Any nurses or doctors !? …Graphic!

Well I was making a dam down by the creeks …grabbed a rock that was pretty heavy but the water would help move it along …started swing it underwater …crunch a finger sandwich in between two boulders was miles away from socialization alcohol wipes and wrapped it for a day now home …. No er trips please ! Self care natural at home remidies pain level as we sit 4


I heard if you pee on it it neutralizes the sting…

Wait, or was that something else?? hrm… :thinking:


Wash your hands! Then super glue it shut.


I tried soaking it in cider to no avail but on a serious note

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wash out with soap and Head to the ER or urgent care if you can. you might need x-ray and sutures . source: i am a xray tech by education


Clean it until it burns. Pick out any particulate matter. Clean it again.

I once ripped my foot open on a reef and I was in the middle of nowhere. I pulled a huge wad of sand out of the wound and cleaned it with Guaro which is like a cheap rum.

It wasn’t fun but it was fine.

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Ouch. I was an EMT but not a doctor lol
Just make sure to keep it cleaned and wrap it up to protect it from getting any infections

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I appretiate it I’ve contemplated it but second day is better then first day so we r making progress …that’s what a normal human would do if they had insurance but unfortunately that’s not the case

I am worried that you have a tuft fracture

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You know it mad gotta do what ya gotta do ! I have had a lot of good flesh wounds but those fingers r the hardest to heel .prolly gonna have to take a few days of from drywalling

Please elaborate

its a fracture of a distal phalanges typical of hammer of large object impact where the figure is pinched. the discoloration and pain / swelling is my worry. Fingers are important but hard to heal properly so please don’t feel the need to be tough about it.


I’m just trying not to go in debt while buying a house lmao …I can bend it if I try really hard with almost no pain only pain is when it tears the cut from opening …
I greatly appretiate your input and concern for a stranger !

Yes America gotta love it lmao …do you think ithcimol ointment that black sauve goop would draw out possible infections

that looks unbelievably painful!! that exceeds all the finger-smashing I’ve ever done by 10 times! :smile: If you don’t feel like going for stitches buy some steri-strips at the pharmacy and use them. I split my leg open on a rock and had good luck w/ steri strips holding it closed for a few days.

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no, google proper bandaging. nothing to draw out yet. Clean clean clean is name of the game. like a gallon of super clean water a couple time. a walmart run for gaze and triple antibiotic ointment. you can ask the pharmacist for help on what you need thats cheap


I usually use the ol super glue but if you zoom in on first picture you can see the fat or whatever hanging out of blister it’s like my finger popped deff changed the mood of camping trip but I stuck it out and carried on girlfriend just had to step it up wich she did …don’t get me wrong I did more then I should have while being Injured …she called me one arm Robby :crazy_face:

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I am out of here but please be safe and watch for signs of poor blood flow or infection! Best of luck.


Only in porn movies :rofl:

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