor I’ve always been going to a dentist/optometrist regularly… Dentist every 6 months and optometrist every year or so…
My last blood work I was fine and dandy got my triglyceride down from 700 to 201 and my blood pressure is also down from before but I’m still taking Lysinopril. I’ve also lost my COVID 19 weight 40 pounds and I plan to lose more…these days I’m also eating well and healthier…@Shadey has help me a lot on good nutrition.


For optimum health purposes Dr.Skunky says “Smoke weed…everyday.”


What a ride! No kidding! Glad you didn’t get off early!!


thanx. me too. it gave me a whole new outlook on things and a divine mission. i have never been more at peace and happy. i’m blessed.


Look on YouTube there is a lot of info on there.

Basically it’s because your testosterone levels are dropping and getting out of balance with your estrogen levels. You may also be low in Selenium and Zinc, the prostate contains around 85% of zinc that’s in the body.

There are 2 types of hormone involved in creating testosterone so your doctor may tell you that you testosterone level is normal, but without the other part, can’t remember off the top of my head what it’s called, the testorone can’t be used well.

Stating drugs reduce cholesterol, which testosterone requires to be made, so if you are taking statin drugs that’s probably the cause, refined carbs and alcohol have a direct affect on testosterone production because insulin affects production as well, because it depletes vitamin B levels in the liver, needed for enzymes in testosterone production.

So basic correction is done by, cutting refined carbs down, intermittent fasting, correcting vit and mineral difficiencies, doing resistance training exercises.

I have noticed myself when I start having more refined carbs or booze my urination frequency gets higher at night. Low potassium can cause this as well so check the colour of your urine it should be lemon yellow in color, if its lighter in color you may be over hydrating and flushing out a lot of electrolytes with your 8 glasses of water a day.

Cashew nuts can cause the same symptoms as prostrate problems so if your eating them frequently in your diet that may be a contributing factor.


Congrats on the positive blood work and the weight loss, that’s awesome! As for the high PSA level, it’s understandable that you’re concerned. While I’m not a medical professional, a high PSA level can sometimes indicate issues with the prostate. It’s essential to follow up with your healthcare provider to discuss your specific situation and get a better understanding of what it means for you. They can provide more insight, order additional tests if necessary, and guide you on the best course of action. If you’re looking for individual health insurance options or have questions about coverage, you can check out It might provide some helpful insights and resources.


Starting in the early 2000s I was going to the hospital every six months, sometimes multiple visits over the course of a month, each time. I once did a whole 3 weeks (some may scoff at that low number, but my hat is off to you. It is not fun) waiting for specialists appointments…

I lied to every one of them for ten years and they kept throwing CHS (cannibinoid hyperemesis syndrome) as the cause. I knew that wasn’t the case, but I chose to lie to myself about what was causing it, and in doing that, I know numerous doctors had uploaded my data into various surveys as “patient still uses cannabis against doctors orders” that’s a triple edged sword. I’m not winning, doctors aren’t winning, and piles of steaming hot data garbage are being documented.

Truth is, the sickness was always my doing, depression will kill you, and hide the evidence behind a bottle, under a needle, in your food, in your very being.

Your mind and body are intertwined and one must manage the ratios

Food is medecine

Oh, and be honest with your doctor. If you show real interest it might spark that ol medschool flame and everyone wins


Higher PSA levels DO NOT mean you have cancer. I’ve been going thru this shit for 5 years now and my latest PSA was 14.6 down from 16.1 5 months before.

I got a couple books from the library. One was 660 pages called The Whole Life Prostate Book by a Dr. Ballantine who is the head urologist at John Hopkins or some other big hospital down there. I read the stuff pertinent to me with prostate enlargement then read the whole damn thing cover to cover.

Another good book is, The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster by Richard J. Ablin who invented the PSA test back in 1970.

I was getting up 5 times a night to pee nothing and not getting back to sleep because my shrunken bladder kept sending the signal to pee. I now sleep all night using various supplements like zinc, copper, selenium, milk thistle and a daily gel cap from Webber Naturals called Super Prostate that has 320mg Saw Palmetto extract and some other goodies.

My last of 4 MRIs which was a special hi-rez one I had to drive 5 hours down to Edmonton to get puts me at level 2 out of 5 so nothing to worry about. My urologist has been bugging me to get a biopsy and I guess he’s pissed off at me as I never even got a call about this last MRI done early December.

At my age, 68, it is almost certain that I have at least abnormal cells if not cancer in there. 95% of prostate cancers will never even bother you and you’ll die from something else. Once they find anything like abnormal cells they’ll want to do more nasty shit to you especially in the states where they are building billion dollar clinics just to rip out men’s prostates based solely on the results of a PSA test.

Don’t be a victim of this outrage! Educate yourself.

Being Canadian I get all this stuff for free. Everything down there works like it did when I was 30 and it worked excellent back then. Because of my shrunken bladder I do have issues with frequent urination but if I cut back on coffee a lot of that would resolve itself.

Going to Edmonton tomorrow to pick up a boat so I can go fishing the rest of this summer!



I went to a specialist, a urologist and he ended up taking another bloodwork and I will find out next month if I need a biopsy…