Research of old dutch blood :)

Just to clear something up…despite wat its reseller says …the original creator of mango haze says that it has the same f4 skunk haze-c father as supersilver haze and the same father was used to make wat shanti now calls haze-ac…the mother plant for super silver haze is nl5haze-c (c5(1)clone)…the mother of mango haze is nl5haze-c too the only difference is that its not the c5(1) clone but a clone called c5(122), this 122 clone is a nl5haze-c clone and is a full sister of c5(1) clone but is just a different pheno…the c5(122) is a pheno dubbed the mango but it is definitely not a5haze mango pheno…so mango haze an super silver haze wen they wer originally made had no haze-a in them an still should not unless shanti has changed something somewhere to make seeds which would completely alter the line as you can see how a slight difference in the pedigrees of ssh an mango haze afects them…never mind completely changing a plant from a different haze line in the pedigree…or he has been line breeding Neville’s haze to nevil’s selected supersilver haze clone and his selected mango haze clone…however wat shanti calls haze-ac is made with a a5hz mother and the same f4 skunkhaze-c father.
Ssh= c5hz(1) x skhz-c
Mango haze= c5hz(122) x skhz-c
Haze ac= a5hz x skhz-c

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Homegrown Fantased’s Misty I’ll put up against any elite out there … In 1998 I bought this lose beans , Sensi’s Jack Herer , Sagarmatha’s Yumboldt and Bubbleberry … all amazing smoke , The Misty was as good … They still have the same genetics . Killer pot …

Haze a and haze c were both males…so if I’m not mistaken haze ac is a5×hz c. Neville never sold haze a by itself…well not in catalogs

5ac is different to what shanti calls ac…5ac is wat eventually became known as Neville’s haze but wat shanti now calls ac is actually a5xskhz-c…he only uses a male seed of this an has used it in his rock and roll serries…its different to Neville haze hence the two different names.

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Yes…you are correct. Nev and shanti really made you work to answer what you wanted to know.

Why do you say that about Shanti and how do you know that ?

Can you clarify your questions…I go by the original maker of those strains an the person who originally held those plants and gave you an evryone just as much as a chance of having the same plants

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Ok I understand wich statement of mine your asking about…shanti himself has said he went back to old seed from a5hzxskhz-c an selected a male from the line that equally represented both sides of the haze lines…an caled this ac

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