Remember the first time?

First time I got stoned was a year later on my 17th birthday. I had pretty well given up on getting stoned. Hated alcohol, still do. Weekend after my birthday my mom let’s me throw a small party, makes us a cookie sheet of jello shots, and says don’t hit the liquor cabinet too hard. We get through the game, and the jello shots and 5/6 of my boys are passed out. My dude, we’ll call him “R”, and I step out to the garage for a cigarette. We’re kicking back on a couple old couches that were in the garage for the Great Danes, and I ask him if he might know where we could find a bag? R stands up and starts digging in his crotch like a crawdad got him. I was very new to the scene so I had no clue what hell he was doing. I turn my back to give him some space/ privacy and he nudges my shoulder. And BOOM, R pulls a dime bag out of his underwear.
Me: “Cool… fuck dude! I don’t have any papers!”
R: “Got a soda can?”

We burnt half the bag sitting there. He’s fried and giggling, and I’m getting upset, cause, AGAIN, I’m not feeling anything. I finish my cigarette, flick it out the door and announce that I need to pee as I’m standing up… it hits. The world spins and I fall back on the couch as my head hits the clouds.

Finally! Something more than cotton mouth and munchies, and I’ve loved it ever since


I can honestly say, I can’t remember the first time oddly enough. I know I was around 14 though. Which means I’ve been smoking weed off and on for 53 years. Now I smoke it pretty much every day, all day. Making up for lost time I guess. But sadly no, I don’t have a fond memory of my first time.


It was the early 90s. My buddy Bryan said he knew a dude who was staying in the motel behind our high school, sold weed, so he snagged a bag of schwag. We smoked it at my house since my parents smoked, we thought we’d be able to smoke upstairs in my room & not get caught. We were right :metal::rofl::rofl: lol, but several weeks later me & my buddy Joe weren’t so lucky, my Mom walked in on us :open_mouth: fuck, busted! --actually not really, she was just concerned we stole their weed. I assured them we didn’t & we were good to go :rofl::dash::dash::dash:

That first smoke with Bryan was hilarious though. It was Mexi brick, and we got STUPID high & could barely form sentences :rofl::skull:.


Just saw your post really nice man…I think my first time really getting stoned was early high school around the year 1999/2000. Mid grade was prevalent in our area so pretty decent smoke and used some garbage ass strawberry flavored rolling papers but remember eating at mellow mushroom afterwards.


The first time I smoked I didn’t get high. I was 16 and smoked a tiny joint with 2 friends in a burnt down house that crack heads would crash in.

About a month later I met up with a friend who had been smoking for a few years and was known to get good weed.
There were a few of us but I only knew him. He rolled up a blunt and the 4 of us shared it in his buddy’s bed room.
Puff, puff, pass was the game and I smoked two rounds before it hit me.
Started at my head and worked its way to my feet. Felt like my whole body had pins and needles and I was fucked up. Time became very distorted as did sound. The cotton mouth was so bad I chugged a large bottle of red Gatorade, and immediately threw it up.
I had driven my friend and I to this person house and as we were leaving I told him I could not drive.
I laid in the back seat, body still pulsating with time still distorted.
Ended up crashing at his place that night and he had to help me walk to his room.
Didn’t smoke again until I was 19.

Since then I’ve been hunting for the strain that basically had me tripping. Haven’t found anything close…
I’m taking a reset until my next harvest in hopes something kicks my ass like this. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


It’s not called DOPE for nothing! stoned-smiley


I think it was 1973-4 at the local ice rink in my hometown. I smoked a joint on strawberry rolling papers. My eyes got red as the devil but no high!

I waited a couple years to try it again and wow! I knew then Mary Jane and I would have a lifetime love affair.


I became the president of Burkina Faso after a 3 day long bender.

I sought reelection but once was enough.